Standard Disclaimer I do not own Sailor Moon never did, never will thank you!
Author's Note: I would like to thank randomwriter88, Gr33nJ3w3lRain, Mypinkyrulez,
ffgirlmoonie, sunny 38, Dertupio, hotaru 24, Firey Dragoness, and every
one who has read my story. I am so glad you have all enjoyed it. Sadly
though this is the last chapter; I hope you all enjoy it and please read,
review and enjoy! I hope to hear from you all. Thank you Mars Light.
Flight 1506
Andrew stood in the Crown arcade waiting for his friends to show pacing back and forth. Darien came out of the backroom as he put a hand on his shoulder as he told him "don't worry we have nothing to be nervous about. This is the greatest thing that could have ever happened".
Andrew looked over at his friend as he told him "you're right, it's a miracle that she's alive and here with us now. I still can't believe it myself, but what is everyone else going to say. Her parents they have no idea there daughter just come back from the dead"
Darien looked to Andrew as he told him "her parents are going to be so happy just to have her back, nothing else will even matter, trust me"
Andrew shook his head as Darien told him "I'm going to go into the back and check on Serena. See how she's doing"
Andrew nodded his head as he continued cleaning up making sure everything looked perfect as Darien walked into the back as he saw her fussing with her hair. He walked up behind her as he gave her a soft butterfly kiss on her neck as he smiled at her and said "you look beautiful"
Serena turned to him as she said "are you sure. What if they don't recognize me? What if they don't like the person I am now. I've waited so long to find out who my parents are and what if they don't like me"
Darien smiled at her as he told her "you have nothing to worry about. They are going to love you because they already do". He brushed a hair from her face as he led them over to the couch and they sat down. Serena was still very nervous as Darien took her hand in his he told her "you don't have to be nervous this is a good thing. You're going to have your parents back and they'll have there daughter and maybe seeing them will also help jog more of your memories."
Serena looked up at him unsure as she said "I don't know Darien. I mean all I get is bits and pieces. The fact that I remembered you at all is a miracle."
He interrupted telling her "but, it did come back and so will the rest of your memories. You just have to give it time"
Serena thought back to when she had first meet Darien that day in the park. Ever since then she had randomly started remembering bits and pieces of her life; and then it became more vivid to her. It wasn't just bits and pieces, but her memories her life. It was him, Darien was the key to unlocking all her memories and hopefully he was right maybe seeing her family again will help her remember the rest of them.
Darien saw that Serena was some where lost in thought as he looked to her and asked "something on your mind?"
Serena shook her head as she said "no" then they heard the bell outside go off and they knew people had started to arrive.
Darien stood up as he got closer to the door and he recognized the voices of his good friends. He walked over to Serena as he told her "the girls are here. Do you remember them? They were your closest friends Rei, Mina, Lita and Ami"
Serena shook her head no as she told him "I'm sorry, but there names don't sound familiar at all"
Darien smiled at her as he told her "its okay, it will all come back in time"
Serena was very nervous. She wasn't sure if it all would come back. Darien was so confident, but she didn't no what to expect. She was trying her best to pick up the pieces of her broken life, but it was so hard when she didn't know what she was looking for.
Another bell went off as she heard two more people enter and Andrew then walked into the back. He turned to her as he told her "your parents just arrived"
Serena wasn't sure what to do, she had waited so long for this moment and now that it was here, she just wanted an escape. Darien walked up beside her and told her "you don't have to be ready for this right now. You can stay here for a few minutes and then come out when you're ready"
Serena felt like Darien was reading her mind as she smiled at him and said "I just need a moment, but I will be out soon. You go ahead"
Darien nodded his head as he and Andrew walked to the front leaving Serena alone.
After they were gone she noticed a bunch of pictures Andrew had hanging on the wall. They must have been old because she looked very young; more like a school girl and so were the others in the picture. She took a deep breath as she saw the picture and said to herself "please let them like me"
Darien and Andrew walked out of the back as everyone turned around with a smile as Lita shouted out "Darien your back"
The girls all got up from the stools they were sitting on as they went to greet there friend as Ilene Tsukino smiled telling Andrew "what a wonderful surprise. Where so happy to have you back Darien"
Darien was a little surprised, but then soon realized they had no idea he was coming home as he looked to Andrew and asked him "you didn't tell them"
Andrew just shrugged his shoulders as he told him "must have slipped my mind"
Darien looked to the group of people around him as he told them "well it's great to be back. I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch better, but it's good to be back home with my family"
Before he realized it Mina wrapped her arms tightly around him as she told him "where so happy to have you back Darien" but all she got back in return was Darien screaming out in pain as he told Mina "watch it" as he pulled her away.
Serena heard Darien scream out as she turned around suddenly and left the backroom to make sure he was alright. She walked into the front as she saw a bunch of people gathered around Darien as she asked him "Darien are you alright"
Everyone stopped in that moment like time just froze. They heard it but they couldn't believe it. Six heads turned around to see Serena standing across the room alive.
The whole room was quiet for a moment until Rei spoke up saying "it can't be"
There was another long pause until Lita spoke up again asking "she's alive?"
Serena felt all the tension in the air and she wasn't sure if she should say something or just stay quiet for right now; and then the woman who she now recognized as her mother walked up closer to her. She gently put a hand to Serena's face almost as if she touched her any harder she might disappear.
Serena looked to her mother as she put her hand on top of hers she told her "it's okay, it's really me"
Ilene looked at Serena for a moment and then she wrapped her arms around her daughter as tight as possible, like she had been dreaming of doing every night for the past three years as she started to cry "my babies alive, you're alive, you've come back to me"
Serena was surprised at first by Ilene's hug, but then was comforted by it, as a wave of emotion came tumbling down on her; she started crying also telling her "mom I've missed you so much"
Ken watched the two embrace as he slowly walked over and Serena looked up to him as she questioned "dad?"
Ken saw his baby girl all grown up right in front of him as he wondered how much he had missed these past three years. He looked to his daughter and smiled he told her "Serena, I'm so glad your home."
Serena smiled to her father and before she knew it he had his arms wrapped around her too. Darien watched from the counter the tearful reunion the three of them shared as he felt a tear start to escape. He quickly wiped it away not wanting to let anyone see him cry when Rei came over and sat next to him she told him "I can't believe it. Serena's alive. How is it possible?"
Darien shook his head as he told her "I'm not really sure of all the details, but I do know that she has amnesia. She really can't remember much of her life"
Rei smiled at Darien as she told him "does it really matter. We have Serena home with us. Whether she remembers us is not important; we remember her and all the special times we shared. She will remember in time, but the most important thing is that where all still together". Rei hopped off the stool as she went over to join the rest of the girls.
They all gave Serena a big group hug and Darien watched from his place on the stool as the girls smiled and giggled just like it was old times. He put his hand in his pocket as he felt something. He had forgot he put it there with all the excitement of today, then looking back to Serena as she laughed and smiled with her old friends, he started to smile watching her.
Serena was surrounded by all her friends and something inside felt so right being here in this place, with these people. She felt like she finally found her way back home, she smiled at everyone as she told them "I am so happy to be back. I'm afraid I don't have many memories of my past, but I hope maybe with your help I will remember more about it"
Darien got off the stool as he walked over and stepped up beside her he told her "maybe we can start making some new memories also, starting now". He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small black box as he opened it revealing a beautiful diamond ring inside as he got down on one knee and asked her "Serena I know you don't remember much about the time that we shared together, but you have to know how I feel about you. Serena, Jenn whatever your name is I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you be my wife?"
Serena was completely in shock as she saw the ring and then smiled at Darien as she told him "you never gave up on me. When the rest of the world thought I was dead you never gave up on our love, and that love brought us back together, and I hope it will never bring us apart again. I love you too Darien, even though I don't remember everything, there is no denying it. I tried to fight the strange feelings I had for you. I didn't know how I could feel so strongly about someone I had just met, but now as I start to remember more. The only thing I have to wonder is how I can forget someone as wonderful as you and nothing would make me happier then being your wife"
Darien was beaming with joy as he heard Serena's answer as he stood up and gently placed the ring on her finger as he told her "we will never be apart again, that's a promise"
Everyone started to clap for joy as Darien took Serena in his arms for a sweet lingering kiss; and after they finished kissing Serena looked up at Darien as she smiled and told him "I remember that".
The End
Author's Note: I hope everyone enjoyed this story. I know I definitely enjoyed writing it. I haven't decided whether I might make a sequel. Maybe, you never know what the future might bring. Thank you to all who have read my stories and please read, review, and enjoy! Thank you Mars Light.