Disclaimer: One last time for those in the back…nope they're not mine. All Rowling's and whoever else owns the copyrights.

A/N: This is the last bit. Leave a review so I know what you thought-please please! And a big thank you to those who have reviewed—it means more than you can know. And again Thank You to wirlybird for being my beta on this one.


I wasn't sorry. I had regrets, but who among us here doesn't have some regrets. It saddened me to see Harry's friendship with Ron and Hermione become so strained. They were deeply hurt that Harry had been confiding in Ginny and not them, but learned that Ginny was the kind of friend Harry had needed in that last year. One with an open mind and who didn't judge or try to make decisions for him based on what she wanted for him.

I was glad Granger and the Weasel got their acts together before the final battle. Harry needed them with him. I was surprised that Harry had done what he did to Hermione. From then on every time she pushed someone to give up information they felt was deeply private or personal or any time she tried to pick at her memories of that day or to tried remove what they discovered was a memory modification spell she'd have an instantly torturous migraine. Despite what Ron said it's not something I would have ever considered—well I might have if I'd ever thought of something like that. In some ways Harry was more brilliantly devious than anyone gave him credit for. Ever proudly, his great-grandfather Michael said it was the Slytherin in him. I tend to agree, and among all these Gryffindors it's nice to have a fellow Slytherin to talk to now and then. But in general I really like the Potters and their friends. I've found myself a sort of family here with them.

When I first arrived they kept me from wholly letting my soul go and fading into nothingness. They kept me here in the waiting place with them so I could be with Harry again. Lily cried and hugged me when I first came and then she scolded me. I now know where Harry's temper comes from. She wasn't angry with me. She understood why I wanted to leave, why I felt too burdened and too dirty to go on. She was disappointed that no one helped me that I felt death was my only option, and she was sad because it meant that her son would never have the kind of love he should in life.

I didn't want to hear that. I screamed at her and told her she was lying, that Harry would find someone wonderful and beautiful and he'd have 6 kids and be a great Dad and have all the love and family he'd been denied. I railed against a future where Harry was lonely. I didn't want to believe it. But she sat me down and waited for me to end my little tantrum and explained that Harry wouldn't be bereft of happiness, it's just that he'd never know complete joy. She was really sad when she told me that Harry would never be with anyone because he'd be waiting for me. She made me face what I'd known for a long time but didn't want to see. Harry was for me, as I was for him. He really was my soul's match.

It hurt to watch him give testimony to the Wizengamot and James held me as my memories spilled from Harry's mouth. I'd left the body and most of my shame behind, but some remained, and James showed me it was misplaced. I didn't have to watch, but I did and James was proud of me, which felt so good. It was more real than my own father's pride when I was living and made me feel for the first time that I was someone's son. He was proud of Harry for being my voice, and I was proud of him too, though I know it hurt him to have to see, hear and repeat what I'd endured.

Sev was there and I regret not confiding in him. He wove his guilt for failing me into his misery and wore it like a cloak for the rest of his life. He's around here somewhere but he's never sought me out and I am content to stay with the Potters while I wait for Harry so unless he's rid himself of his guilt and his hatred I won't be seeing him for a long time.

I regret not being by Harry's side as he grew and changed, but I was so proud to see him mature and fully come into his abilities. Prouder still when he destroyed Voldemort and saved our world from his evil and hatred.

I loved seeing him as Godfather to Ron and Hermione's 3 children. They filled a void in his life and gave him the strength to keep loving and caring, even when he was sometimes tempted to give in to bitterness and depression.

I have to add that I'm really glad Harry and Hermione convinced Ron to take the money left him in my estate. He was going to turn it down—convinced it was some kind of statement about being 'better than him from beyond the grave.' Harry punched him. Hermione yelled at him. They all stewed for a bit then calmed down and talked about it. Harry read the parts of my will for Ron very slowly as though he was speaking to a dim-witted child, which admittedly at that time Ron was doing a pretty good impression. He asked him if he thought I'd been facetious about the scholarships too and after Ron thought about it for a while he finally understood what it was I'd been trying to say. And he used the money well. Invested it and made sure there was plenty to supplement his family's needs and wants—remembering that money was only a tool, that real riches weren't anything that could be held in Gringotts.

I laughed heartily along with Remus and Sirius when he became the Hogwarts DADA teacher. And we all had a good time watching the pranks his students pulled and his own continuing misadventures.

I was so happy for him when he became Headmaster. He was truly an inspiration to watch and he made sure that students from all houses were treated fairly, and did a lot that went a long way towards lessening the animosity and violence in house rivalries. His will be a lasting legacy at Hogwarts.

And damn the Malfoy stoicism, I cried when he had the 1st, 2nd and 4th floors of the Southwest wing renovated into the Draco L. Malfoy Student Guidance Centre and hired 3 full time counsellors for students who struggled with themselves, other students, or their home lives. There were larger meeting rooms for group sessions on the 2nd floor and private bedrooms on the 4th floor where students struggling with nightmares or who had trouble with their dorm mates could stay that were safe and secure. During the renovations the walls of the classrooms on the 3rd floor were removed so it was just one cavernous hallway with many windows. Finally Embeth Pinter, the Head Counsellor, talked Harry into letting her do something with the space. I had to agree that it was sort of spooky, plus Peeves had taken to using the echoing space to frighten students.

She turned it into an elegant conservatory with the help of Herbology Professor Longbottom, and even students who didn't frequent the Guidance Centre liked to go there for the serenity and solitude found there. Harry never stepped foot on that floor though and all the students knew it. It added to the floor's mystique in a way I guess, though very few ever knew why he wouldn't go there. He didn't even tell the counsellors, besides Dumbledore, Pomfrey, McGonagall, and Sev no one ever knew where I'd gone to die. Sometimes I'd watch him prowl the school at night staring into the 3rd floor from the stairwell. Those were some of the times I regretted my decision most. I wanted so badly to go and comfort him, wrap my arms around him and kiss away his sadness.

When Harry got sick I was scared. I was so angry they couldn't find a cure for the magically mutated Muggle virus that was striking down wizards and witches at random. I didn't want him to be sick, to be in so much pain. I didn't want him to die. But we all knew his time was coming. When my love breathed his last Lily and James took me to the Gateway to meet him. Only one soul can accompany an arrival to the place of waiting. I thought James should go or Lily or even Sirius, but they'd decided long ago amongst themselves I guess because when we got there they pushed me through without a word. And then I was in that grey Space of Between. I'd remembered coming here and being afraid the first time. Not knowing where to go or what would happen to me and how glad I was to see the beautiful auburn haired woman with familiar green eyes come towards me. As the mists lifted I saw that same confusion and uncertainty in the face of the young man before me. No matter that I'd seen him age and die and old man. He stood before me beautiful and unchanged from the 17 year old I'd fallen in love with.

"Don't be afraid Harry. Do you know who I am?" I asked repeating the words his mother had spoken to me over a century ago.

Deep set emeralds glittered with tears, "Dray?" He whispered disbelieving. "Draco is that really you?"

I sneered playfully and stepped forward reaching out my hands which he took eagerly, "Who else would it be Potter? There are no Boggarts here."

Even as the tears fell he laughed, that rich melodious laugh I remembered so well, "It must be you. Still a sarcastic prat I see."

With a wink and a grin I answered him, "We are, for the most part, in death as we were in life Harry." I grew serious, "There are places of great peace here, and great healing, and great beauty, but this is just a way-station. There is more to death than what you will see here. This isn't the end of the journey, there's more to be seen and another adventure, through the other Veils. This one though," I waved back toward our Gateway, "Is where we will stay for awhile I think. There are many souls anxious to see you."

"My parents?"

I nodded.


I smiled, "Yes and Remus too. And many more Harry." I pulled him along. "C'mon they've been waiting a long time to see you."

He didn't move with me though. I turned to look at him, "Harry. C'mon. They're waiting."

He shook his head, "Please can they wait a little longer? Can we stay here a moment?"

I nodded, the Space Between is safe for all souls, "Yes, but why do you want to stay?"

He shrugged, "I don't really. The landscape here is kind of dull after all."

It was my turn to laugh as I looked around him into the myriad shades of grey mist, "I see your point."

"I just want," his lip quivered and before I knew if he'd wrapped me in his arms. "I missed you so much," he choked out. "Every day Draco. Every single damn day was a struggle. I tried so hard to be what they wanted—the hero, the teacher, the happy and knowledgeable Headmaster, the good Godfather," he sniffed, "and I was those things and I had some really happy times, some truly good and wonderful times, but underneath it all, I ached so badly for you."

A tear fell and I kissed it away, "Oh Love. I'm sorry. I- I didn't know, didn't realise it had been so hard for you. I- we'd look in and see how you were doing, and sometimes I'd see you look so wistful and sad but then you'd have some wonderful experience and I thought it was all balancing out." I stroked his cheek, "I didn't mean to hurt you so my Love."

"How could it not Draco? I have been incomplete, nearly all of my adult life."

I closed my eyes as waves of regret washed over me, "I'm so sorry Harry."

He held my head against his neck and whispered, "It's okay Dray. Just-just," he sniffed, "don't ever leave me behind again."

I pulled back and smiled a little, "Never again Harry. I will always be with you." I fingered the band he'd worn on his left ring finger since the day after I died, "In a way I have always been with you."

For the second time in my existence I was kissed. Sweetly, chastely at first, then with more passion and depth, and the whole of my being hummed with contentment. This was us, as we were always meant to be—together and whole.

He pulled back and looked deep into my eyes, "Love is not lost."

"Never," I answered. Entwining our fingers I turned and led us home.
