I did it again! I am so so sorry for updating so late again.

My new job is really taking up most of my baby and mine own time cos' of an old spinister boss who is like a never dying mosquito that keep buzzing every now and then asking me to do this and that. God, she is so irritating! Can someone just sponsor me to hire K to asassinate her hahaha...

Alright less talk new chappie...enjoy!

Disclaimer: The usual (heee... I am in mysleepy mode Zzzz...)

Part 5 – Confessions

"Sakuma-kun, wait up." A worried green and spiky short haired youth waved and ran up to the school No. 1 popular student.

"Hi, Hajime-kun na no da." The school president smiled as he waved his pink bunny. "Kumagorou asked what can he do for you today?" He shoved his pink stuffed toy in front of the panting boy face.

"O, it's like this, Sakuma-kun. My mum called to say that my dad is in hospital so I need to rush over now. But the thing is I still got detention supervision duty later, I was wondering if you could stand in for me." Hajime asked shyly.

"Mmm…" Ryuichi scratched his chin and thought for a while.

"Well, I can understand if you can't make it." Hajime said, trying to hide his disappointment.

"Haha… na no da, of course I would love to. I have not done any detention supervision duty since the last incident. And Kumagorou think we should help each other in need." Ryuichi beamed as he hugged his soft toy tightly. Since this time, no one knows about it, it should be safe.

The last incident was a disaster since everyone knew that it was Sakuma Ryuichi that was going to supervise the detention, the whole school went chaotic. For the first time in history, everyone wanted to go for detention. Ryuichi still shuddered at the thought of it. He thought that since this was a talent/celebrity school, he wouldn't get into any fans trouble. And was he ever that wrong. Why can't they leave him alone since Nittle Grasper was disbanded 2 years ago? He kept wondering sometimes for he did not realized the enticing effect he had on people.

"You are a saviour, Sakuma-kun. I owe you one." Hajime said gratefully. "And before I forgot, this is the list of people that are supposed to report for duty." He handed over a book to his saviour before he waved goodbye and rushed off in the direction of the school gate, "I got to go now. Thank you."

"Let's see what we have here." Ryuichi hummed as he opened the book. "Shindou Shuichi…" He whispered, smiling as he closed the book before he walked back to the school building.

Under a tree nearby, a very well-hidden Yuki extinguished his cigarette as he saw the happy male made his way back, "You have done a good job, Tatsuha." And he disappeared into thin air.


Why! Why didn't I push him away like what I did for Tatsuha? I even return the kiss! That was my first kiss! For god sake, he is a devil prince… what am I thinking? But this feeling, it feels so natural… Shuichi touched his lips and blushed before he buried his face into his arms as he rested his head on the table.

Hiro looked at his friend worriedly as he seldom see Shuichi like this before, not even the last time when his pink haired friend ran out of strawberry pocky and they were stuck on an foreign island trip for a week. "Shuichi, are you feeling fine? You have been like this since we stepped into the detention room. Did Tatsu steal your pocky again or …?"

Shuichi interrupted Hiro before he could finish, "It's alright Hiro, I am fine. It is the humid afternoon that is making me sleepy." The pink cutie forced a smile. Thank god. The memory spell seems to work well. Hiro don't seem to remember anything about just now.

"I see." Hiro seem to be satisfied with Shuichi answer and let out a sigh of relief before he slumped his legs lazily up on the table making himself as comfortable as possible since he was going to be staying here for quite some time. Detention sure is troublesome and it is making Shuichi weird too.

"Excuse me." A gentle and cheerful voice said making both lads looked up to the source. "I am the one that is supervising the detention today." The brunette grinned cheekily as he waved hello to the two détentes.

"Liar! Sakuma Ryuichi?" Shuichi murmured under his breath. I thought Sakuma don't do detention duty anymore after that last incident.

"Good afternoon, Shindou-kun. I am standing in for Hajime-kun today." He flashed a wide smile before he settled Kumagorou down on the table. "Kumagorou say hi too."

"Ahem." The redhead coughed indicating that he had been neglected.

"Hi, Hiro kun." Ryuichi greeted politely before he settled himself in a chair near Shuichi.

Shaking his head to clear it of his debating thoughts, Shuichi came to a conclusion after seeing the beautiful brunette appearing in front of him. What am I thinking about just now? I love Sakuma Ryuichi. Only him and always him.

Sensing that he was unneeded and an extra cast in the room, Hiro promptly excused himself to the toilet faking that he had got a stomachache. And being the super nice guy that Ryuichi was, he never doubted Hiro any moment and with a concern look, allowed him to go.

"Shuichi, you better make good use of the time I gave you there." Hiro grinned, whistling happily as he made his way to the gents.

"That boy sure had a good and considerate friend. Don't you think so, Yuki." The dark haired man commented.

"Ch…" The proud and handsome devil snorted as he looked away from his companion, afraid that his face would betray his emotions. Why did I feel torn apart when he is with another person? Shuichi…

Shuichi had a dumbfounded expression plastered to his face as he watched Hiro walked out of the room. What is he doing? Leaving me here all along with Sakuma-san! What am I supposed to do? Shuichi fumbled clumsily with his fingers trying very hard not to look too nervous in front of his crush, thinking very hard of what he was going to say.

It was Ryuichi who started to stand up and moved towards the uneasy guy. Shuichi gulped nervously as he watched his crush stride steadily towards him. "Shuichi." Ryuichi stopped so close that Shuichi can feel his hot breathe. He calls me Shuichi. "Stay away from Yuki Eiri." Ryuichi spoke in a very stern and solemn tone as he placed his hands on Shuichi's shoulders. "He is someone not to be meddling with." He tightened his grip on those shoulders. "I want to protect you."

In a normal case, if this happened, our main character Shuichi would have jumped up in joy and hugged Ryuichi but he did not. Yuki? Stay away from him? "Why?" was all that had come out from Shuichi's weak voice. Why did the thought of never seeing him again hurts me so much?

Emerald eyes met with a confused lavender one. Ryuichi leaned forward, crashing his lips against Shuichi's soft one. Shuichi widened his eyes intently when he realized that his love, the one that he had dreamed day and night of, had actually kissed him. Sakuma kisses me but why am not I happy? The feeling isn't the same anymore. I… He pushed away the brunette and ran out of the room. "Shuichi." Sakuma Ryuichi shouted as he ran after his affection.

Anger built up within the blonde prince as he witnessed the kiss scene. He gripped his fists tightly trying to calm himself down. Why did I feel so angry? He is just a brat that I had a pact with and nothing else.

"Isn't that good? Now the pact is almost fulfilled and you can have him." Tatsuha said, smirking away as he thought of how he could finally lay his hands on the hot brunette.

NO! Not in a way like that.

"Then we can return to the underworld. Mika is going to nag non-stop when she knows what you have done and you know what a nag she is ….blah blah blah…" Tatsuha blabbered on, not noticing that his brother was already gone.


"Shuichi, wait." Ryuichi shouted as he quickened his pace after Shuichi.

Shuichi ran and ran along the hallway, tears threatened to spill out anytime. Why! Why did I think of him when Ryuichi is kissing me? I love Sakuma Ryuichi and no one else until… Shuichi stopped as he had reached the end of the hallway, staring at the big window in front of him, a tear rolled down from the corner of his violet orbs.

"Shuichi, I am so sorry if I have hurt you." Ryuichi apologized sadly, regretting what he had done just now. "I want you to be happy, Shuichi."

Shuichi shook his head and began to sob uncontrollably, "This is not supposed to happen. I didn't mean it." He kept repeating those words as he tried to wipe away those betraying tears.

Ryuichi raised his hand to caress Shuichi's soft pink locks and hugged him tightly. "I have always been watching you, Shuichi. I couldn't help but love you for your naive way, your beautiful eyes, your radiant pink locks and your lovely voice. They all captivated me deeply. It pains me to see you cry."

"Sakuma…" Shuichi whispered, deeply touched by those words as he gazed into those beautiful green eyes. His tears ceased and his body stopped trembling.

Yuki Eiri stopped motionlessly in his tracks as he saw the embracing couple in front of him. He felt like the whole world was twirling as anger rose within him. His eyes raged, turning red as he unconsciously emitted out an energy beam shattering the window, the only big window that was just beside Shuichi. It was too late when he finally came to his senses as he could only shout out in his heart "Shuichi."

Before Shuichi knew it, the whole window was blown apart, sending thousands pieces of shattered glass flying towards him. He closed his eyes, anticipating for the worst as he hugged onto Ryuichi tightly.

"Daijoubu, I will protect you, Shuichi." Ryuichi smiled gently as he hugged his beloved closer, shielding him from those flying pieces. The next thing caught Yuki by surprise. A pair of pure white wings sprouted out from behind Ryuichi's back blocking out all the shattered glasses. "No one can hurt you not even Satan." He shot a glare to Yuki.

"Sakuma-san, you knew." Shuichi opened his eyes and saw the most unexpected thing, a pair of white wings. "Those wings, they are beautiful." He smiled weakly.

"I see, now I know why my magic don't works on you, guardian angel Sakuma. I should have known earlier." Yuki snorted proudly as the cold devil he is, as not wanting to betray the fact that how relieved he was when he saw Shuichi unharmed. He could never forgive himself if he hurt Shuichi. After all he was his claim. That was the most logical reason he had came up with since just now.

"Yuki." Shuichi turned around and saw the dark prince real in person standing in front of him. I want to see you.

Yuki's eyes softened as he saw his pink bundle of joy, not wanting to display his affection for the pink brat, he said coldly, "So I see, you got what you want. So it is time to claim my reward." He faked a cynical laugh. "I shall come for you again, little brat. So enjoy all the time you can with your lover boy before that." He scoffed but his eyes betrayed him again as they glazed deeply into those violet orbs. With a sinister laughter that he barely managed to choke up, he walked off disappearing into the hallway.

Yuki. Those eyes… he is hurt. Shuichi felt his heart wrenched into knots as he recalled those sad amber eyes. I had never seen Yuki like that, definitely not the proud and cold Satan that I have known the first time I met him.

"Shuichi, I won't let him have you. I will protect you at all cost." Ryuichi said as he narrowed his emerald eyes menacingly at the back of the leaving blonde.

"I am sorry, Sakuma-san. I need to go." Shuichi spoke determinedly. Yuki needs me now.

"Shuichi, he is the devil. He will hurt you. Don't go." Ryuichi pleaded holding onto Shuichi's small hands refusing to let go.

"I can't. I hurt him. He needs me now." Shuichi voice broke as another warm tear rolled down his face and it caught Ryuichi by surprise. Realizing that he could not persuaded the boy anymore, he let go of his hands sadly. Just don't get hurt like last time, Shuichi.

"Thank you." Shuichi uttered a whisper before he ran off. He ran, not knowing where to go but he knew he had to find the handsome devil prince. Deep in his heart he knew he had already lost his heart to the devil that stole away his first kiss, Yuki Eiri, the dark prince himself. I love him…


"Tatsuha, let's go. We are going back to the underworld." Yuki waved for his little brother to follow. He will never love me cause he loves another. Yuki felt as if thousands of daggers had pierced through his heart at the thought of it.

"What! But…the boy… you know…" Tatsuha stuttered and stopped when Yuki shot him a menacing look, so he kept his mouth shut for the safety of his own. With a look like that, it's definitely not a good time to provoke the prince.

"Let's go." Yuki commanded as he snapped his fingers disappearing into a black whirlpool beneath him. Goodbye, Shuichi.

A/N: Tatsuha can't read Yuki's mind unless Yuki allow him too.

Next chapter: Will the two lovers met again? Tatsuha stumbled upon a little secret of Sakuma...hehe...

A big thank to all you reviewer: Warchild, solo, KawaiiEarBiter, Tora Macaw (Where are you?), Masqueer11, Warrior Nun, Ka-chan, Demonskid &Aki no Yume1.

And also a big huggie and smack to my new found beta-reader, Jasline sama. I am so grateful for you help.

I apologised for such a short thank you note to all my reviewers but my son need feeding now...gomen ne

Hope this chapter make up for all the slowness.

Ja mata o...