Dark Lord

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything related to it due to myself being a poor student whose studies demand much of my Money as well as my time. I apologise for some lateness in my works as I am trying to improve my writing style, however this may confuse people quite a bit as I may be differing writing styles every three days or every week. One time I do a whole lot of talking about a book, another time something about a swan and the relative position to the sun…

It goes on and on and I'm not showing signs of stopping yet…

Making Horcruxes

Harry looked at the items and then got an in-depth explanation of what exactly they were.

Voldemort looked at the youth, then started to explain. "Horcruxes are a form of soul storage in which a piece of your soul can be hidden. Unlike such weak fools like Dumbledore proclaim that the body must die eventually, this is possible to be negated by sealing a part of your soul into something and then you should be free of any mortal countdowns and be reduced to a cloud of vapour like I was whenever I died." Here the man took a deep breath and continued.

"The best part about Horcruxes is that they could virtually be something that couldn't attract attention and be hidden even though your enemy is looking for them. The trick to making Horcruxes is simple, all you have to do is make sure that there would be someone who you know or someone who has a symbolic value to you around and then cast a killing curse or a curse with a similar effect and then make sure that the object where you want to place your soul inside it is within close vicinity of your body so that a shard of your soul can be placed in it. The soul shard that is taken from you will be small and will not harm your magic in any way other then perhaps the chance of slight insanity… but with your mind I'd be surprised if you turn out to be a normal boy after you've hid your soul within a Horcrux… Don't act so surprised, Harry. The insanity may be a part of you but I know what the Horcrux can do to someone's sanity due to the fact that I made six."

Harry had a shocked look on his face as a lighter part of his darkened soul came forwards and acted like the Gryffindor that had been fighting for control all these years as the madness that was Harry's huge Slytherin side was gaining ground within the soul of Harry James Potter and finally winning through the magical psychosis activating. With a tap of his wand, his clothes changed to dark robes….

Harry turned around the moment that the door opened and looked at the prisoner who was dragged inside. He looked at the face and a smile came onto his lips, something which truly was worth every little bit of darkness within his heart and soul. There is no Good or Bad, there is only Power and they are not fit to wield it. The madness was clearly visible in his mindscape, a black with red cloud of darkness always swirling on the back of his mind, tainting it beyond recognition every little moment that the cloud remained there until darkness would be all that encompassed his mind, making him into a dark and raving Lord of Darkness.

He looked at the girl who was brought inside, his mind immediately recognising her, knowing her name to be Hannah Abbot, her long blonde hair looking somehow matted due to imprisonment. She looked like she had a burning flame of defiance still going strong within her, making her look somehow strangely appealing to him.

"Welcome… Bella close the doors… she will be the sacrificial lamb."

The Dark Lord stepped from the shadows, Harry simply remaining in the light, looking at Hannah with his eyes being cold like a glacier although their colour wasn't blue. He looked as the girl tried to get away but a spell bound her hands together and she could only roll on the floor as ropes began to make their appearance around her. She looked at Harry as his green eyes lightened up to look at her and he knelt before her.


She recognised the dark figure that stood there above her and was now kneeling immediately. This was Harry Potter, the one who she thought would be able to rescue her, something which she knew was now futile. If You-Know-Who had him in this room with her, she had no doubt that it was to kill them both or to kill her while leaving him to watch how she died.

" Harry! Are you alright?" He looked at her and then a smile appeared on his face. "It'll be alright Hannah. I'm going to make sure that nothing too terrible will happen to you." He pointed to Lord Voldemort who simply looked on amused at the couple of teenagers. "He won't hurt you too much if you will comply with his wishes. He did the same for me and now we've come to a certain agreement. He won't harm me if I stay out of his way…" His voice was soothing, totally belying his intent to cause the loss of life from the girl.

"Harry you've joined You-Know-Who!" Her voice was shrill and high and it made Harry wince and the smile turned much darker then the normal smile.

"Thank you for that startling revelation. Voldie I think we got a winner!"

A fit of maniacal giggles was the result of the maddening joy that he felt at the moment which she cried out her words of betrayal about his won betrayal of the Light.

Voldemort stepped up to her and said. "The only problem that Harry has is the fact that he's insane and thus has joined the Dark side… by a small error in his mind…" The Dark Lord looked at his companion who was still giggling and said. "The spell for making your own Horcrux differs with every person. Due to the sacrificial life being present in the room, a simple killing curse should prove enough to tear away a part of your soul and make some item into a Horcrux. Do you have any specific item that you would like to turn into a Horcrux?" He looked expectantly at Harry who shrugged and said.

"I don't have many possessions that could be enchanted…. Maybe a locket or something? Have you got a necklace for me?"

The Dark Lord looked at Harry and then felt the urge to slap himself in the face. "I'll go get a nice ring for you… One of the old rings that Salazar used to wear… Be grateful, Harry since not many people will be spared by my wrath…"

The Dark Lord left the room, leaving his colleague alone with Bellatrix and Hannah. The girl was talking to him. "Why did you go Dark Harry? Why? You will become just like You-Know-Who. He killed your parents Harry."

Harry gave her a look and raised one of his eyebrows. "Did you know that he's actually busy with doing some work for the community? He's actually thinning out the herds of Muggles which surround us and giving pace to a new magical superiority. The fact that there would still be muggles around to keep the blood pure is almost irrelevant but you'll do nice as a subject for a small test. The fact that there won't be a tomorrow for you makes me feel a lot better to tell you about it." A dark laugh came from his lips, making her feel tremble in fear.

"You look so pretty, Hannah. If I weren't in this situation I probably would have selected you as a potential girlfriend. You do have a nice body…"

He looked at her, his eyes roaming over her curves.

She wasn't tall but did have some good curves. Her bosom was filled with ample flesh, making him smile a little bit as he saw the ripped robe that she wore. She had probably been raped, his mind beginning to turn into something darker then it was at the moment, giving way to the darker side of his mind. He grinned and then levitated her to a place on the floor and conjured up a whip.

"Is there anything against mutilating the person before killing them?" Voldemort had come back into the room carrying a small box which contained the Slytherin ring.

The smile was almost visible in the voice of the Dark Lord as he said. "No. if you torture them, then it will probably make no difference. The spell you use for your Horcrux would be different from mine of course and the power you would invest I n your killing curse would make some difference. But if you really want to make a good Horcrux, go ahead and torture her."

Harry grinned and brought down the whip on Hannah's flesh, making the girl shriek as she was feeling the whip against her body, making the skin irritated a bit, and when the whip struck again, tears began to come out of her eyes as she could feel the pain beginning to seep within her very core, the whip having been conjured being inlaid with some torture charms. She could feel the whip descending upon her buttocks once again and she could hear Harry's voice close to her ear.

"Why are you crying Hannah? You should be glad that you have some use for me, as a means to immortality!" An insane laugh came from his throat and she froze and the whip descended once again upon her body and she screamed as she felt the whip bite into her flesh, causing blood to seep out, spikes somehow appearing all over the whip.

Harry looked at her, the whip within his hand being adorned with bloody spikes. "It really is a shame Hannah... you should be aware that you should never even think about crossing into the darkened path… cannot you see that I am totally insane by this point? I have caused you pain, I have given you horror and dread at my presence… and you shall be the last sacrifice which will wipe away the last shred of my mind, giving birth to the insanity that will be the undoing of this world."

His eyes flashed green and red at different intervals, one colour apparently seeking dominance. He looked at the girl and he continued his insane speech, totally making no sense to everybody except himself.

"There are two paths which had opened at the time I was chosen, Hannah dear…. There is the path which Dumbledore would like me to walk, being his pretty little saviour who got abused and only looks up to him as the loyal little pet who can't do anything without Dumbledore being there to guide him. Him and his pathetic order would want me to fight Lord Voldemort and probably die with him so that there won't be anyone to take the glory away from him by claiming the fame. I was sick of it and thus I selected the second path, the one of Darkness." here he paused for a moment and brought the whip down once again, making her scream once again, then he continued with his mad raving.

"The second path was very addictive… it would feature me becoming a loyal servant to Voldemort and being shunned by the wizarding world who would see me as the ultimate enemy instead of the one I should have to call Master. I wasn't into the master shit even though it had sounded appealing to me at some time. Can you imagine me bowing before the corpse that was Lord Voldemort before his new and improved looks?"

Lord Voldemort didn't know if he should be offended by that statement or just shrug it off like it were nothing., the Potter child was clearly insane, that was certain to him. The way his speech patterns changed was a clear indication that it was either schizophrenia or some psychosis making the brat act that way. That's one of the reasons why he indulged Potter with his wish to be a Dark Lord. The power that this child possessed, to mould the darkness within his soul in the visible spectrum was truly magnificent to behold. The darkness was even darker then his own, making him shrink back at times when viewing it.

Harry looked at her with one last glance, looking at her bruised and battered frame and said. "I'm sorry Hannah… I wanna kill you… and then maybe play with widdle Bella over there…"

His voice seemed like Bellatrix her voice had been at the battle of the Ministry and Hannah shivered as she saw him point his wand at her chest, noticing that the tip seemed to begin to glow with an eldritch light, making her shiver even worse then it was and she looked as the energy began to collect and she saw the ring being tossed towards him by the Dark lord and saw Harry catch it, bringing it close to his wand and then speaking in a whisper, his wand still aimed at her.

"Avada Kedavra."

She watched as a blast of green light came out of his wand, coming straight at her. She could see it moving closer and closer to her in slow motion and she watched as it impacted with her chest, feeling an awful ripping sound within her very soul as the soul was ripped away and into something that would be called a void if anyone would ever journey back from the land of the dead.

Harry felt the addictive powers that he had conjured at the tip of his wand and the moment he had whispered.

"Avada Kedavra."

His entire body began to feel the darkness leave from within, making him sense something out of his control and he watched as the spell hit the body of Hannah Abbot, the body going silent. The words Anima slissinhady cruxos echoed in his head and he kept his wand pointed at the dead body of the girl, knowing that he would have to be quick. He could feel something splitting form his body, knowing it to be a part of his soul which had been fragmented.

"Anima slissinhady cruxos." The ring within his hand was the place where he cast the spell and he could feel a piece of himself being drawn into it, making him feel a brief sting of loss before there was power rushing to fill the space left by the soul departing to its new resting place.

The power coursed through his body, making his eyes turn a dark red and then he shivered, totally in bliss by the feeling. He could make another Horcrux at the moment but instead of doing so, he looked at Bellatrix and said. "I've got a little problem and you're the one to solve it… or at least help me get rid of it." A look was within his eyes, his emotions kept running through his body, allowing lust and other desires to seep into him.

He could see her hot body already pressed against him, them moving in a rhythm with their bodies slapping against each other as they coupled, making the pleasure of sex known through grunts and other vocal expressions, in Bellatrix her case, some small shivers and some moans.

He looked at her, a creepy grin on his face, then looking at Lord Voldemort suddenly, the grin still remaining: "I take it that Bellatrix has her own rooms? She IS your Second in command, if I have paid enough attention to your lectures…"

Voldemort nodded and Harry gave Bellatrix a smile which made him look so much like the late James Potter that it would have been considered creepy enough that he was literally glowing with Dark energy. "Well then me and Bella are going to have some fun… don't bother to try and get her to do anything for the coming night because we'll be quite busy… I'll go and get rid of my virginity and she can enjoy herself…"

She looked at him and said. "I am somewhat amazed that you would give me your virginity, but I can see some sense in that. But I'll be the judge if you are able to please me… then come with me to my rooms, Master…" she led him out of the room, leaving behind a corpse and the other Dark Lord, who simply sat there, looking at the Horcrux which Harry had made, and then just sighed and began to call a house elf to dispose of the body.

They entered Bellatrix her room, making him surprised at the neatness of the room for a moment, then he looked at the woman who had taught him some of the Dark Arts before he had turned dark, her telling him how to use the Cruciatus on someone in the battle of the Ministry. He looked at her and said. "Shall I help you get out of your robes, or will you get me out of mine?" A smile was following that up, and he looked at her with his crimson eyes slightly shining in the light that was coming from two torches on the wall, and the fire which was ignited, probably to give her access to the floo network.

"I will help you get out of those big robes, my little Dark Lord…" She spoke with a curious hint in her voice like she wanted to see what he packed in size and length. Her hands strayed over the front of his robes and grabbed the bulge which was there. "Looking good Potter… looking very good, I'll just know that you'll be a fine partner…" She gave him a smile and then grabbed her wand and cut the string holding his robes in order, then stripped him until he was only having underwear to cover himself up. She smiled and said; "let's start with some small exercises, my master…"

A new chapter…

Reviews will be appreciated very much by the author, namely me…

Next time: Dark Lord ascendant!