Gravitation: My Angel

disclaimer: Do Not Owe Gravitation!

notes: my first one-shot of Tohna and Mika! Here it is...

Mika sighed as she went home that very night, she looked around her huge home to see if there was any sign Tohma was home.

"Tohma? Darling, are you home?"

There was no answer as she turned on the lights as she walked by the switches she passes by.

She went inside there bedroom as she took off her shoes and she layed on the bed with her clothes on still.

She looked at the drawer beside her and saw the book she was reading.

It was yet another book from her younger brother.

She was in the middle of it and is almost done.

She sighed as she picked it up and began reading.

Her eyes began falling down as she closed them, unknown to her, she fell asleep.

A little while later, she felt the bed began sinking down as she knew somebody had layed upon it.

She woked up as she looked, sure enough, Tohma was just getting under the covers.

"Tohma, what time is it?"

"About two. Go back to bed Mika."

"We need to talk Tohma."

"About what?"

"Our marriage. Why are you coming home so late and then waking up early to leave?"

"I have work to do back at the company Mika. Please Mika, go back to bed."


Tohma sighed as he looked at her and then he reached out with his hand to touched her cheek.

Mika sighed as she smiled at the touched.

"I love you Mika. I always think about you everyday."

"Then why do I have a feeling that our marriage isn't going anywhere?"

"Mika, we've been married for years now. I'm a very busy man."

Mika nodded blushing embarrassed, "I guess I had a lot of things in my mind to realize that."

Tohma smirked, "now, will you go back to bed?"

"Always in command."

"What? I am not!"

Mika laughed as she leaned forward and kissed Tohma on the lips.

"I love you."

Tohma smiled at her, "I love you. Everyday I always think about you, my angel."

Mika looked at him surprised as she smiled, the two kissed again as they went back to bed that night.


me: weird, i know...

Tohma: then why'd you wrote it?

me: I wanted to write a Tohma/Mika fic

Mika: we'll be onto the next story soon

Tohma: review and update!