Together Yet a World Apart

yes, this is the last chapter. it's been fun...

i'd like to thank all my reviewers, my muse, albel and nel for existing, angel of atonement for clearing some stuff up, my computer for putting up wtih the thousands of errors, and finally me, for writing it.

i hope you like it. oh, and i warn you, it shall be wrong as i haven't completed the game (stupid sister stole it...grrrr...).

so here it is. oh, and the last two lines are supposed to rhyme. just so you know.

miss me! (maybe you could review as a gift for working so hard? maybe...)

He gasped, eyes widening in pain. "I...I failed..." A body hit the floor, never to rise.

"Albel!" Nel ran towards him, shouting. Please don't let her be too late. Please...she skidded to a stop and helped him up. "Albel!"

The warrior stared at his 'creator'. He had done it. He had, in a way, avenged his family. He felt so...empty. Always, after the bloodlust, after the battle, when he stood there alone, covered in blood...lonely and empty. A joke.

He heard the symbology users healing those that needed it, rushing about, congratulating each other, yet stunned into silence. The creator was gone. The god had been killed.

Sighing, he dropped to the ground. Nel followed, sitting in front of him. "'ve lost a lot of blood. Please..."

He nodded and pulled off his shirt so she could treat his wounds. She could feel it, the emptiness, the black void that consumed him. She hated it, hated what it did to him, hated that she couldn't do anything but sit and try to help. Her delicate hands traveled over the hard muscles of his back, rubbing in the salve. She had used all of her runological energy during the fight; what was left couldn't be used to cure poison, never mind his wounds.

As he held his hair back, she continued to apply the thick mixture, acutely aware of what she was doing. Trying very hard not to blush, she focused on his braids. How did he do it? And as for washing it...

Finishing his back, she started on his chest, conveniently forgetting he didn't need help. He leant backward, tipping his head back, eyes closed.

"It is done. I have fulfilled my oath."

She remained silent, knowing he was about to say more.

"...And now I am empty once more. I have no purpose."

Nel knew what he meant. She felt the same; lost, looking for some reason to live. Before, it had been the war, and after that stopped it had been to fight the Creator. But, there was nothing. "Maybe Fayt will take us with him."

He shook his head. "He'd break the laws, end up in prison...besides, he won't need us." The spy finished, and he slipped his shirt back on.

"What about when we get home?"

"Well, you'll probably try and find some errands to do, or volunteer to clear out the monsters. Me...well, I'll just drift. The war was my life, and with that gone..." He sighed. "Maybe I'll go live with Crosell. It'll help build my endurance. Great fun, considering the dragon hates being social."

"Sounds like someone else I know..."

He laughed softly. Hollow, empty. Swallowed into the black pits of guilt and self-loathing.

"You could...always come with me."

He smiled sadly. "I'd like that. The sunrises are always better over in Aquaria."

She nodded. "It's beautiful, seeing the city bathed in light, slowly waking up. I've seen it a thousand times, and I love each one as if it's my first." She looked up at him. "But I think Airyglyph has the best sunsets. We could go see them, together. Sitting on the cliff, watching the snow'll be perfect."

"It would be. But it can't. Interaction like that is still frowned upon."

"So? Who cares? You've never let it bother you before."

He stared at the ground. "Maybe one day..."


His hands closing round hers, he leant forwards, letting his head rest against hers.


Maybe she will forget. Maybe she won't. Maybe, one day we'll be able to walk together hand in hand without fear of being scorned. Maybe. But one thing's for sure; I'll never forget that journey, or the words we said. I'll never forget her smiles, her soft voice, her gentle touch. She was the one who broke through the barriers, she was the first I...loved. Because I did. Because I still do. I realize that now. And I will have her. I want to feel that security every day, I want to be able to hold her, to hear her whisper my name. I want her comforting words, her light. I want her. I need her. And maybe one day, that will all come true. Maybe. Maybe not.

But if it does happen, will she die, like my parents? Or will she betray me and run away, like my sister? I hope not, but Luther was right. Those I love have a tendency to die. But I won't let that happen to her. I'll fight, and I will protect her, to the bitter end.

These memories will stay in my mind forever. The words we spoke stay clear in my mind. Her touch still burns my skin. But there is one thing I shall remember for all eternity; the feeling of security as we sat there, my forehead resting against hers, our eyes meeting, sharing what could be our last moment like that. I will never let go of that memory. I can't. It's as if letting go would betray her. And I won't do that, not after everything she has done for me. Like she said; the pain doesn't go, but the nightmares do. And they have gone, and they have left me. But there are other dreams. Dreams that scare me. Terrify me. She is dying, over and over again, and it is my claw that pierces her flesh, my talons that so cruelly grip her heart. And all the while she does nothing but smile sadly, green eyes forgiving, yet hurt.

So I'll cling on to those precious moments, I'll hold them close to my heart. I'll always remember that time we spent,

Together, yet a world apart.