A/N: Same disclosures apply as in all previous chapters. Please read and review.  Thank you! I SO have to thank NeverMindDream tremendously for all of her help with this chapter, without her I don't think this writer's block would have ever ended.

I know it's been a long time coming, but submitted for your approval…

Chapter 12 / Epilogue

It had been almost two years since that fate-filled night on the roof. Two years since that night when each person on that roof learned something extremely important about themselves.

Lindsay had learned that she could indeed trust again, but more importantly that she could trust Danny completely. She didn't need to hide herself from him, or from anyone else for that matter. She also realized that all the things in her past, both good and bad, made her a stronger person and a better CSI. Since then, she had slowly let the people in her life know why she came to New York and why she feels the way she does about her job.

Danny had learned that love and commitment weren't such horrible things. He now knew that being in love with a wonderful person and being committed to that person brings some pretty unique rewards of its own. He started opening up more to Lindsay, telling her about his family, his past, about how he's still dealing with the Officer Minhas shooting, and letting her see that underneath the rough, New Yorker exterior, there was a softer side to Danny Messer.

Danny had asked her to move in with him a little over six months ago. He had realized that his relationship with Lindsay was unlike any that he had been in before. The night before he asked Lindsay to move in, she hadn't stayed the night. He missed her presence in the apartment, and in their bed. He hadn't thought of it as his since the first night she had stayed. He missed her so badly that night that it hurt, and in the morning when he woke up, she wasn't sleeping beside him. He liked watching her sleep, and it pained him that morning that he couldn't do that. He got up and showered, and when he got out, his mind was made up. He had asked her that day at lunch, and by that evening, she was practically moved in.

While they were both happier than either thought was possible to be, they weren't unlike other couples. They had agreed not to bring their work home; they didn't need it delving into more areas of their lives than it already did. However, there were just some cases so horrific and disturbing that it was hard to leave them at the lab. But somehow, it always seemed to work out in the end. They just seemed to click; he was the ying to her yang. Danny's hot headed impulsiveness was met with force in Lindsay's quiet yet thorough determination, which just seemed to make things even out. In short, they just fit. Danny knew that nothing this good was ever going to come along again, and he didn't want it to, he just wanted Lindsay.

And that was why, for their two year anniversary, Danny had quite the surprise planned for Ms. Lindsay Monroe. He had been thinking about it for several weeks now, and had a fully formed plan. He hoped that it would be a smoothly executed plan, especially when it was all in place.

Danny had arranged for Mac and Stella to invite them out to dinner on Friday, the day before their anniversary, since neither couple had to be at work until Monday. Danny knew that Lindsay would jump at the chance to see them and to hear the details of their honeymoon in Ireland. He then, without Lindsay's knowledge, rented a limo and made reservations at Harbour Lights restaurant, their very best table.

"I can't believe we are actually going to attempt to do this. What in the world were we thinking? What made us think that we could get four CSIs together, in a non-working, non-case related situation?" she asked out loud as they were getting ready, "Isn't this a sign of the apocalypse or are we asking for a mass casualty?"

Danny shrugged.

"Well the last time we tried something like this, it was for Flack's birthday and I think a building collapsed, but, seriously honey, don't worry. I'm sure it was a total coincidence."

He started to laugh as her eyes widened to the size of saucers.

"Relax Linds," He said, still laughing, "I'm kidding. We've all gotten together before and nothing has happened. Everything is going to be ok."

He pulled her into him, smelling her hair and kissing her head. She looked up at him and their lips met. He deepened the kiss, as Lindsay wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled back slightly,

"You know," she said, as his lips moved down her neck and his teeth slowly grazing her flesh, "if we keep this up, we're going to be late."

Danny glanced at his watch quickly,

"Yeah," he said through his kisses, and her moans, "but only by a little bit."

"Messer." She said pushing him away gently.

"I know, I know." Danny said, doing his best pout and sitting down on the bed.

"Finish getting ready." She said, leaning in and kissing him. She then walked out of their bedroom, into the bathroom.

"Now I need another shower." Danny muttered, standing up to button his dress shirt.

Ten minutes later, Danny stood by the door, waiting for Lindsay to come out so that he could help her with her coat. When she came out, he could hardly believe that his eyes didn't pop out of their sockets, and that his jaw didn't literally hit the floor.

She stood before him in a deep red dress that brought out the highlights in her hair, which was up with a few loose curly tendrils that couldn't be caught. He immediately thought that the plunge of the neckline should have been outlawed and there was almost no back to the dress.

"Well," she asked, looking nervous, "what do you think?"

"Wow." Danny said breathlessly, "You. Look. Amazing!"

"So you like?" She asked cautiously.

"No," Danny said, "Not at all. You look beautiful."

Their eyes locked for a moment, a silent understanding. She walked closer to Danny, and they kissed for a split second, before Danny helped her with her coat, donned his, and they left the apartment.

When they got down to the street, Lindsay turned and looked at Danny, her eyes wide. AThe limo was waiting to take them to the restaurant.

"Danny," It was Lindsay's turned to be breathless, as the driver opened the door.

Danny just kissed her hand and helped her enter the vehicle. Once they were settled in the back and on their way, Lindsay turned to him again.

"So is there anything else about tonight that I should know?" She asked him, with a questioning look.

"I just wanted to spoil you tonight, is there anything wrong with that?" Danny put his arm around her shoulders, careful not to disturb her hair.

They arrived at the restaurant, and saw Mac and Stella waiting for them in the entrance way.

Lindsay did a little squeal and ran up and hugged Stella, and they started chatting animatedly. Danny managed to get her coat and hang it up next to his.

"Are we ready to be seated?" Mac called after greeting Danny.

They all moved to the maitre'd podium, where a tall, well dressed man stood.

"Name please." He asked them with a friendly smile.

Lindsay expected to hear Mac's or even Stella's voice answer his question, but she was surprisingly shocked when it was Danny's.

"Messer, party of 4 for seven fifteen." His New York drawl still made her melt.

"Oh yes, Mr. Messer." the Maitre'D replied, "We've been expecting you. Right this way."

They followed him into the main room. He walked them past other diners to a comfortable looking table near the fireplace with an striking view of the Brooklyn Bridge.

"Wow, Danny." Stella said looking out the windows.

Mac just smiled at Danny, knowingly, as he pulled out a chair for Stella.

"Danny," Lindsay said, "This is incredible..." She began to wonder what he had up his sleeve.

Danny smiled at her and pulled out her chair, imitating Mac.

They chatted about the newlyweds honeymoon, Lindsay and Stella gotetting caught up in a conversation of their own. Mac and Danny chatted about the honeymoon as well, but mainly about work, and other goings on in the world. Their waiter came and took their orders, and then the chatter continued among the group. Danny took this opportunity to continue on with his plan. Carefully, he slid the tiny black box out of his pocket, and slippedd the ring out of its bed within, onto his finger.

"Lindsay," he asked, kissing her shoulder to get her attention, "Would you like some more champagne?"

"Sure Danny," Lindsay said, cupping his cheek with her hand, "Thank you." Then she returned to her conversation with Stella about the castles of Ireland.

While Lindsay was engaged in conversation, Danny took her glass filling it with the bubbly liquid, and slipped the sparkling bauble into the glass. He then set it back in front of her and waited. Mac caught his eye and smiled.

Their dinners arrived and they all commented on how good it looked and smelled. Lindsay had ordered the Apple Wood Roasted Crispy Chicken Breast, Mac had the Grilled Sirloin Burger Steak Frittes, Stella had the Soy & Honey Grilled Tuna Steak, and Danny had the New York Strip Steak. Soon they all have bits of each others food, and were commenting on how the look and smell were nothing compared to the taste.

Danny anxiously watched as Lindsay kept reaching for a drink, only to reach for her glass of water. He felt so nervous;, he was amazed that he was able to eat.

When they were finished with dinner, the waiter collected their plates and offered desert. They decided that they still had a little room left, and ordered the house special.

Once the desert had been delivered, Danny watched Lindsay with bated breath as she picked up her champagne glass and took a sip. He noticed that she had noticed something in her glass.

"What that…" Lindsay started to say, as she fished the foreign object out of her glass. She turned and looked at him. "Danny…"

Danny had already moved from his chair and was kneeling on the floor. He turned Lindsay's chair so that she was facing him. There were already tears glistening in her eyes, threatening to fall.

"Lindsay Monroe," Danny started, "I have something important to ask you but I want to tell you a couple of things first."
Lindsay simply nodded, and Danny quickly glanced at Mac and Stella, who were watching eagerly. They thought that Danny Messer would be a bachelor his entire life. Danny then continued.

"When I first saw you at the Zoo, my heart stopped. I thought that you must have been in the wrong place;, you couldn't have been the new girl. You were so beautiful;, you didn't belong in a lab. Then I got to know you and you were this sweet, positive, force who could dish it out just as well as she could take it. You are so unlike any other girl that I've ever met." Danny was starting to choke up, watching her face, "I love you, and that's something I've never said to anyone else. I love that I know every curve, every look, every smile, and every tear. I can see your face in my sleep and I dream about your smile. Waking up next to you is the highlight of every day and falling asleep watching you sleep is the perfect closing to a long day. I love talking to you, just hearing your voice, even if you're mad at me. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't have that anymore and I've screwed up so much in my life, I'm not about to screw this up too." Danny paused.

"So what I'm asking Lindsay Monroe, is will you have me? Will you become Mrs. Lindsay Messer? Will you be my wife?" Danny finished and he took the ring out of her hand, and held it in the palm of his.

"Danny…" Lindsay was speechless. "I….You…We…"

The silence seemed to last forever, but in reality was probably only a few seconds.

"Danny," Lindsay said in breathless anticipation, "Yes! Yes, I will marry you!"

Danny slipped the bauble onto her all important finger and she then wrapped her arms around his neckxt while Mac and Stella clapped and cheered softly.

"I get to keep you." Danny whispered in her ear, then kissed her lobe softly.

"And I get to keep you." She whispered back, burying her face in his neck.

The next few days were a whirlwind for the happy couple, as Lindsay called her relatives back home and they started to hammer out the details. They weren't in a hurry to get married, but Lindsay was as organized as ever. DannyHe wanted her to have the wedding of her dreams because in his opinion, it was the only one that either of them wasere ever going to have.