A/N I'll bet you're wondering why I took so long to update when I said it would be sooner. Here are my excuses: I needed to work on the story more; it wasn't working out for me so I had to retype it; or I was too lazy to type it. Pick whichever you want. Only one of them is true, can you guess which? Anyhow, you finally got to me. My reviewers have been begging me for bigger, better lemon scenes ever since the first one I did. Now it's the honeymoon, I have finally given in, so this is my warning: lotsa lemony stuff ahead, enjoy.

Disclaimer: Don't own FMA, never will. –Cries-

"Roy, get out, we're here," Riza said excitedly, "Wake up already!"

"What?" Roy asked, coming back to reality.

"We're here, stop sleeping already!" Riza said, pulling Roy out of the car. They had rented a cabin on a tropical island for their honeymoon; they left the day after the wedding. They unloaded their bags and got out of the car, it felt good to be on solid land again. The boat trip there had taken all day, and they spent the last few hours in a taxi driving there. Roy paid the driver and helped Riza take out their luggage; they were only spending a few days there because of their needed return too work.

"It's beautiful here," Riza sighed, walking next to Roy on the path that supposedly led them to their lodgings. The moon was almost full, but not quite. "You can't find nights like this out in the city, with nothing but the hooting of the owls and fresh air," she said, counting the stars, "I used to know all of the constellations when I was young, but, after not seeing them clear for so long I guess I forgot. When you're in the city and all the time just running from one place too another, you forget to stop and notice things like the night sky."

Roy smiled, and they kept walking. "Tomorrow night's moon should be full," he said, gazing up at it, "it's supposed to be a real eye opener in such a tranquil, nice place."

"We should go out and see it," Riza replied, "It's so warm here we could spend the night outside." The climate was really quite hot, it felt like summer. But, that's what you get in the tropics; Riza hoped she could come here again sometime. They walked on in silence for another few minutes, before coming to the cabin. It was made of wood, and was quite nice.

It had a simple one-story structure, with a bedroom, living room, kitchen, and bathroom. There were also several closets, but nothing else really other than some assorted furniture. Riza wandered into the bedroom, and set down her suitcase. They would only be there two nights and three days, so they hadn't packed much.

"Hey Roy," she called; opening up her suitcase and making sure she had everything. She had packed her best lingerie, including the new stuff she got from Gracia for a wedding present the day before.

"What's up?" Roy asked, dragging in his suitcase.

"I'm going to go take a shower," Riza said, grabbing a bra and some underwear to put on after her bathing, "then we can go to sleep so we can get up early tomorrow to have fun and explore around here."

"What?" Roy gasped, "But, but, but Riza, it's the honeymoon-"

"I know," Riza smiled, "I swear, one hint at no sex and you go pale as a ghost. It was a joke, you can start breathing again." She smirked, and walked past him to the bathroom. "You can't take a single sex joke, really."

The door shut and locked, as Roy sat down on the bed. "I can take a joke," he pouted, "that was just cruel, why does she always do that?"

Riza fell down on her knees laughing in the bathroom. "Oh god, the expression on his face," she wiped tears out of the corners of her eyes, that was too great. She eventually recovered from her laughter, and got in the shower for a cold rinse. It was so warm here it was refreshing to have the water cold, though it got a bit chilly after a while. She got out and dried herself off; Roy was undoubtedly waiting for her expectantly. She pulled on her lingerie, a pink bra with black lace around the edges and matching panties, and opened the door to the bathroom and walked out.

Roy was lying in bed in his white undershirt, wearing that casual, lovely, sexy, wonderful smirk that the author of this fic utterly adores. The lights were all out other than the light of the moon, which shone through an open window, seeing as you cannot turn off the moon. Riza walked over, swinging her hips for good measure, and slipped into bed beside Roy. "Goodnight sweetie," she said, lying down and closing her eyes.

Roy gaped for a moment, before remembering earlier. "Yeah, see you in the morning when we wake up," he said in a mock casual voice, lying down next to her as well. Riza smiled, it took him a while, but he finally caught on. Roy pulled his arms around Riza's waist. "Remember when every night I would hold you like this?" he whispered in her ear, moving his hands further up her chest, "and like this?"

He squeezed her breasts, massaging them firmly. There's a certain subtlety that is needed in seduction, which at this point Roy was using fully to his advantage. Roy began sucking on Riza's neck, and squeezing her tits. They were hard, a bit longer and she'd probably be wet. Riza tried as hard as she could to ignore the stimulating things Roy was doing, she would tease him for as long as she could. But damn, now he was necking her, that's no fair! Riza gasped, lightly as she could, she couldn't hold back how aroused she was for long; Roy was too good at this. Roy smirked as Riza gasped, she couldn't hold back any longer. Roy moved one of his hands off her breasts and down further. He reached down, massaging her between the legs.

"Roy, Roy, please, no more games," Riza said, her head was fogged over with pleasure.

"Nope, I think I like them," Roy smirked, "You're going to have to beg for me."

Riza bowed to no one. She had her dignity, but oh god, now he was squeezing her clit, this was just utterly unfair! "Roy, come on, you want to move on already too, Roy," she whined, she was moaning now at regular intervals.

"Beg for it," Roy said, he was finally getting her back for all of her teasing.

"Roy please, come on Roy."

"You didn't sound like you really meant it. Try again."

"Roy! Fine, please, I'm begging you, just pull off your pants already!" Roy smiled.

"For you Riza, I would do anything," he whispered, blowing in her ear. Riza unhooked her bra, pulling off her few clothes, before reaching down to help Roy's boxers off. She couldn't believe it; for once she was the one begging for sex, not the other way around. This was madness, but it was so sexy, who cared. Riza kissed Roy, tongue and all, as he pulled her close and entered her. It hurt a bit, but was much better than the first time. Riza moaned as he pulled out and came back in, this was way better. Roy continued, speeding upuntil they both climaxed, their breathing heavy. "Wait Riza, what about, you know," Roy questioned.

"I've got it covered Roy, I'm not as forgetful as you," Riza smirked, "I took birth control pills a few hours ago on the boat when you were puking. Up for another go?" This was indeed a very merry Christmas for Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye.

A/N I can't believe I typed that up, please excuse me while I leave to go sit in embarrassment with a red face for an hour. You have the song 'Let Me,' by Rihanna to thank for this chapter; I couldn't have written it without listening to this music, she's one of my favorite singers. Well, the sequel is finally started, I'm going to try and get in as much happiness and humor as I can before the sadness kicks in. This is your Christmas present people, so enjoy it. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and to all a good night!