Chapter nine – The Cinema's

Rachel, who was too stubborn for her own good, ignored Brit's helpful advice of talking rationally to Black and instead hurriedly stuffed more contents in her bag. She strutted out of our room in a very James-like manner, her blonde hair flicking dangerously in her ponytail.

"This better be a good movie," she called from the corridor, sarcasm leaching out of her mouth.

I rushed out after her, scared she might do something rash – that extended the boundaries of "just talking" with Black. Shouting obnoxiously, to the point of bellowing like a troll, I knew, was not beyond Rachel.

"Wait up!" I yelled over what I guessed was our door closing from above. Faintly above my clambering and Rachel's mutters, I heard muffled laughter from Keira and Brit above. I was glad at least someone found it so funny.

As I continued pelting down the stairs, I heard Rach's loud footsteps stop, making the stairway all of a sudden much quieter. I continued in an attempt to reach her, trying by best not to trip up.

To my horrific surprise, Rach was only a single flight below me. Not expecting her to be so close, I bowled straight into her like a bowling ball, knocking her down like a weak pin. I heard her shriek as I came streaming into her, causing both of us to tumble like round fruit that had escaped the shopping bag down the stairs. My hair flapped into my face, and I lose all vision.

Finally, I felt Rach and I stop; landing in a heap at what I guessed was the bottom of the stairs. My body was aching all over, mostly my legs that had been twisted in all sorts of uncomfortable positions, some of which I'd like to forget. Squirming like some sort of insect, I wriggled off Rach, who had practically caught my fall. As I moved to straighten out my skirt, I felt a stab in my ankle.

I could hear stifled voices sounding far away, when really they were probably standing right above Rach and I. Oh Merlin, I had made a fool of myself in front of Sirius Black and James Potter. Not to mention Reb and Jupiter who are amongst the most graceful people in the world.

"James?" I asked groggily, squinting my eyes open very slightly. He was the only person I that came to mind in such a desperate situation as Black, the other strong male was probably laughing too hard to help even himself.

"Merlin, Evans. Alright?" James asked sounding actually concerned. His voice seemed really distant, coming out in a whisper.

"Ankle," I whispered, scrunching my face, trying to sound brave. I opened my eyes, seeing James and the others crowding around me and Rach, who was still in a heap on the ground, curled like a large cat.

"Give me your hand," James ordered kindly, extending his muscular arm for me to take. Sighing slightly, a little worried that he might drop me, I slowly gripped his hand, feeling his palms in mine. James smiled reassuringly at me as if he could read my mind and my worries of falling back down again. With ease, as if I was as light as a feather, James lifted me up, placing a soft arm around my waist to keep me straight. Reb grabbed my other side, supportively.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, as tightly as I could without strangling the man. James rubbed my shoulders, removing dust from the floor. I felt small stings erupt through my body that made imaginary alarm bells ring. I clung even tighter; for the first time since as long as I could remember, I had never been so relieved to have James at my side.

Looking away from James, I looked down at Rach, who was still in a heap.

Eventually, she sat up. Her eyes sparked open, quickly, and in a swoop she looked from me on one knee, clung to James and Reb, to Sirius, who was standing right above her, looking like nothing had happened. I expected Black to help her up – after all, he was right there. For the second time today, Rach showed her stubbornness, crossing her arms looking up at Sirius, also expecting him to help her up like any person would.

After a few moments, her saddened expression changed to an angry glare.

With a lot of swearing of which I gathered was directed at Sirius just as much as it was me, she heaved herself up, and grabbed the stairwell railing for support. She swayed and staggered, but eventually gained some sort of balance. Sirius had become suddenly interested in the door, and had turned his back as Rachel continued to curse.

"You okay?" she asked me after several moments. She sounded just as concerned as James, so I deemed it safe to reply.

"Yeah, you?"

"I'll deal," she muttered.

It was with relief that I Keira and Brit emerged from downstairs, for Rachel had turned and was about to round on Sirius.

"I hope you can walk," came Keira's cheerful voice, which was in complete defiance with the current situation, "movie starts in twenty minutes."

"Yes," I said, sarcastically, "That's why I'm using James as a post."


"Looks like we can't go after all," Rach said, not even pretending to sound disappointed.

"I can help you walk, if you want." James said, uncertainly.

"How the hell are you going to do that?" Rach asked James, probably wondering if James had a secret third leg he was prepared to offer me.

"You don't mind jumping on the old rump, do you, Evans?" he asked with a grin.


"Get on my back," he clarified. I nodded, seeing no other choice.

Without anymore said on his behalf (Rachel had begun tutting extremely loudly), he somehow hoisted me onto his back. Unless I wanted to fall right back to the ground, I threw my arms tightly around his neck.

"You know, I would quit like my head to stay on my shoulders," he muttered shaking his neck from side to side.

"I don't like this," I admitted, as Remus and Peter began to laugh. Ever so slightly, I loosened my grasp, allowing James to breathe.

"Just close your eyes and pretend you're on a broom, or something," advised James as Reb began signaling for us to leave.

"I hate flying," I answered, rolling my eyes.

"Well, just close your eyes and think," he muttered, quickly. Before I did, I watched as he grabbed Reb's hand.

Remus and Brit took the lead when we were outside, and in a train-like fashion, the rest of us followed.

We had been walking for a while, dodging crowds of people of different ages as they headed home for work. James had to move between tables and chairs that were surrounding the wide footpaths like a maze. Whenever he'd reach a clearing, he'd speed up and enter a run, during which times I would bob dangerously up and down, and cling on for dear life. I had learnt after the first few times of this happening that my orders for him to put me down – or stop – were being ignored.

I felt incredibly lonely – a feeling I was so used to nowadays. Well I wasn't exactly alone, but I felt it. Being so high up does not give me a level of authority like some people say it does. James and Reb were sweetalking each other, making me want to vomit on James's black mop.

A far bit ahead of the rest of us, Remus and Brit were walking together, holding hands. I didn't want to look at them much longer, in fear turning as green as the vomit that was soon about to come out of my mouth after hearing James's last comment made to Reb.

Right behind me, Jupiter and Sirius were in the same position as Remus and my dark haired friend with a smile plastered on her face. I wanted to hear their conversation about as much as I wanted to hear James's.

Turning my head around further, I could see Keira, Peter and Rach brining up the rear. From the looks of it, Peter and Keira were in discussion while Rach walked with her arms over her chest, a sour expression plastered securely in her face.

I turned my head around again, just in time to see a middle-aged woman give me a queer look. That was the 6th look I had received so far. Half of me wanted to yell and defend myself, let everyone know I have a damaged ankle and I am very desperate. I also wanted to ask James if I was getting too heavy, but he was in deep conversation with Reb. I didn't want to butt in.

Deciding there was nothing else to do, I listened in to their conversation.

"No way," James said sounding sure of himself, "I am the best chaser you will ever see!"

Quidditch talk. James had told me Reb played Chaser too. Quidditch was just another thing the pair of them had in common.

"I doubt it," Reb teased playfully, "Is he really that good, Lily?" Reb asked looking up at me, inviting me into the conversation. I blinked in surprise. It took me a while to actually consider answering the question. James was trying to position his neck so he could see me, but was failing. It was common knowledge that James was a good chaser. Knowing he was brilliant was as common as knowing the days of the week or that Rach loved Sirius. But to tell James that yes, I think he's a star and watch as his head swells to the size of a hot air balloon? Someone would call me insane. But still, I did it.

"He's fantastic." I said rather seriously, wishing it had come out not so formal. Although wishing I had said it differently was the least of my concerns right now. I had just said something good about James Potter. Out loud.

I watched him carefully, waiting for him to ruffle his hair or stick his chest out proudly. The funny thing was he didn't do any of those things.

He spun his head around as far as it would go and looked up at me. I was so sure a typical arrogant smirk would be on his face. A smirk that would make my blood boil hotter than any potion I've ever brewed. But again, he surprised me. His eyebrows were quirked in an astonished but impressed type of way.

"You just said something good about me," he said, rather stunned.

No, no, no. This was worse than the arrogant smile and pig-headed strut.

"I guess I can surprise even myself," I muttered.

"Lily- what a milestone!" James laughed, a small playful smirk appearing on his face.

I smiled lightly, thumping on the shoulder. He was right; what a milestone – for both of us.

Reb began to mutter something else about quidditch, although had to stop as soon as she started. We had arrived outside the cinemas.

Two great big doors stood in the middle of the building, in-between light yellow walls. Advertised on the walls, were various posters of movies that were currently screening. We came to a stop outside the doors. I looked at the six posters presenting the movies.

None of the movies showing really interested me. There were a few horrors, an action film, two films that would be suitable for three-year-old children and what looked like a romantic comedy. The only reason the romantic comedy one caught my eyes was because the male actor looked shockingly like Sirius. From out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Rachel picking up on the same familiarity.

"So what are we seeing?" Peter asked, bobbing up and down anxiously.

"That one." Keira said bossily, pointing to the one with the Sirius-clone.

"No way!" Sirius said at once.

"Why?" Jupiter asked.

"I am a male, and I have dignity."

"No you don't," snapped Rachel at once.

Sirius gave Rach one quick glance. Rach rolled her eyes, tapping her foot impatiently, waiting for Sirius to comment. But he didn't.

"Fine," said Sirius after a while, "let's go see it."

"You're kidding?" Peter said raising his eyebrows.

Although Peter was the only one with any hesitation. Brit had led Remus into the cinemas already and Reb was sneakily persuading James to come.

"Only for you." I heard James mutter to Reb, as we vanished through the tinted cinema doors.

I shuffled comfortably in my seat, resting my leg that was aching. Getting into the actual cinema had taken some time. With me still on his back, James had led the Marauders over to the popcorn maker, fascinated by what it does. While being on his back, I had to explain to Sirius and James what it did. Before I could even finish, they had moved onto the cash register.

We also had to wait for the marauders to order food. It wasn't that the queue was long; they were just being fussy. In the end, Sirius had brought enough food to feed a small country and when you added that to James, Remus and Peter's confectionary, they were nothing short of carrying the entire snack stand.

I watched as the credits began to role, not caring who directed the film and who the main actors were. The nine of us had taken up an entire row.

Also paying no attention to the credits and more on the couple beside her, Rach turned to me, looking furious after being ordered by Keira and she in fact had to sit besides Jupiter and Sirius.

"Swap seats with me!" Rach said bossily.

"No!" I replied, turning the other way, ignoring my angry friend, who was sighing so loudly it's a wonder the entire cinema didn't hear.

I half rose from my chair, moving into a new position. I had never been good at sitting in one place for more than a few hours. The movie, which I now regret deciding to watch, was about as exciting as listening to Professor Binns rant about the early 17th century.

As I had expected, James looked like he would rather be seeing the latest action movie than watching some guy and girl snog in the pool. He had been experimenting with his popcorn for the last 15 minutes, trying to see how much he can fit into his mouth at once. I had been watching him more than the movie.

I had caught Keira casting sideward glances at Jupiter and Sirius; she looked like some sort of detective. I knew if Sirius caught her staring, he would blow his top. Simultaneously, Rachel was shooting daggers from the other direction.

When you add the fact that Brit and Remus were staring in their own little movie in the corner, not one of us was watching the film.

"That girl in the movie is like me, don't you think, honey?" Jupiter muttered to Sirius.

I head a loud grunt that unmistakably belong to Keira, "yes, Jupiter, I agree totally. Excuse me if I'm wrong because I haven't been watching this blasted film but the main girl is indeed married, is she not? Oh yes, booming. I can see the resemblance already."

"Excuse me?" Jupiter enquired, her voice suddenly shaky and rather louder than necessary.

"Well you're married, right?" Rach asked. There was an unmistakable flare in her voice. She was loving every minute of this.

Just then, a light from next to me flicked on. At first I thought it was a movie person coming to kick us out for talking. Instead, James had lighted his wand.

"James!" I hissed. "There are muggles!"

Lowering his wand, but not putting it away, James merely smiled.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Jupiter shrieked.

I couldn't make out her facial expression because James had turned his wand in the direction of Remus and Brit who were hunched in a far corner heavily involved. James however, showered them with light, making then visible to everyone else who didn't like the movie. Remus was far but impressed.

"Sure you don't!" Keira suddenly exclaimed.

I buried my head in my hands, thankful there was no one in the crowd who knew me. I didn't know how Rach and Keira had the nerve to argue in the middle of public. At least when James and I used to fight, we took it somewhere private…apart the time in the great hall…and the other time during Transfiguration…then there was the time before that in Greenhouse five.

"Hey, hey! Why don't you," began Sirius, shooting a look at Keira, "and you," he added, now turning to Rachel with a look of utter most repugnance, "leave Jupiter alone. What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing," Rachel whispered.

"Then if you don't mind, there is a movie on with a very attractive girl as the main character," he said.

"Why don't you stop watching that, and focus on what's happening in your life," Rachel hissed. Sirius drew his attention back to her.

"You don't know what you're talking about, so I suggest you shut it," muttered Sirius.

By the looks of things, Rach was done. Abruptly, she stood up and weaved through the seats to the walkway, ignoring the yells from other people in the movies. Jupiter happily moved aside for her, but as Rach approached Sirius, he stood up, blocking her from escaping without an explanation as to her abnormal behavior.

"Move, Sirius."


"Move!" Rachel shrieked.

"There's room to get past!" Sirius said pointing to a small gap between him and a chair that not even the smallest five year old could fit through.

"I'll move you!" she exclaimed. She began in attempting to push him back down to his seat.

All was silent. I was pretty sure everyone in the cinema was watching as Rachel attempted at shoving Sirius.

Somehow, she managed to squeeze past, and gave Sirius a good thump on the chest while doing so. I watched as my friend marched proudly like a soldier up the walkway, pushing open the movie doors so hard you could hear the hinges creak.

Sirius moved around in his seat. James's light, which I admit has been very helpful, shone on Sirius's face.

"Bugger off, Prongs," muttered Sirius, furiously.

"Merlin, she's going to do something stupid," I mused to myself. I stood on one leg, trying not to fall over. I looked over at Keira who had gone into a silent sulk, to Brit who was still too busy to notice me. I had to go after my raging friend.

I prepared myself to hop out of the cinema thanks to Brit and Keira who were being extremely unhelpful, but then, I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist, capturing me in a strong embrace. James Potter was holding me.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

"Helping you. Now c'mon," James instructed, keeping one firm arm around me, while the other took my hand, leading me to the trail leading up to the doors.

I didn't know who I wanted to strangle more: Sirius Black or Rachel. However, at the moment, I had to settle on James. That's literally what I was doing. As he practically carried me out of the cinemas, I clung onto his neck.