Hi Minna-san! I am back after almost a year of absence!

I have revised and reposted my old fic "Death Lover" after it was taken down by ff net mmm... the reason ? I think is due to the new system of fic classification and I didn't change it so poof the fic was taken down sniff sniff and I lost all my reviews :(

Hope you guys still remember this and for the new readers, pls review. Arigatoo!

Disclaimer: Gravitation belongs to Maki Murakami sensei. Yes, I do not own them (Damn!). This fic is solely written out of interest.

Part 1 – The pact

"Mmm…that's weird. How did I end up here?" A pink haired lad said puzzledly as he looked at the long, dark alley in front of him. Letting out a sigh, the boy mumbled, "Guess that's not much of a choice now. I have to walk through it then." And he took his first step through the alley surrounded by rows of empty buildings that seemed like great tombstones.

As he came to the end of the alley, he stopped and stood in front of an old bookstore. The striking pink haired bishounen stared and commented, "I never knew that there is such an old antique bookshop like this here. Since I am here, I might as well go into and take a look."

"Welcome." An old woman from behind the counter greeted as the boy walked into the awfully quiet store.

The greeting was returned with a cheerful smile. Then something caught the boy's attention. It was a black, old and torn book with the golden mark of a star inside a circle imprinted on the cover. Picking up the book in his hand, he walked to the counter, "I will buy this book. Thank you." He smiled warmly at the old lady.


"God, please let me grow taller. Let my childish face be manlier. At least let me look more like a high school student." This voice belonged to a perfectly smooth skin boy with beautiful soft pink hair sitting at the church altar to pray. "Who's that? An angel?" He whispered as he slowly opened his eyes and saw tall, lean and brown-haired bishounen with white wings standing in front of the church cross. "It can't be." He blinked twice and rubbed his eyes. "Wait, that's Sakuma, my same year classmate. Oh no, what am I to do? He had heard all my prayers." The bubblegum haired youth realized and blushed delicately.

"So you are the one that came here very early in the morning to pray?" The handsome lad began to walk towards the pink haired boy.

I come here so early every morning is because I don't want anybody to hear my prayers. The boy thought.

"You are still not contented with what you are now while you are so cute looking." Sakuma said looking intently into the violet eyes of a still blushing youth. "So what's your name?" He asked.

"My name? Etto…my name is Shindou Shuichi, studying in the same year and school as you, Sakuma san. Doozo yoroshiku." Shuichi replied in an instant.

"Mmm…Shindou Shuichi." He smiled. "May God bless you." And he kissed Shuichi on his forehead and walked off.

"Huh? It's not true. He kissed my forehead?" Shuichi mumbled in a dreamily state.

"Shuichi! So there you are. What are you doing here?" A red-haired lad with his hair tied to a ponytail shouted as he stepped into the church hall. "Shuichi? Shuichi?" He waved his hand in front of the dazed boy a couple of times before he shook his shoulders. "Hey, snap out of it." He shouted as he snapped his fingers a couple of times to get his pal's attention.

"Huh? Hiro. Ano… him?" Shuichi pointed in the direction of the back of a tall and athletics frame of Sakuma.

"O Sakuma? He came to the school church everyday and took care of this church as his family is in the line of priests." Hiro explained. "You see, every morning, he will be crowded by girls and boys. They are all admirers of his." He then pointed to a group of students crowding around the attractive brunette bishounen. "He is good in his studies, sports and almost in everything he does. A very charming guy. I must say he should be the No. 1 popular guy in our school."

How I wish I could grow out of this childish face that I have so that I can get near to Sakuma. Shuichi let out a disappointed look. I guess I am one of his admirers too.


"He kisses me. Hehe…" Shuichi laughed gleefully as he hugged his pillow and rolled about on his bed thinking about what happen this morning. "Haha…he say I am cute…If only I could be together with him, it will be so nice." He paused and sighed, staring at his ceiling full of stars stickers that shone brightly in the dark. Sheesh…what am I thinking…he is a guy…

But…but…but… there is a saying 'Love is Blind'. The youth debated with his inner thoughts. "Hmm…that book, maybe with that book, it will work." He jumped out of his bed excitedly and hurried to his bookshelf to search for a certain book.

"Etto…it should be here. Yes, I found it." Shuichi beamed as he held out a book which title was 'How to make your wish come true with dark magic'. "Good thing I found this book at the second hand bookshop. It was such an old and torn book. But I don't know why I bought it thou. Maybe I thought it would work if praying to God doesn't work, then I will pray to the devil. Oki, let's see how this works." The chocolate haired lad smiled excitedly as he opened the book.

On a new full moon night, I must go into the magic circle that I had drawn, softly say the incantations and let out my wishes. "I wish I can be together with Sakuma." And this should work.

"Be it a guy or a girl, at least get this burden off my chest and I feel better now. If only by praying to the devil, I could fall in love then …" Shuichi was interrupted by a big gush of wind that had blown opened his windows. 'Huh? Black feathers?" He exclaimed.

"My name is Satan. Who is the one that called me out?" A tall and lengthy figure dressed in black with a leather top that covered up to his hands at floating at the window demanded.

"What…what…what…are…you?" Shuichi pointed to the dark figure at his window side.

"Ch…it's been a long time since I am being summoned out. And who knows this time is a small kid." The dark figure eyes shone brightly in the middle of the night.

Black wings, long horns, red eyes and those ears. Don't tell me this is the legendary devil himself."My god, what have I done?" Shuichi asked in shock. "Don't tell me the incantations that I have used is to summon out the devil. Ouch!" An unseen force had pushed him against the wall.

"Baka, don't you know that when you summon me out, you are supposed to die?" The devil laughed. "It's been a long time since I tasted fresh, young blood."

Why me? What did I do to deserve all this? Is it a crime to like someone? All I want is to fall in love with the one I love. Then Shuichi was being lifted up in the air. What is this feeling? I feel so light. It seems like all my troubles are being taken away from me. Is it the feeling of death? Then I don't mind death anymore.

Those eyes. Where have I seen them before? Satan paused and said, "There is a change of plan. I will grant you your wish. Let you and Sakuma be together." And he released a light energy into Shuichi body. Soon a mark of a star inside a circle appeared on Shuichi's right shoulder.

"What! How am I going to face people with that mark? And I have not even got married yet." Shuichi cursed angrily.

"Once the deal is closed, you belong to me." The devil added and a small evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Master, pardon me for saying but if you help this kid, it will be lowering your status." A small, black dragon perching on Satan's right shoulder said.

"Are? That's a dragon and it can talk?" Shuichi asked on the verge of fainting from too much shock.

"Daijoubu, Tahatsu. I think this will be interesting." Satan smiled which sent a shiver down Shuichi's spine.


"Arggg…" Shuichi woke up in cold sweat. Looking around his surrounding, everything was the same as it is, "So that was a bad nightmare." He laughed sheepishly. "And I thought it was real." Jumping out of his bed, he began to change out of his pyjamas slowly. I knew it. There is no such thing as devil in this world. But the feeling was so real. It seems like I am melting away. And those eyes seems like it can look through me and fixed me as a prey. Oh yes and the mark…He thought as he took off his top and examined his shoulder when suddenly…

"Ohayoo, Shindou Shuichi." A figure with wings appeared behind him greeted. "It seem like you had a good dream." His long fingernails sliding down Shuichi's throat.

As Shuichi examined the dark figure closely, he discovered that the Satan's eyes were not red but gold. Such unique colour. And his hair shone like the morning sun, it was not black but blond in colour. His face features were so sharp and defined. If only the person standing behind him was human, Shuichi thought

This chapter may look a bit like "Akuma no Eros" but dun worry as I am not copying that story cos' mine is more interesting as it got Yuki and his co. heeee... D

Pardon me if there are any spelling or grammars mistake as I got no beta and proof reader sniff sniff...