1 I am sorry to be a grouch but I need at least 3 reviews on this stories chapters before I will post the next one!
Relative of a Pirate!
Chapter one: A Catch Up!
On the open waters there are two things you can expect: Water and Pirates. Jack Sparrow was one of the most well-known pirates in the Caribbean for many things. Jack Sparrow was known as a pirate but also as a ladies man and a drunk. But no matter what, no one could doubt the fact that when he got himself into trouble he always managed to get himself out of it. Wherever Jack Sparrow was an adventure always seemed to follow and that was certainly the case when he met William Turner.
Will Turner was a blacksmith in a local shop in Port Royal, who happened to meet Jack when he came back from visiting some other locals known as the Swann's. Will and Jack never really hit it off to begin with but when pirates invaded Port Royal and kidnaped Will's childhood friend Elizabeth Swann, Will turned to the only person he could -
Captain Jack Sparrow!
Will Turner felt obligated to save Elizabeth and in order for him to be able to do that Jack Sparrow would be needed. Will thought who better, he was a pirate and they were searching for pirates, and Jack knew about the ship that had taken Elizabeth (which Will has heard to be known as The Black Pearl) so why not. So Will did all he could to convince Jack to help him save her and after awhile Jack finally agreed to help but in return Will had to break Jack out of jail.
Once Jack and Will had escaped they needed a ship to sail away with. Jack told Will that they would be commandeering the Intercepter: The Fastest Ship In The Caribbean. And Will (against all of his instincts) just followed Jack. Jack came up with a plan that would make people believe that they were commandeering The Dauntless (a flag ship of Port Royal) but in fact while they were searching the Dauntless they would sneak onto the Intercepter which to Will's surprise worked. Jack and Will then sailed away to save Elizabeth which would be an OUTRAGEOUS ADVENTURE! They just didn't know it yet.
Which brings us to the present moment of Will talking to Jack about his past...!
Sorry Chapter one is so small but in big chunks!
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