
Final Chapter

Chapter 22: Thirty Minutes to Make Up My Mind


"Hurry up Kagome, you're not going to have enough time to change!"

"Just a minute Kikyou!" Kagome laughed happily as she ran over to her group of friends. Sango and Kikyou were smiling happily at her and Kagome felt loved. "Oh wait!"

"What is it Kagome-chan?" Sango laughed. "I'm telling you your going to be late!"

"Since the teacher is out I'll just run in to grab my mp3 player that she took away." Kagome winked. The two nodded and kept on walking.

Kagome found herself walking towards her homeroom classroom. Her English classroom, and now her gym classroom. Kagome silently walked into the room, the stillness in the room unsettled her. The last time she was in this room alone had been months ago.

Four months had passed since that day, the mere thought of it brought tears to Kagome's eyes. It was now June and school was about to end in just a few days. Kikyou and Sango managed to keep her occupied, managed to keep her mind off of what had happened.

Everyday, Kagome did her best to smile. With her friends at her side she was able to genuinely smile during school, but whenever she was alone she cried. At home Kagome and Souta were staying with her mother. Onigumo had been arrested and was never heard of again. A social worker came once every few weeks to make sure everything was okay. They had to rebuild their whole family.

Kagome gingerly touched the side of the teacher's desk. Once, when they first met, she had sat on that ledge. Another time she had leaned over it to place a chaste kiss on Sesshomaru's lips. It must have been the heat, but Kagome could have sworn she saw Sesshomaru suddenly sitting in the chair, smiling at her.

Kagome's gut twisted as she grabbed at the front of her shirt, clutching it nervously. She finally let go and held her breath as she opened the desk drawer. For some reason she felt calmer as she saw the new teachers name over all the books. Brand new book and things littered the messy drawer.

Kagome found herself calmly rummaging through the desk for her mp3 player that had been taken way a few days before. But, again, Kagome got the same nervous and twisted feeling in her gut as she saw a glimpse of white near the bottom of the mess. It was a letter with her name on it. Kagome's heart dropped. It was in his writing. Kagome hesitated, before pushing away the other things to pull out the letter.

Kagome picked up the letter and ran her fingers over it. She pawed at the letter, seeming amazed at every little crease. The letter was still sealed so obviously no one else had read it yet. Kagome flipped the letter back over and stared at the name, her name. In his writing.

"Kagome!" Kikyou yelled as she popped her head into the door frame, hanging on to it.

Kagome had jumped and screamed. "Kikyou, what the hell!?"

"The teacher is asking where you are. You've been taking so long! I had to lie and say you weren't feeling well. I'm supposed to bring you back to class." Kikyou sighed in an annoyed tone. "I mean geeez Kagome, how long can it take to find your mp3 player?"

Kagome quickly snapped up and held the letter behind her back. "Oh, sorry! Just wait a second while I close the drawer. I couldn't find it." Kagome laughed nervously. "She must have taken it down to the office already."

"Are you okay for real?" Kikyou frowned. "You look kind of sick."

"No, no, I'm fine! Really! Go on ahead of me and I'll be back in a jiffy." Kagome plastered a huge grin on her face. "Just thinking about some old memories."

Kikyou stared at her and leaned out to leave reluctantly. "Kagome, he was an asshole. He obviously could care less about you. It was just your first boyfriend… It's not like you'll never love again."

Kagome frowned as Kikyou turned her back and walked away. Kagome looked down at the letter in her hand. She quickly ran over and jammed it into her desk. "I don't want to love again."


"You must meet my friend." Were the only words Kagome could hear being yelled over the loud club music. The place was packed and she would have easily been lost if Sango wasn't holding her wrist.

Kagome turned to see who Sango was trying to set her up with, and her heart nearly stopped. It couldn't be him. It wasn't him. But then why…

"Hi." The young man grinned, holding out a strong hand. "I'm Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha Maeda. But you can just call be Inu-Yasha."

At first Kagome just stared at his hand in amazement, then at him and his face, his hair. It suddenly seemed like the two of them were the only ones in the room. The music had faded and the people had suddenly stopped dancing, simply disappearing.

Unfortunately, Kagome was suddenly knocked out of her reverie when she was suddenly nudged by Kikyou.

"Don't be rude!" Kikyou hissed. "His so fine, and he's interested in you. And he has friends."

"Oh, oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" Kagome smiled nervously when this new young man seemed confused. "Where are my manners? I'm, I'm Kagome Higurashi."

Kagome nodded and grinned while inside she was trying to calm herself down. He looked just like him. He had a brother though didn't he? But, this man had a different last name… so…

"You look upset, did I, uh… upset you?" Inu-Yasha asked curiously.

"No, no, don't mind her." Sango butted in laughing. "She got out of a really bad break up a few months ago. She'll be fine."

Kagome bit her lip nervously as she examined her hands, anything to keep her from looking into this mans eyes. Inu-Yasha had the same eyes as Sesshomaru, and it felt that when she looked deep into his eyes, he was Sesshomaru. Kagome caught her breath as she looked up into his face.

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" Kagome yelled over the music. Everyone stared at her surprised.

"Uh, Kagome… isn't this a bit sudden?" Kikyou asked nervously as she delicately placed a hand on her arm. "We want you to get over him, but rushing into things will only hurt you."

Inu-Yasha chuckled. "You're really weird. But that's really cute." He smiled and placed an arm around her. "Maybe I'll take you out for dinner tomorrow night and then we can see where the night takes us."

Kagome nodded stiffly as Inu-Yasha put an arm around her neck and everyone talked amongst each other. Apparently Inu-Yasha was good friends with both Kouga and Miroku. He had been studying abroad and had come back because his studies were done.

Kagome felt something in the pit of her stomach twist and churn. This wasn't right. She knew this man. Kagome managed to calm herself down. Many people studied over seas. And some people did look alike. It was that simple. They had different last names so there was no way they could be related. There was just no way.

Even if she wouldn't ever love this man. She would use him to get over Sesshomaru.


One Year Later


"I'm so glad you decided to move in." Inu-Yasha grinned as he helped Kagome carry in a box. "I mean we've been dating nearly a year."

Kagome smiled and nodded. This was the right thing to do. But as she smiled she felt herself silently crying and feeling ashamed. She was genuinely happy with Inu-Yasha, but for the wrong reasons. She didn't know Inu-Yasha. She only saw him as Sesshomaru. Maybe she was sick. If she ever told anyone, she knew that they might put her in an institution.

At night she would silently feel guilty. She felt bad for tricking everyone, especially the authentic Inu-Yasha. His feelings were so true. But she was intoxicated with Sesshomaru. Inu-Yasha, was her Sesshomaru. And she could never ever leave Sesshomaru. So she found herself in a web of lies that allowed her to be happy. But it was all a façade, a dream she had made for herself.

Inu-Yasha surprised Kagome by hugging her from behind and whispering in her ear. "So since you've finally moved in… can we finally…"

Kagome moaned inwardly. She was thinking of Sesshomaru again. "No, you know I'm waiting till marriage Inu-Yasha."

Inu-Yasha sighed and nodded, then walked off to get more of her boxes. She had moved out of her house and Souta was living with her mom still. The family was doing fine.

As Kagome watched Inu-Yasha walk away with his back turned, Kagome began to become nostalgic and cried out. Inu-Yasha turned around and stared at her, wondering what was wrong.

"Please, Inu-Yasha, please don't turn your back." Kagome nearly began to cry, because he looked just like Sesshomaru to her. It was the same back.

"I'm sorry Kagome. I forgot." Inu-Yasha sighed empathetically as he walked over and held Kagome tightly.

"No, I'm sorry." Kagome cried. "Inu-Yasha, I'm a horrible person."

Inu-Yasha shook his head and held Kagome closer. "No Kagome, you're a good person. I know. Because I know you."

Kagome's heart only sunk further. He knew nothing. In fact she didn't know anything about him either. He never talked about his past or his family, ever. It just seemed to be a touchy subject. As well, Kagome never talked about her past or her family. They just seemed to live for the now, but Kagome wasn't now. Kagome was formed by the past, and was still living in it. Inu-Yasha didn't know Kagome at all.

"Just don't leave me Inu-Yasha." Kagome sighed. "Ever."

"Don't worry. I wont. You're so amazing, and so much different then all the other girls there are out there…" Inu-Yasha sighed. "Hey… do you wanna go out for dinner tonight?"


"He what?!" Sango cried out as she looked at Kagome's hand.

"He proposed last night over dinner." Kagome smiled.

"No freaking way!" Kikyou squealed. "You just moved in yesterday and you guys have barely been going out for a year."

"I know." Kagome giggled. "He just says he can't wait. He says I'm the one."

"Kagome." Sango said gravely, frowning at Kagome. "You can't marry your rebound."

Kagome's eyes flashed, was she caught? "What do you mean?" Kagome clenched her jaw as she stared at Sango. "This is all I could ever want."

"Kagome." Sango groaned.

"Oh hush Sango." Kikyou grinned. "We should be happy for her. It's not like their getting married right away, right?"

"No, we're planning on waiting a year or two before planning the wedding." Kagome burst out happily.

"Talking about weddings, have you heard?" Sango asked grinning suspiciously. "Sesshomaru Oshiro is getting married this summer. In a few weeks actually."

Kagomes' mouth went dry, and she suddenly found herself almost at lost for words. Choking on what she was saying. "I… I thought they got married last summer?"

Kikyou glared at Sango. "Well I wasn't going to mention it but I heard too. My moms' friend is going and she was talking about it because she knew he used to be my teacher."

"That's right." Sango crossed her legs and smiled at Kagome. "They moved the date because Sesshomaru was too busy with training to become the president of the company. I'm surprised that you haven't seen the cover of any newspaper yet today."

Sango threw down a copy of the local newspaper and there on the front was a smiling Sesshomaru, holding hands with Kagura. So he was happy. Maybe he had lied to her all those times. Kagome grabbed the paper and threw it against the wall.

"What the hell is wrong with you Sango?" Kagome screamed. "Why can't you be happy for me? LET ME BE HAPPY!"

Sango frowned and Kikyou glared at her. But Sango continued. "He's the president of the company as of yesterday." Sango growled. "Kagome I know what your up to, and you can't hurt that man."

"What are you talking about?" Kikyou spat angrily.

Kagome fell to her knees and covered her face as she cried. "You're right. Sango, you've seen through me. But please, even if it's a lie don't take my life away… Even if it's a dream, to me it's so real."

"Kagome…" Kikyou said caringly.

"I've been broken." Kagome cried out. "My personality has finally broken and I've been living a lie ever since. I can't be myself. Please Sango, keep my secret. I don't care if he gets hurt. I don't care."

"I understand." Sango said sternly as she stood up and hugged her friend. "I guess this would be a good time for us to leave. I just wanted you to know."

Kikyou stared confused at the two of them as Sango ushered her out of Kagome's apartment.


That night when Inu-Yasha came home he seemed kind of upset. Kagome just smiled as she fixed dinner and thought he just had a bad day at work. He had gotten in some kind of work in an Insurance business, and some days he came back worn out.

"What's wrong?" Kagome asked with her façade of a smile as she placed his plate in front of him.

"My brother is getting married and we are going to go." Inu-Yasha sighed. "I just always thought I'd get tied down before him."

Kagome nervously walked back to the counter as she grabbed her own plate. "Oh?" Kagome asked nervously. "You have a brother?"

"Yeah, you might know him." Inu-Yasha sighed. "He's kind of a celebrity. Sesshomaru Oshiro?"

Kagome stopped dead in her tracks and dropped her plate on the floor, spilling rice and curry onto the floor. The plate shattered into a million pieces. Inu-Yasha jumped up and ran over to her.

"Are you okay?! What happened?" Inu-Yasha asked worriedly as he inspected Kagome closely. "You're not cut anywhere are you?"

"No." Kagome forced herself to smile softly. "I'm fine, it just slipped that's all. I'm sorry, I'll clean it up."


Inu-Yasha was confused as over the next few days Kagome became listless as she did regular chores. She didn't have a job yet and was looking to having one soon as a high school teacher. But till then she would just stay home and do chores.

Kagome quickly picked up the phone when it started ringing one night, and something stabbed at her heart.

"Moshi Moshi?" Kagome asked breathlessly.

"Hi… is Inu-Yasha home?" A voice asked quickly. Kagome nearly dropped the phone. It was him.

"Just a minute." Kagome tried to disguise her voice as she dropped it onto the table, quietly going over to Inu-Yasha and informing the phone was for him.

Kagome watched from around the corner as Inu-Yasha picked up the phone. Kagome snuck into the bedroom and quietly picked up the cordless phone and listened to the men talk.

"Moshi moshi?" Inu-Yasha answered happily. "This is Inu-Yasha."

"…Brother… it's me Sesshomaru. I'm calling to see if you're coming to the wedding…"

"Of course, and I'm bringing my fiancée with me."

There was a slight pause on the phone. "…Was it that woman who just answered?... she sounds familiar to me…"

"I doubt it." Inu-Yasha laughed. "You wouldn't know what to do with this girl. She's so beautiful Sesshomaru! I'm in love. She's just so amazing, one of a kind."

"Let me guess, she's a sex goddess?" Sesshomaru laughed. Kagome frowned.

"No, actually she's waiting till marriage. But I respect her more then I've ever respected any other woman." Inu-Yasha said proudly. Kagome nearly started to cry.

"…I'll be seeing you next weekend then brother…till then…"

"Yup, goodbye brother." Inu-Yasha said happily as he hung up the phone.

Kagome quickly hung up as well and walked into the room where Inu-Yasha was and he smiled warmly at her.

"Come here." Was all Inu-Yasha said as he grabbed Kagome and pulled her onto the couch on top of him. Kagome smiled back at him.

"If Sesshomaru is your brother then why are your last names different?" Kagome asked seriously. Inu-Yasha grimaced.

"Well, I took my mothers maiden name." Inu-Yasha sighed. "Me and Sesshomaru are half brothers. We have different mothers. My mother was the second wife. Sesshomaru's mother died in labor, just hours after Sesshomaru was born."

"Oh… Just wondering…"


Kagome glanced at the calendar and frowned. Just three more days until the wedding. Inu-Yasha had gone away for the week and would come back early in the morning of the wedding and then they'd meet up at the wedding.

Kagome stared at her things, she had started to pack. That day she heard Sesshomaru on the phone, she realized how horrible she was. She now knew for sure they were brothers, and that they were completely different.

Kagome found herself un interested in Inu-Yasha now that he had suddenly become Inu-Yasha, not Sesshomaru. As Kagome packed away some clothes she looked to the back of her closet where she had left a box unopened for years. Kagome was curious and opened the box.

It wasn't long before Kagome realized why she hadn't opened it. Inside were all the things Sesshomaru had given her. Including the shirt she wore that day when he left her. But on top of everything, was a white letter with her name neatly written on the front.

Tears welled in Kagome eyes as she picked up the letter and held it in her hands. It had been so long since she had seen this letter. It was even older then that though, being written long before she ever found it.


'Dear Kagome, if you read this letter, I will be gone from you life without any notice, and I'm sure you must hate me. It was without any notice…'

Sesshomaru stared down nervously at his watch. He had been so un nerved since he swore he heard her voice at his brothers house. Not a day went by when he didn't think of Kagome. But this was what he had chosen. And now, in a few hours he would be married.

'…When I found out we were caught, I found myself worrying. Worrying about what we were going to do. I cared about you so much… that it scared me…'

Sesshomaru was surprised when suddenly his brother came in crying and distressed. In his hand was a ring.

"What's wrong?" Sesshomaru asked anxiously.

"My, my fiancée. Is she here?" Inu-Yasha gasped like he was out of breath.

"No, I don't know what she looks like. Baka." Sesshomaru snapped.

"When I got back to the apartment a few hours ago all of her things were gone and she left our engagement ring on the table with a note that said she would see me at the wedding." Inu-Yasha was hysterical. "You don't understand. I love her."

Sesshomaru sympathized with his younger brother. He too at some point lost the girl he loved dearly.

'…I panicked… I didn't know what to do. I suddenly realized that I was a problem. I was an adult seeing a younger person. It felt so right when you were in my arms, all night I had second thoughts. I felt so guilty. I felt like I was unable to protect you from your father or Naraku. I didn't even know about your father. And suddenly… it was too late…'

Sesshomaru was distracted as Kagura came in and walked up to him. She wasn't that bad. He could live with her. But he would definitely never love her. They probably wouldn't have children either. Oh well, he had made his decision.

Sesshomaru glanced timidly at his brother who was sulking on the side. He was the best man, and was gloomy. Apparently, his fiancée hadn't shown up.

'…I felt so hopeless. I felt like that I had let you down. Kagome, you are so beautiful. You can do so much better then me…I thought that if I went back to being a teacher, I wouldn't be able to look you in the eyes, or I would hate myself even more for not noticing you were in so much pain. So I chose to take my fathers job, and with that job automatically came Kagura…'

As the priest went on and on, Sesshomaru began to space out. When he heard a creak at the front doors of the worship area, he was sure he was imagining things.

'…and I decided to punish myself…and choosing to take over the company and marrying Kagura were punishments. I couldn't help you, so I will punish myself, and never see you again. Please understand. Please move on and don't look for me. Please be happy. But overall I want you to know…'

There at the back of the church was a woman with long black hair cascading around her shoulders. And she wore a pretty pink sun dress that was loose at the bottom and was a halter at the top.

'…That I will never look at Kagura as I looked at you…'

He must have been dreaming. Because Kagome was now at the back of the church staring at him, with a letter being held loosely in her hand.

'…And that forever, and ever…I will always think of you…'

"And do you, Sesshomaru Oshiro, take Kagura to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked Sesshomaru.

'…and I will always love you…Love…'

"Sesshomaru!" Kagura yelled. "Sesshomaru say, I do."

Sesshomaru looked from Kagome to Kagura, his heart was ripping in two. He looked Kagura in the eye and grinned.

"I…I can't." Sesshomaru grinned as he turned and walked down the aisle towards the door, the rows standing up in amazement as he passed by each one. Everyone was gasping in shock and looking around for answers. "Because I'm in love."

As he reached half way down the aisle Kagome smiled her biggest smile and tears streamed down her face as she put out her arms to embrace him as he came. Sesshomaru was nearly in tears as well as he grabbed Kagome and picked her up into the air.

Sesshomaru held Kagome up in the air, his hand holding her thighs as her legs went to one side. She put her arms around his neck and rested her forehead on his.

"I'm such a idiot." Sesshomaru chuckled softly. "Please forgive me."

"I love you… you big idiot!" Kagome cried.

"I love you too." Sesshomaru smiled as he pressed his lips to Kagomes'. "I really do."






Kagome and Sesshomaru got married one year later and had a happy marriage with two children. Kagome became a teacher and Sesshomaru happily continued his fathers company.

Kagura's family ended up going bankrupt because of stocks, and is now working at McDonalds.

Kikyou is now engaged to Kouga, and Sango is happily married with ten children along side Miroku.

Inu-Yasha went back to America where he had several failed marriages.

Naraku and Onigumo have several butt buddies in jail, and wont be out for nearly twenty years.

Kagome's mother opened her own restaurant and Souta became a famous soccer player.


Editors Note


I didn't feel like putting it at the top because…I wanted to talk about things in the chapter :P But, ohm, Yeah I'm putting this chapter out two days early. I replied to every single review that was signed (ff account) and I'm going to try to reply the emails. I got to the 1000 mark. Thank you I couldn't have done it without you!

This chapter has such a mature feeling, but I guess it's the feeling you get from Kagome now that she's 'grown up'. I can't say I feel sorry for Inu-Yasha, but don't lie… You did NOT expect Inu-Yasha to show up. OR expect the ending. :D Love me! Now you know why I was so excited about the ending…cause it's so freaking amazing! This chapter is actually an extra thousand five hundred words, so enjoy that. Ohm, I've had such a great time writing this story for the past year and a half so I feel really weird about having to say goodbye.

If you like what you read, continue to send in reviews! I will reply every review!

Wow, I'm so emotional. :P Well, I've had so much fun. But its time to say goodbye!

There is no sequel, this is…the end. Fini.

BUT, I strongly hope some of you guys will come along with me on some of my other fanfictions such as My First, According to Plan, and Step-Daddy to Hold Me.

If you like After Class, you definetly will enjoy According to Plan.

If your into the forbidden relationships, then I suggest My First AND Step-Daddy.




The following is a list of people whom I cherish, and have been with me since the beginning, or have been a real help. I really appreciate you guys. Really.

Mistress of the Flames: You make me smile. I can always count on you to always review a chapter.

Strawberrylover: Oh, mi goodness. We have been together for, how long? Weren't you with me for Mending the Broken Hearted? Anyways, we've finished another fiction together, hope we can go finish some more!

Serena-Demon Goddess: Your constructive criticism is SO helpful, even if I don't follow it all the time. You help me keep on track and I love you for that!

Midnight Walker: Geez, you ALWAYS review. And I mean, it's so amazing. :D I'm so happy to share this story with you.

Speaker For the Five Year: Oh gosh. Without you I probably wouldn't have this chapter out so early. It would have probably been out…next year XD. You have always been there to tell me when I haven't updated XD. Thank you so much!

The Squabbit: Honestly. Your like a friend. We have these little convos back and forth between chapters. You probably still don't have computer access yet but when you get this know that I was thinking of you!

Kakashi's Ninja Dogs: Did I spell it right? I couldn't find your last review but you've been there forever so I HAD to mention you. Thanks for the encouragement for the past year and a half.

There are so many other but I can't put you ALL here. These are the people who have made me smile and are just SO nice and great. But I have to thank EVERYONE who ever sent me a review…all 1000… THANK YOU SO MUCH! IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!
