Note: Danny Phantom doesn't belong to me. He belongs to Butch Hartman. And the song doesn't belong to me either. It's called "Letters from War" and it was written by Mark Schultz. I just wanted to be clear. Enjoy!

She runs to the mailbox,

On that bright summers day.

Found a letter from her son,

In a war, far away.

Maddie Fenton opened the door to find her daughter, Jasmine, on the front step. "Jazz! Hi, honey, how's work been?"

"Good, Mom." Jazz said as she entered. They both sat down and talked for a while about work and insurance and what Jack Fenton was working on now. But then came the inevitable question that Maddie Fenton had come to dread. "Mom, is there... is there anything from Danny yet?"

He spoke of the weather,

And good friends that he made.

He said, "I'd been thinking 'bout Dad

And the life that he had,

And that's why I'm here today."

"No, Jazz." Maddie sighed. "Nothing. Oh, how I dread telling you and Sam and Tucker that!" She put her face in her hands. "It's been two years and still, nothing!"

"He'll come back." Jazz said confidently, putting a hand on her mother's shoulder. "He always comes back."

Maddie marveled at her daughters' almost child-like faith. "How do you know?"

And at the end he said,

"You are what I'm fighting for."

It was the first of the Letters From War!

"He's Danny." Jazz said. "That's all I need to know." She stood up. "I should go now. Work awaits, and I don't get much of a lunch hour." She showed herself out, leaving Maddie to swim in her own thoughts.

Ever since Danny had sent her his first letter, telling him how much he missed them, and how he was fighting for his family and friends, and new friends he made there, she had written him every day, telling him what a brave person he was and how proud they all were of him, and asking him to come home safe.

And she started writing,

"You're good! And you're brave!

What a father that you'll make some day.

Make it home! Make if safe!"

She wrote every night as she prayed...

As if without thinking, she took out the box that held all of her son's letters from the battlefield. Some were months apart(because he was in battle and couldn't write to her), while others were only about a week, but he always wrote as soon as he could, so nobody would worry so much. Finally, she came to the last letter, the one that had ended them all around two years ago.

Then late in December,

A day she'll not forget.

Oh, her tears stained the paper,

With every word that she read.

It wasn't from Danny, but from another soldier, and he had told her how Danny had come back for him and saved his life on the battlefield, and how he had gotten captured in the process. Maddie found the tear spots where the tears had overflown and dropped on the paper. She also read how Danny's final request was that the soldier would write to his family, and tell them what happened.

It said "I was up on a hill,

I was out there alone,

When the shots all rang out,

And bombs were exploding.

And that's when I saw him,

He came back for me,

And though he was captured,

A man set me free,

That man was your son."

"He asked me to write to you,

I told him I would, oh, I swore..."

That was the last of the Letters From War!

Ever since that letter, Maddie had hoped that the next day would reveal a letter telling her her son was alright. She wrote every day, just in case, to tell Danny how much she loved him, for two long years.

And she prayed he was living,

Kept on believing,

She wrote every night just to say,

That "You're good,

And you're brave.

What a father that you'll make some day.

Make it home. Make it safe!"

She wrote every night as she prayed...

Maddie stood and looked out the window. What she saw turned her insides cold. A car had pulled into the driveway, and a man was getting out. She knew what this meant, she thought as she fell back into her seat out of shock. Danny was dead. They were here to tell her her son was dead! She put her face in her hands and started to sob as the door opened.

And then two years later,

Autumn leaves all around.

A car pulled in the driveway,

And she fell to the ground.

"Maddie! I heard the commotion, what's going-" Jack ran up in the basement and stopped in his tracks. At them same time, Jazz, Sam and Tucker burst through the door. "Mom!" Jazz yelled. "We saw the car, what-" then they, too, froze.

Footsteps sounded towards Maddie as she sniffled and stared at her hands. A hand went into hers.


Maddie looked up into her son's face and put a hand over her mouth. Tears dripped down her cheeks as she said at barely a whisper,


And out stepped a captain,

Where her boy used to stand.

He said, "Mom, I'm following orders,

From all of your letters,

And I've come home again."

That pretty much broke it. Everyone lunged for Danny at once, ending up in a big group tangle that was supposed to be a group hug. Jack ruffled his hair, Tucker hit him on the back, and all the girls kissed him on the cheek. Finally it all ended up with anyone lighter than Jack Fenton being hoisted up into the air by him in one big, laughing bundle, with Jack sobbing about promising himself he wouldn't cry. All the time, Danny was holding a bundle of envelopes. "The envelopes Mom had sent when I was captured for about two years. I was reading them on the way home." Danny turned to his mother, his eyes shining. "Thanks, Mom. You have no idea what it means to me." They embraced, tears streaming down Maddie's face.

He ran in to hold her,

And dropped all his bags on the floor,

Holding all of her letters from war!

Suddenly the silence was broken. Vlad Masters, Dash Baxter, Paulina, Harriet, Valerie, and a bunch of other people they knew burst through the door and flooded the house so quickly that everyone except Jack had to jump up on the furniture to keep from getting trampled. "We heard the good news!" Vlad roared over the confusion, trying to stay in front of the couch Danny, Jazz and Maddie were on. "And, well, naturally, everyone and their grandmother-" he shoved someone away as he said 'grandmother' "had to come and see if it was true! Good show, Daniel!" Finally he was pushed away by the tide of people. Suddenly, someone spotted Danny and pointed him out, and a deafening cheer rose from the crowd as the poor young man was yanked from his perch to shake hands with just about everybody else there.

"You better throw a party outside, Mrs. Fenton!" Tucker yelled from the top of a lamp. "If any more people come in, people will be sitting on each other to get some breathing room!" At this, Jack lifted a dazed and dizzy Vlad out of the hubble, waded through the sea of heads and placed him on the couch. "Ugh..." Vlad groaned, leaning against the wall. "Now I know how a fish feels in a whirpool!"

Bring him home!

The party was, fortunately, not quite as hectic. Everyone wanted to hear how Danny escaped. Turned out he had helped some of his guys on the outside to break into the prison camp. Then he fought off the enemy, along with almost all the other prisoners. He had gotten promoted for it, too.

Bring him home!

The highlight of the event was when some of his fellow comrades(who, coincidentally enough, lived with family in or near Amity Park) came over as a suprise to congratulate him. Everyone laughed, talked, and ate until they were sick. Even Vlad Masters, usually a man of class, threw his dignity over one shoulder for the night. But when it was all over, everyone in the Fenton home was happy. Danny was back, he was alive, and he was safe.

Bring him home!...

The End