Please also check out my newest story called...


Aelita gets taken by a black shadow and they don't know how to deactivate Lyoko, Has Xanna finally won? You gotta read it and find out!


Love Bug Mishap

Yumi comes out of the scanners and bangs her fist on the wall "So close!"

Then she walks up to Jeremy and asks "How are they doing?" He glances at

her and replies, "Not good. Not good at all." He looks back at the screen and

saw just Odd and Aelita. Ulrich walks into the room, and asks, "Hey

Jeremy, any clue where a bathroom in this place is?" Jeremy nods and replies, "First floor, and to the left."

"Jeremy! We are running out of options!" yelled Odd through the ear phone in Jeremy's ear. "We're trapped, and I'm almost out of arrows. And the tower? I

can't even see it!" Suddenly as Odd was about to say something else, Jeremy yells, "Watch out Odd!" Odd jumps over a laser, barely missing his arm.

"Thanks!" (Jeremy finishes a program that he created to add more weapons, more arrows and fans, and swords for if they broke.) "Okay, here Odd."

Suddenly, Odd feels arrows in his hand, and puts them where they belong. "Thanks Jeremy." Odd replies sincerely. With the new arrows, he easily took out

the hornets.

In the bathroom:

"Weird bug… hey! Get away from me! Ahhhhhhhh!"

He faints (typical)

"Ulrich? Are you okay?" Aelita pauses. "We deactivated the tower….why are you looking at me like that…?" Jeremy walks into Ulrich's room where Odd

and Jeremy brought him when they found him fainted in the bathroom.

As Jeremy comes over and realizes Ulrich is starring at Aelita, he told her to go outside for a minute so he could talk to Ulrich. "Uhh.. are you ok, Ulrich? I

mean, your acting… different." Suddenly Ulrich yelled, "Aelita's mine! Stay away from her! Leave me and her alone!" Then he stormed out of his room, and

slammed the door.

"Uhh, Jeremy? What was all that about?" Aelita questioned. Sad and mad at the same time he told her, "Get out, and leave me alone. I know what your doing! GO!"

"Yumi? It's Jeremy. I'm having a problem." Yumi sighed and said, "Ok, I'll get Ulrich and Odd." Jeremy practically yelled, "NO!" When she heard this, she

started on her way to his room, because this was NOT a Xanna attack, it was obviously a "crush-attack". Jeremy and Aelita like each other a lot, and they

show signs of getting together, but whenever he needs advice on these sort of things, he calls Yumi. "Okay, on my way." About a minute after they hung up,

she knocked on the door. Jeremy opened the door a crack, and looked to make sure it was her. When he let her in, he looked very scared. "What's wrong

Jeremy?" she looked at him with concern. "I'm loosing Aelita to Ulrich, and there's nothing I can do." Jeremy hides his head behind his hands. Yumi looks at

him with pure shock, which turns to anger and jealousy. She starts thinking… Oh that Ulrich! How can he for one thing, fall for someone who's taken,

and what about me! He is dead next time I find him!


Aelita was sitting on a bench crying. Ulrich comes up to her and sits down on the bench. Aelita looks at him with disgust and asks, "What kind of cruel joke is

this Ulrich?" she pauses and then asks with a calmer tone, "Why did you make Jeremy mad at me?" Ulrich just stares at her, and replies, "He was getting in

our way, Aelita. I love you." Then Ulrich came close to Aelita and kissed her on the lips, suddenly Odd comes outside, and stares. He then goes up to them

angrily. "What do you think your doing! Ulrich! What are you doing? And Aelita! You.." Ulrich suddenly punched Odd in the stomach and yelled, "Leave us

alone!" Odd dumbstruck looked at Aelita as she screamed, "Odd! Help me! Ulrich has totally lost it!" Then with one last shriek as Ulrich pulled her into the

forest she cried, "Help!"

Odd raced after them. As he ran, he picked up his cell phone and called Jeremy. "Hey Jeremy. Something's wrong with Ulrich!" Jeremy sadly replied, "Tell

me about it..." Yumi grabbed the phone away from Jeremy and asked, "What's up Odd?" he was out of breath as he replied. "Ulrich kissed Aelita, then when

I asked for answers, he punched me in the stomach! Then grabbed Aelita's hand and dragged her into the forest!" He paused for a breath. "She yelled for

help, but I couldn't catch up. He lost me in the woods. Ulrich isn't acting like himself." Yumi nodded to the last statement. "Ok Odd. I'm on my way." She

thought to herself about all the possible reasons Ulrich would kiss Aelita. Maybe he wants to see if I get jealous…or maybe… he has fallen in love with

Aelita… I've GOT to get to the bottom of this!

In the woods:

"Odd! Ulrich! Aelita! Where are you guys?" Suddenly a bug with purple wings and fangs flew up to Yumi, she quickly swatted at it, but it came back, so she

smashed her hands together and killed it. Out of nowhere, Odd jumped out of the bushes and announced, "Here I am!" "Oh, Odd! Stop playing around we

have to find Ulrich!" Odd said, "And Aelita." "Yea." Yumi blushed.

Ulrich and Aelita went behind a tree only Ulrich knew about. Aelita was scared, "Ulrich? What are we doing here? I thought you liked Yumi… I like Jeremy.

I'm sorry, but…" Ulrich cut in saying, "But I love you. YOU. Not Yumi. You are the one I care for. All that time in LYOCO, protecting you has made me fall

in love with you. You can't deny me. We could be very happy together." (Lovesick puppy. Even more lovesick than he is with Yumi.)

Aelita suddenly started running. She couldn't listen to this. She loves Jeremy. If that is the right name for the feelings she feels about him. And she knows, that

is how he feels about Yumi. She wouldn't let that happen. As she was running, she turned her head to make sure she wasn't being followed, but… BANG!

"Aelita! Where's Ulrich?" Yumi replied shocked, but nervous all the same. Odd ran up and questioned, "Are you okay Aelita?" She rubbed her head where

she banged into Yumi, and replied, "Yes. I think so. Ulrich is acting very strange… he just told me… he... uhh... loved me…" Yumi, didn't say a word,

instead she just started walking back to school. When suddenly she knew what was wrong! She immediately picked up her cell phone and called Jeremy.


"Hey Jeremy? I think I know what's wrong with Ulrich." Jeremy sounding a lot happier than just a second before, he practically fell out of his chair as he

replied, "What?" But first Yumi told Jeremy, "He told Aelita, he LOVED her." Jeremy got very silent. "Wait Jeremy. She ran away at that time. She doesn't

like him." He jumped up and Yumi heard his chair fall down. "She doesn't?" She sighed and replied, "Yes. Now listen. Ulrich as we all know just cares about

all of us as friends." She thought to herself… Oh, I hope he likes me more than a friend… "So maybe Xanna knew if he fell in total love with someone, he

wouldn't be able to keep away from them." Jeremy butted in. "I don't see what you're getting to." "Well if it were someone at our school not in our little

"group", then he would stay around that person, and not go to LYOKO."

"Yumi! You're a genius! Let me scan LYOKO, for any activated towers." He types something, and then a picture of a red tower appears on his screen. Yumi

tells him through the phone, "I'll meet you at your room in a minute." When she gets there, she saw Jeremy calling Odd, and Aelita. "Are you going to call

Ulrich?" Yumi asks. "I'm sure he's going to follow Aelita. So why even bother?" When Aelita and Odd come into Jeremy's room, Yumi and Jeremy saw

Ulrich following their friends like a lost puppy.

"Really Ulrich! You really should stop following me. But I suppose you can't help it." Aelita sighs. "Well, I guess you can't stop since Xanna controls you." As

Jeremy nods, he tells everyone, "Okay, we have to get to the tower quickly. Lets see… its 11:42. Jim patrols our dorm areas, about 11:45. We got to go fast!

Lets go!"

In the hall:

As the five were running, they heard humming. "Uh... looks like Jim is patrolling early today!" Jeremy said falling behind. Suddenly Jim walks up the edge of

the staircase, when he saw Jeremy disappear from behind a corner. "Hey! Come back here! You won't get away this time!" Everyone was ahead of Jeremy,

and Jeremy was the slowest of the group. Jim was an inch from Jeremy until Jeremy slipped on the staircase. He stumbled down the steps hard, but not that

bad. At the bottom, Odd quickly pulled him up, and said, "Hey Einstein, watch your step." Then they ran for the factory.

When they got to the factory, Odd, Ulrich, Aelita, and Yumi, all went into the scanners. Jeremy then said, "Scanner, Odd. Scanner, Aelita. Scanner, Yumi.

Scanner, Ulrich…. Virtualization."


"Looks like Xanna was ready this time." Aelita shuddered, as she looked into the army of Hornets, blocks, crabs, and strange bugs, with purple wings and

fangs. "Hey Aelita. I saw a bug like that in the woods, while looking for you and Ulrich…" Like the blink of an eye, everything in the army, turned to Aelita.

They all started charging and shooting lasers. Everyone was totally shocked. "Protect Aelita!" Jeremy and Ulrich both shouted at the exact same time. Jeremy

and Ulrich both gave nasty looks, but nobody could see or notice. Soon, the only one left in LYOKO, was Aelita. "Oh no! Aelita!" Jeremy got an idea at that

very moment. "Aelita? Remember when Yumi showed you how to play hopscotch? Jump on the blocks and crabs, but jump over or around the bugs. Okay?"

Aelita nodded and said, "Okay, Jeremy." Every time she jumped from one block or cube to another, something got killed, so by the time she almost reached

the tower, there were only a few of everything left. Now she just dodged all the lasers, and ran into the tower.

Aelita placed he hand on the scanner.




"Jeremy? Can you devirtulize me?" Jeremy nods, and smiles unnoticeably. "Certainly Aelita. Virtualize, Aelita." A few minutes later, Aelita walks in and hugs

Jeremy. "What was that for?" Jeremy asks, blushing. She replies by smiling and saying, " Nothing. I just wanted to." Then she blushed. Then Odd watching

the whole thing, Ulrich staring at Aelita… still. Yumi, depressed in a corner. Plus the scene that just happened with Jeremy and Aelita. So he applauds.

"Bravo! Bravo! Encore!" Yumi buts in and asks Jeremy, "What about Ulrich? Why is he still in love with Aelita? Aelita deactivated the tower, right?" Jeremy

looked from Ulrich to Yumi, and said, "Hold on. I'll figure it out."

After about twenty minutes of typing, he announced, "Found it, look it was in that computer diary!" Yumi came up to him, along with Odd, and Aelita. Ulrich

just turned away. Yumi read it aloud. "I created a new bug today, called Fang. If it could ever be spread into the real world, it would be cupid. It makes the

person fall in love." Yumi was rudely interrupted by Odd who said, "Well, DUH!" Yumi read on. "By accident, I messed up the codes, and created a different

way to go back to normal. Someone must kiss the person who is in the love trance. It doesn't matter who, just as long as it isn't the person who he/she is mad

about, and it must be a kiss on the lips. I'm working to fix this, but sadly I am having trouble with the codes.

-June 18, 2002"

"Okay, so who's going to kiss him?" Odd asked. Then he had and idea. "Yumi. You can't deny it, you love Ulrich and he loves you. Show what you would

do for him. Kiss him so he can go back to normal." Yumi looked around for any hope, any at all, and all she saw where smiling, encouraging faces. Yumi

swallowed hard, and said quietly, "Okay… but if you tell ANYONE… I swear Odd, I'm going to kill you!" So she grabbed Ulrich who was about to leave

the room when he heard this (I mean he is still in the trace, so he loves Aelita, not Yumi.) but Yumi caught him, and kissed him. As soon as her lips touched

his, he snapped out of it, but as soon as he realized he was being kissed by Yumi, he just… well.. went with it. At the end, Yumi looked at Ulrich and asked…

"Are you normal again?" Ulrich smiled and replied, "Yea. What happened?" Then Yumi and the others described the past two days of craziness to Ulrich.