Hey ya'll! This is my very first story. YEEHAW! I am so excited! I hope you enjoy reading and tank-you for the time you have taken to read it. I am in your debt (but don't expect me to do anything).

Disclaimer: I don't own squat. Except this story. And my bed. But that's it.

Kagome watched through the streaked kitchen window as the new passengers boarded the ship. She sighed and turned back to the stove to finish that night's dinner.

I wish I could be one of those people with cash falling out of their bras and diamonds dripping from their ears. They have no financial problems and can afford to take a three-month cruise to Italy. I have to work on the cruise ship to do that.

She started to fry some breaded jalapenos, savoring the rich aromas reaching her nose, when the door leading to the dining room opened and a loud, excited voice said, " Kagome! Guess who's boarding the ship!"

Kagome turned around to see her long-time friend standing in the doorway with a look of pure joy upon her face.



"WHAT?" Kagome put the pan down and rushed to the window, "Sango, are you sure?"

She stood on her tip-toes to look through the small window at the line of people boarding the ship. Sango stood beside her for a few moments then said, "Wait. Look right there." And she pointed at a certain spot in the line.

Kagome's eyes followed where her finger was aiming. She gasped when she saw a head of white-silver hair move amongst the crowd. Grabbing Sango's hand she exclaimed, "I can't believe it. InuYasha is on our ship. InuYasha! He's, like, the hottest actor out there right now."

Sango smiled at her friend and said, "I know. It's so cool isn't it?" Her grip on Kagome's hand slackened as she tentitively sniffed the air.

"Kagome? I think that your jalapenos are starting to burn."

Kagome turned around to see gray smoke rise from the frying pan, "Oh holy (enter word of your choice here)."

InuYasha walked into the spacious room with a dark haired man at his side looking around the room with violet eyes.

"Well I think this is a nice room," said Miroku.

"Shove it," ordered InuYasha as he walked into the room, "I can't believe you talked me into coming on this stupid trip. Who wants to stay on a ship for three months?

"InuYasha, you need this break. After what happened with Kikyo you need a much longer trip than three months."

"Don't you worry about Kikyo. I don't care about her so there is no reason for you to," InuYasha huffed. He laid his suitcase on the bed and turned to Miroku saying, "You better go into your own room. I'll meet you later for dinner."

Miroku nodded in agreement and said, "Fine. See you at dinner. And InuYasha? Relax. That's what this trip is for."

InuYasha just grunted and waved a hand towards the door motioning for Miroku to leave. He reached down for the phone on top of his bed stand and dialed the number for the kitchen.

"Hello," a female voice sounded over the phone, "hold on a second please,"

InuYasha growled low in his voice, but said nothing. He heard in the background, "Sango just put some water on them. I can make more."

The voice came back to the phone and said, "Sorry about that. What can I help you with?"

"Yeah, I want someone to bring some ramen with rice down to room 7A," said InuYasha and put the phone down without waiting for a reply.

"Jerk," Kagome said before slamming the phone into its holder on the wall. "Sango we have an order for room 7A. Can you make it? I'll go take it to the room when you're finished," she handed a piece of paper to Sango with the order on it that she had written on while speaking, "I need to go prep the dining room for tonight."

"Sure," Sango said with a shrug taking the parchment from Kagome's fingers.

"Thanks a lot. You know where I'll be. Call for me when you finish," she left the kitchen and stepped into the room next door with a sigh.

Okay. Not too much work left so don't worry, she assured herself before retrieving the decorations that needed to be hung up.

Tank-you for reading. Pleaze review and a'member, flames are encouraged. MUST HAVE FLAMES!