
Disclaimer: Characters © Libba Bray. Spoilers for Rebel Angels.

Waiting by the carriage is dull and boring business, but Kartik endures this momentary misery with resolution. After all, it because of this job that he is able to remain so close to her.

But it is because of this job that he is ever reminded of the endless gap between them.

She's the one in the silks and finery, she's the one in the big house, standing in the warmth and glow up upper class society and he's the one standing by a carriage in the cold.

It's begun to snow.

And as his eyes turn upwards towards a window, he can see her. In all her finery. Her hair looking so lovely in contrast to that gown. It's blue, but Kartik believes green suits her better; green like her eyes.

Yes, she's standing there, but she isn't alone. A man's beside her, leaning so closely. Closer than he could ever be, and far closer than he ought to be. And suddenly he feels angry, because he'll never be allowed to touch her in that way. That man isn't the only one who can be bold, because there's Kartik picking up a rocks and throwing them at the window. Here's his chance to be bolder still, and he feels he might be able to, but the as the window is pushed open his courage fails and he is once again a servant watching over his master's things.

He continues to watch until she disappears from his view, because he must do so until his task finished. But the question remains if he will ever complete that task if it means he will never be able to watch her again.