KawaiiGameFreak: Didn't think I was gonna end like that, did ya? I added a little epilogue to say a few more things...and guess what? You'll finally get to find out something I mentioned back in chapter 10 of "A Wish Come True?"! Enjoy!
Epilogue: Renewed Hope
I slowly awoke. I was still in my red bean bag in front of the TV. When I woke up, I was hoping that no time had passed, that everyone leaving was just a dream. I glanced at my Animal Crossing calendar on the wall. January 11th, 2006. "Danm." I muttered. I felt so cold. "No duh I'm cold," I thought, "the window's open". It must have been left open all night. I gazed out the window. The sky was blank; no sun, no moon or stars, no clouds, just blank and gloomy, like me. Tears stained the floor and the beanbag, as well as my face. I groggily got up and stood there for a second. "Gone." I thought, my mind still in wake up mode, "Everyone's gone, I'm alone." I was bizarre. A mere ten days ago I was having the time of my life; partying with friends, dancing with YL… "YL…" The very thought of his name brought anger to me. It reminded me of all the pain I'd been through in the past ten days, all the suffering he'd caused. I banished his name from my mind, hopefully forever. Then I thought about Mewtwo. I was still confused about his leaving. I thought he liked, maybe even loved me, but then why'd he leave? I tried to think, but my head wouldn't work. All I knew was that I might never see him again, I might never get the chance to tell him how I really feel. I could've, I should've, but I didn't. "I'm such a BEEPING coward!" I slammed my fist into the hardwood floor. That made me remember something. While everyone else went to St.John's to go shopping in July, Mewtwo stayed behind to work on what he called a 'personal project'. After he couldn't get it to work, he slammed his fist into my friend's game case and…she wasn't exactly happy. But all that was beside the point. He never did tell us what exactly what the project was about, or who it was for. I wondered about it for about five minutes, until I noticed something on the desk. It was my CD player, and a note. The note read:
"Dear Laura,
I'm sorry I have to leave, but I must. I know you may not understand why, but you will eventually. If you want me to come back I will, I promise. For now, I've left a memory. It's in the CD player. I know I'm not the best but I did it for you. I will always remember you, and I hope you remember me to. May our paths cross again soon. Sincerely,
Your not so secret admirer
P.S:I love you(but you already knew that)"
I held the note in my shaking hands. I was happy and sad and confused all at the same time. I was happy because he finally told me how he feels(but like he said, I already knew that), I was sad that he wouldn't tell me why he left, and I was confused as to what he was talking about when he said, "I know I'm not the best but I did it for you.". I decided to find out. I put down the note and placed my headphones over my ears. I hummed the first few seconds and recognized it was the song "True Colors", and that it was the only track on the CD. "Why would he put just one track…" My train of thought was cut off when the lyrics came in.
You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it
And the darkness, inside you
Makes you feel so small
But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
I almost fell over from shock. The voice on the CD wasn't the artist's voice, it was Mewtwo's. I couldn't believe it. This was the 'personal project' he was working on; a song, for me. No wonder he didn't want anyone to know. I listened, not daring to breathe and miss a second of his voice.
Show me a smile then,
Don't be unhappy, can't remember
When I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
Because you know I'll be there
And I'll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
I'll admit, he had what I'd call, "A voice only a mother would love", and most of the notes were out of key, but it was still beautiful. He knew how much I loved music, and this song, but I never imagined he'd do anything like this.
Such sad eyes
Take courage now
When this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
Because you know I'll be there
And I'll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors, true colors
I've seen guys do stupid things in the name of love. Send mushy cards, dance, sing, and if guys could they'd probably fly just to impress a girl. Mewtwo's done three outta four. He must truly love me.
Areshining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid, just them show
Your true colors, true colors
True colors are beautiful, beautiful
Like a rainbow
As the song faded, I began to think about why he did this. He saw something in me that I didn't even see, my 'true colors'. I put the CD player down and just stood there, in awe of everything. Then, as if on queue, sunlight began to pour through the open window, warming the room and myself. As much as I preferred the moon to the sun, I'd gladly take the sun's warmth over the moon's coldness any day. There were still so many mysteries left unsolved; like why he left even though he loves me, and if he's ever coming back. He said if I wanted him to come back, he would. "…He'll come back." I hope, I pray…I wish.
Audience:(claps wildly and gives standing ovation)
KawaiiGameFreak:Thank you, thank you, you're all too kind. Well ladies and gents, that's the end of Part 2 of the, "Wish Series", as I call it. A bit of bad news to end off; this fic is now on hiatus and will not resume for 1 year, this being so I can work on my other fics that are currently on hiatus. To tell you about the third and final fic in the series (currently known as "The Awakening"), it will explain some major loopholes in the plot and…THE HUMOR WILL RETURN! That's right, the series will return back to the original genre, humor/romance. I can't tell you much, but it involves drunk driving, a street party and the nuts you see on Hockey Night in Canada (the ones with the face paint, wigs, etc.). I already thanked everyone in the last chapter of "A Wish Come True?" so I have nothing more to say except…well…nothing actually. Sayonara!