Disclaimer: I don't own Mortal Kombat, The Apprentice, Midway, nor do I own the name Ed Boon. Furthermore, ESPN and the Los Angeles Clippers are not mine either.

The scene is the Midaway offices. All the kombatants from Ashrah to Sub-Zero were the offices of Ed Boon, the head of all the Mortal Kombat games and the guy that signs thier checks. After about an hour, Ed boon and two of his aides walked in.

Ed Boon: All right guys, I know your all wondering why you were brought here, so I'll tell you. Recently, one of Midway's higher ups named Joe Notimportanttothestrory died

Kung Lao: That guy who slept with Kabal's sister died?

Ed Boon: Yes it was horrible. They found him in his home without limbs and hook wounds in his chest. They also found this letter.

The letter they found on Joe read FEAR THE BLACK DRAGON!

Everyone in room then looked at Kabal

Kabal: What? I was watching a Raider's game when it happened.

Sonya: How did you know when it happended?


Ed Boon: Anyway, as I was saying. The CEO of the company has chosen me to take Joe's job.

Fujin: You called us here for that?

Boon: Not quite. You see as you all know the sales for Deadly Alliance and Deception were not as high as expected.

Reiko: So what?

Boon: With the sales and me getting promoted, they've decided to shut Mortal Kombat down. And well...I don't know how to say this so I asked someone else to say is for me. Come in Donald.

The theme music for The Apprentice plays and Donald Trump enters the room.

Trump: Kombatants, you have not been performing up to par, and that's not esceptable. So Kombatants, (does hand gesture) You're fired.


Kung Lao was histerical, Dairou started running in circles screaming, and Havik jumped out a nearby window

Raiden: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! How am I going to pay of my gambling debts?(realizes everyone's looking at him) What? Gods can gamble.

Liu Kang: Oooookay.What about our contracts?

Boon: Ripped up.

Rain: You can't be serious. I have bills to pay!

Boon: Not my problem.

Sub-Zero: Even after all we've been threw?

Trump: Why are you all still here? I fired you.

After he said this Reptile jumped on him and ate his head.

Reptile: (burps)

Nitara: Thank you babe.(tounges Reptile down)

Everyone Else:(vomits)

Scorpian slowly approached Boon

Boon: Please don't kill me! I'm so sorry! I didn't have a choice!

Scopian got so close to Boon that he could smell the Brimstone on the ninja spectrre.

Scorpian: Where's are our last checks?

Boon: At the front desk.

Scorpian left the room and went to retrieve his check. After the other Kombatants cussed, flipped off, threatened(in Kobra's case kicking him in his nuts) and yelled at Boon they all left to obtain they're checks.After they finished, they all said they're goodbyes(Bo Rai Cho cried at the thought of never seeing Li Mei's clevege again) and went to start new lives.

4 months later

Johnny Cage sat in his living room, flipping threw the channels on his big screen T.V. He let it stay on ESPN to catch the score of the Clippers game. A commercial came on. It had Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Shujinko, Kai, and Bo Rai Cho on it.

Liu Kang: Have you ever wanted to be a Shaolin Monk?

Shujinko: Well here's your chance!

Kai: By joining the Wu Shi Academy for Shaolin Monks

Bo Rai Cho: All you need to do is send in 10 payments of $99.99.

Kung Lao: And here's one of those testimonial things!

The screen flips to Kai wearing a wig and different cloths with a really fake beard

Kai:(speaking as if he is reading of a cue card) I was just a geek until I called the Shaolin Monks and joined them now I'm the baddest muthafucka around. Thanks Shaolin Monks.

Liu Kang: There you have it! You can go from weakling to warrior to in no time.

Kung Lao: And as you can tell from my comrades we don't discrimnate against blacks, drunks, old people, fat guys, ugly people, idiots, dumb people who would rather be a monk than live with a hot princess, and people who get deceived by former emperoers of Outworld

Everyone else then gave Kung Lao violent glare.

Kung Lao: What?

Kai: Appartently we don't discrimiant against people who where ugly hats and are only considered cool because thier anscestor won Mortal Kombat years ago.

Shujinko: Anyway, like he said all are welcome.

All 5: So join the Shaolin Monks Today!

The commercial then ends.

Johnny decided not to think about the commercial he had just seen and walked out the door to the set of his new movie.

A/N: Well that's chapter 1! Hope you liked it! Please R&R! Be as harsh as you see fit.