A/N: Sorry again for the wait, but school is out now for the summer so I should be able to update more quickly.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Aw POOP!


Once outside, Ginny started to lead Harry around. Harry was still a bit stunned by what she had just done to be concerned with where they were going.

Ginny was staring up at Harry, he had a blank look on his face, she had to find out what he was thinking so, she pushed him a little with the side of her hip to get his attention.

"So." she said.

Harry looked at her, "So, what?" he asked.

"So, what are you thinking about?"

Harry sighed, "I'm thinking about what I'm supposed to do, I mean, what was all that about in there?"


"You know what, the foot thing, what was that for? And where did it suddenly come from?" he asked.

"It came from me. I like you Harry, I really like you." Ginny said smiling.

"But why?"

"Why? Harry, you stayed in the common room with me even though you knew you didn't have to,-"

"I was being nice, I-I didn't want you to be alone." Harry interrupted.

Ginny continued, "Harry, I woke up this morning with your arms wrapped around me."

"W-well, I . . . I d-didn't want you to be cold." Harry said, knowing he was getting beat.

They walked onto a side street, in between the shops. They stopped walking as Ginny turned to face Harry. She bit her lip and looked down at her shoes.

"Harry, I-" she thought of what to say, still looking downward.

Harry put his hands on her arms to get her to look at him, "What?" he asked.

"I, I think I'm, inlovewithyou." she said quickly.

Harry's hands dropped to his sides, "You think, or you know?"

Ginny looked deep into Harry's green eyes, "I know." And with that, she reached her hands up, placed them on either side of his face, and gently touched her lips to his. It was a slow, soft kiss. Ginny then pulled away and looked in Harry's eyes again for an answer. Harry just stood there, rooted to the spot, speechless. So Ginny decided she should say something, "Sorry, um, I just-"

Harry interrupted her, "Hold on, just . . . wait." he put one hand on the back of her neck and the other rested on her waist. He drew her in for another kiss, this time, both were more sure of themselves. The power of Harry's force caused Ginny to take a step back, she found that the wall of the alley was behind her, so it helped to brace herself.

As they became more comfortable with each other, Ginny felt Harry's tongue on her bottom lip. She gasped as he made his way past her lips. The hand that was on Ginny's waist, was now propped up against the wall. Ginny's hands, at the moment, were entwined around Harry's neck and plunging into the darkness of his hair.


Meanwhile, Ron and Hermione walked out into the streets of Hogsmeade. Hermione gazed around the crowded streets, "Where do you think they wandered off to?"

Ron, apparently not listening, "Who cares? Ooh, you want to go to Honeydukes?"

Sighing, "Fine, come on lets go."


After buying a bag of Taste-Bud-Busters, Ron was pulled out of the store by Hermione, "Come on Ronald!"

"Ahm comin' Er-mione" Ron managed through a mouthful.

Walking down the streets with Ron trailing behind, Hermione peered through windows and looked up and down the alley ways in search of their friends. She was beginning to get worried, it was getting close to the time to leave.

She was just about ready to give up hope on finding them and leave them to go back to the castle on their own when a glimpse of red hair caught her eye. She stopped suddenly, causing Ron to collide into her back.

"What's up Hermione?" Ron asked, when she didn't answer him he looked where she was staring. And the sight caused him to drop his bag of Taste-Bud-Busters. Ron stood with wide eyes, as he looked on to see his best mate and his sister. Up until now, Ron had liked to think his sister's tongue was only for consuming food, but now unfortunately, he saw otherwise.


A/N: Hope you liked this chapter, it was fun to write. Please review!
