Author's Note: I dedicate this Chapter to Dragon Sword because………. Well just because. HA FEEL MY WRATH! CAN YA FEEL IT…HUH CAN YOU? NO? Oh well I tried. Enjoy.
Disclaimer: If you're happy and you know it clap your hands………….. WHY ARENT YOU CLAPPING! OH fine they aren't mine and never will be. Do you enjoy rubbing it in my face. You're so Cruel. I hate you! Make sure to Review!
Chapter 3 Creepy Men in Red
Shutting the door of his dressing room he slipped his riding gear off and pulled on a pair of painfully tight black leather pants. Dorothy and Relena would have fit if he didn't wear them at least once. He threw on a black wife beater and grabbed his Racing jacket off the chair.
"Heero baby you look delicious. If I were straight I would totally devour you."
"I wouldn't want you to do that Relena. Remember you're watching your weight."
"YOU ARE SUCH AN ASS HEERO YUY!" She proceeded to chase him Zech's pickup where everyone was waiting.
"Zechs!" she whined. "Tell Heero to be nice to me and stop calling me fat!"
"Heero don't call Lena fat. I think obese would be more appropriate." Heero laughed as she screamed and tried to climb up to the front seat.
"Relena calm down," Dorothy smirked. "I like a girl with meat on her bones." The whole car laughed and Relena just sulked. (Relena is not really fat)
"We're hear!" Zechs called parking the car off to the side.
"The place is going to be packed tonight so everyone try and stick together."
"Heero climbed out of the car and walked to the front of a very long line of people.
"Hey Wing," the big bouncer greeted. "Boys open the rope for Wing and his friends." Heero smiled and Jerry (that's the bouncer, I made him American because I still consider Japanese people to be a little on the not so intimidating side, unless you give them a katana…..) and ushered the group inside.
Dorothy and Relena dragged Heero off to the bar to get everyone's drinks, while Zechs lead the boys to a table.
"You guys ready to have fun?"
"This place is great!" Duo gushed.
"I better see you all on the dance floor tonight. This place is famous for its dirty dancing. Every night at 10:00 they pour water all over the dancers on the floor, it's great fun."
Heero and the girls arrived a few minutes later.
"I forgot to ask what you all wanted," Heero murmured embarrassed.
"I'll have a scotch on the rocks," Zechs answered. "What do you guys want?"
"What are you having Heero?" Duo asked smirking. He figured the little Asian would probably get a coke.
"Heero usually gets a Raging Orgasm," Dorothy answered.
The trio of boy's jaws dropped, causing Relena to laugh.
"That by the way is a drink." Heero blushed profusely. He'd always liked them. After the boys had secured their jaws they ordered beers.
"We'll be right back." Heero left again with the girls and headed to the bar. Placing their order he leaned against the counter.
"Wing." Heero turned his head to the left. Solo stood their smirking, a beer held loosely in his hand.
"What do you want. You lost, I won. Get over it. God you're such a damn baby. That's why we didn't work. Oh and because you're a fucking ass hole." Heero smiled mentally. (SNAPS FOR HEERO!) Solo frowned.
"You better watch you're mouth you fucking bitch. I'm in control not you." He grabbed Heero's arm and began pulling him onto the dance floor. Dorothy and Relena cast him worried glances.
"I'll be right back." They nodded, but kept their eyes on him.
"Scared now that you don't have your little bimbos to protect you." Heero slapped him across the face. (Gotta keep your pimp hand strong!)
"Don't you call them bimbos you jack ass!" Solo smirked and pulled Heero to him.
"I always loved it when you fought me. Made it all the more fun when I beat you."
"I hate you!" Heero spat.
"I know." He grabbed Heero's ass.
"Stop it! We're not together any more you ugly fuck! Get your dirty paws off my ass!" Heero peeled the hands off his backside and pushed away form Solo.
"I wouldn't so that if I were you," Solo whispered with a smirk.
"Oh, and why not?"
"Look around you." Heero took his eyes off Solo and looked around the club. Men in red jackets were station all over the room. They stared menacingly at him.
"You brought your bitches along did ya?" Heero asked with a frown.
"Don't go anywhere with out them."
"Aww, poor baby. Are you afraid?" Heero laughed at the look of disgust on Solo's face.
"As if." Heero smirked and stepped out of Solo's embrace. He tapped another man on the shoulder and began to dance with him. Wrapping his arms around the Unknown mans neck he swayed his hips back and forth. (That's right Heero, show him what he can't have!) He heard Solo growl. The men in red began to flood the dance floor. Solo grabbed his arm and pulled him off the floor and into a room towards the back.
"Fuck you Solo!" Heero spat bighting the hand that held his in an iron grip. Solo hissed and let him go. Heero ran out of the room and across the floor. One of Solo's men grabbed him around the waist, but Heero kicked him in the shin and scrambled away. He stumbled up to the table and sat down.
"Where in the hell have you been?" Zechs asked with a frown.
"Solo wanted a chat."
"And you just went with him!"
"It's not like he gave me a choice," Heero snapped. Zechs looked out on the floor and saw Solo talking to a group of men in red.
"It looks like he's up to something. Watch your back Heero."
"This Solo sounds like a real asshole. Why's he so hooked on Heero?" Duo asked Relena.
"Didn't you know. Heero used to date Solo. But well, something happened and they broke up." Duo's jaw dropped (poor guys gonna break something)
"Heero's gay?" Relena froze.
"You didn't know! I thought you two were like best friends!" Duo wrung his fingers.
"Well we haven't exactly been close." Relena narrowed her eyes.
"What do you mean haven't been close?"
"Duo picks on Heero at school," Quatre interrupted, giving Duo a frown.
"YOU WHAT!" She snapped, gaining the attention of everyone at the table. She coughed nervously.
"Pardon me," she bent over to Duo.
"What does he mean by picked on him?" she whispered fiercely.
"Ya know name calling, a bit of playful shoving," Duo rasped, looking slightly frightened.
"If I find out you've been mean to Hero after tonight. Your ass is grass!" she hissed.
"I swear I'll be good," he moaned.
"Good!" She smiled.
Duo stared guiltily at his hands.
Author's Note: It's short chapter. I have to go to ASL classes! YAY! I'll update again soon!