What's to hate?
Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom not then, not now, and sadly not ever.
Two fourteen year olds were walking down the hall way of hell, I'm sorry I mean Casper High. Danny had pretty blue baby eyes
And messy black her while Tucker had teal eyes with a red cap on his head. There other best friend Samantha Manson prefers Sam
was at home sick. She had shoulder length black her and pretty violet eyes. Two days ago they told every one there going to be a
school dance in Casper high. "So Danny who do you want to go the dance with" Tucker asked "Tucker I really want to go with
Paullina but she likes Danny Phantom not Fenton." Danny said a little disappointed. "So you can always go with Sam" Tucker said
in a taunting voice. "I like Sam too, but I don't know who I like more" Danny said with a hint of confusion in his voice. "Don't
worry man you'll figure it out sooner or later" Tucker said. "Figure what out" Danny more worry then ever. "That the person who
you've been looking for has been your nose this whole time" Tucker said. They were half way to there last class right now English
Mr. Lancer of course. "And who's that" Danny asked. "How else could it be its Sam?"
Who wants me to finish the story? Well if you do then I need some reviews. This is DxS story by the way. I know it's short buts it's just the introduction.