This epilogue will finally end Jazz's Jitters. I feel kinda sad. Expect this to be long, and of course I'll have something to say at the end. No big talkie here…let's get to the reading

Epilogue Three

Danny and Sam

Danny woke up early. He was leaving for The Ghost Zone, and he hated it. Sam tried to make him feel more comfortable and happy about his time away from her, but the truth was, he hated spending three weeks out of every year in The Ghost Zone, even more, he really hated being away from his wife. This was the fourth time he was leaving her, and the familiarity of the routine did not make it any easier.

Sam, who had never been an early riser was already out of bed, much to her husband's disappointment, and in the kitchen making sure he had a nice breakfast before he left. One thing Danny always complained about when her returned from his three weeks away, was the deprivation to the senses. Yes, things manifested themselves in The Ghost Zone, but everything was dulled. He now had compassion for all the ghosts who begged to escape the banality of The Ghost Zone so they could feel something, real.

"Good morning," Sam said trying to sound cheerful as Danny entered the kitchen. She smiled and walked forward, giving him a long hug.

"Morning," Danny answered softly as he held her then sat down at the table as she released him and returned to her cooking. He watched as Sam flipped pancakes then smiled as she placed a stack before him.

"Don't worry," Sam said as she sat down across from him. "I have Tucker and Jazz with me this time. If I get lonely I can just grab Jack and Renee for a few over night visits." Danny smiled at Sam, she was good with children. She seemed to love them. He just couldn't talk her into having any. He felt like saying something, but the subject of having children of their own would spark a huge fight, and he didn't want to fight with Sam before he left.

"I'm glad Jazz and Tucker will be here to keep you company," Danny said wistfully. He was truly glad his sister and brother-in-law were going to be around if Sam needed someone. It made his difficult task of leaving, so much easier.

Sam was never good at saying good bye to Danny. One part of her wanted to cling to him and beg him to stay and the other part of her wanted to kick her own butt for being such a clichéd clinging vine, but she loved her husband very much and being away from him was horrible. She kept her back to him at first as she composed herself.

"I should go," Danny told her gently as he stood and pulled her into his arms. Sam nodded her head and swallowed the lump in her throat. She'd never cried at one of his departures before, but this time she felt like sobbing hysterically.

"I love you," Sam said as she tilted her face up for a goodbye kiss. Danny froze as he noticed her eyes luminous with tears he knew she didn't want to shed. He smiled then kissed her sweetly before "going ghost" and flying away.

"Okay Sam," she said to herself. "Time to pull yourself together." She took several deep breaths and continued on with her day


Tucker and Sam had resumed their easy friendship when Tucker and Jazz moved back to Amity Park. The difference now was that Sam was a great deal more settled and no longer depended on Tucker to figure out her deeper emotions. He almost missed their closer friendship, but did savor not being woken up by her at the wee hours of the morning for a heart to heart chat. Not that his wife would let Sam wake him unless it was a life or death emergency.

Tucker always suspected that Sam considered him one of her "girlfriends", but he never really realized to what degree, and to what degree she absolutely trusted him until one clear and bright afternoon when they met for lunch at The Nasty Burger, her choice. Not that Tucker minded going to The Nasty Burger, he still loved meat, and The Nasty Burger filled that addiction quickly and with volume.

The two friends ended up sitting at the table they'd claimed as their own when they were ninth grade, and chatted. Well Tucker mostly chatted about Jazz and the kids while Sam listened.

Sam picked at her salad and eyed one of the hamburgers sitting on Tucker's plate as she listened to him talk. She looked at her old friend and now brother in-law and smiled sweetly as her hand snuck stealthily across the table. She warred with herself about what she was about to do, but she was hit by a craving so intense that she just had to satisfy it. Tucker watched in complete shock and horror as Sam finally stole the burger, took a large bite then closed her eyes in heavenly pleasure as she chewed then actually swallowed.

"Sam?" he asked in shock as he watched her inhale the burger. "Are you sick?"

"No," Sam answered then frowned in embarrassment and her own shock at what she'd just done. It had been a good sixteen years or more since she eaten meat. She frowned at the remnants of the burger before her, which really was nothing but a pile of crumbs now. "I just had a craving." She tried to shrug it off.

Tucker laughed and shook his head. "Why? Are you pregnant or something?" he joked, then froze as a look of dawning passed across his face. He'd been privy to two pregnancies, he knew how nutty and often out of character a pregnant woman could act. Sam smiled then frowned then smiled than started crying then laughing as she covered her face.

"Sam?" Tucker asked in alarm. Sam shook her head. He couldn't tell if she was laughing or crying or just going crazy. She was scaring him.

"I might be," she finally said.

Tucker smirked at his sister-in-law "You might be?"

Sam blushed several shades of red then jumped up from the table, grabbed Tucker's hand and began pulling him out of the restaurant.

"Where are we going?" Tucker asked as he followed her across the street and into the drug store.

"To take a test," Sam said she looked at Tucker

"Oh!" Tucker answered and wondered why Sam had to do this right now. He thought longingly of the burger he didn't get to eat then frowned. It didn't matter, the aforementioned burger was now digesting in Sam's stomach. He wondered if the world was ending.


Sam insisted that Tucker follow her home. She told him she didn't want to be alone when she looked at the results of the test.

"It's probably negative," Sam said more to assure herself than anything else.

"Probably," Tucker agreed as he followed her.

Tucker stood with his back against the wall as he waited by the bathroom door feeling somewhere between completely amused, embarrassed and annoyed. Sam finally came out then shoved the test in his hands. "I can't look," she said breathlessly then sat on her bed and looked at him worriedly.

The Techno Geek stared at the little white stick in his hands and let go of the breath he'd been holding. He didn't know how to read a pregnancy test, it wasn't something he ever expected to be doing. Jazz had never let him in on the process, she just told him she was pregnant and that was that.

He frowned as he watched the results develop then sighed. "I think it's negative," he told her then looked up. The look of sadness on her face nearly broke his heart. He cleared his throat.

"What do you see?" she asked sitting tensely on the bed with her eyes closed.

"Two pink minus signs," Tucker answered. "Well, no three. One in one window, two in the other. If it was positive there would be plus signs. Right?" Sam shot off the bed and grabbed the test from Tucker's hands and looked for herself. She handed him the box and instructions on how to read the results. Tucker raised his eyebrows in a look of understanding.

Sam stood with the test in her hand and a strange little smile on her face. "Well I guess that explains it," she said. "I'm pregnant." She looked at Tucker who was trying hard not to grin. He was scared that Danny would want to kick him into next week for finding out before he did.

"Holy Cow!" She said as she sat down beside him. "I'm pregnant! Shit!" Tucker put his arm around her, not quite sure what to say.

"What are you going to do?" Tucker asked as he watched Sam's face. She was smiling and crying at the same time. He couldn't tell if she was happy or sad.

"I'm going to have a baby," Sam whispered then looked up into Tucker's eyes. The look on her face took his breath away and he smiled and hugged her.

"You told me last year that you and Danny fought about this," Tucker said. "I thought you didn't want to have children."

"I guess accidents happen," Sam said as she looked at the test again, wondering if maybe it was wrong, but knowing in her heart it wasn't. "The thing is…will it, will the baby be normal?"

Tucker sighed, he'd been through this conversation with Sam. Jazz had talked to her a million times about it, and Danny had talked about it so much that Sam told him that if he couldn't accept her decision, that maybe he'd be happier if she left him to find someone to be a baby factory for him. After that, Danny rarely brought the subject up, and refused to talk about with Jazz or Tucker.

"Maddie and Jazz ran the tests over and over," Tucker said. "The chances of your children being affected by Danny's ghost powers is infinitesimal."

"But there's still that chance," Sam said. "It could still happen."

"Yeah," Tucker agreed. "But you have more chance of having a child born with some kind of birth defect than one with ghost powers. If you gave birth to a child with Downs Syndrome, would you love it less?"

"Of course not!" Sam said angrily.

"I don't think you should be stressing about it," Tucker told her. "Any child you have will be normal. Well as normal as one can be having crazy Danny Fenton and Goth Sam Manson for parents."

"I'm not maternal," Sam said suddenly.

"Yeah," Tucker laughed "You're not the girl who went gaga over a bag of flour."

"That was in ninth grade," Sam pointed out.

"Jack and Renee love you to death. You're fantastic with them Sam. You'll make a great mother." Tucker assured as he smiled as his friend.

"You know what really sucks?" Sam asked.

"What?" Tucker replied.

"It's going to be two and a half weeks before I can tell Danny, " Sam answered as a wry grin spread across her face. "He's going to be so psyched."

Tucker laughed then dug into his pockets for his cell phone. "Let's call Jazz," he said. "She'll run a confirmation test for you and get you all hooked up with the appointments you'll need."

"Appointments?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," answered Tucker. "I hope you like your doctor because you're going to be seeing that person a lot in the next nine months."

"Well," Sam said as she sighed heavily. "It's probably next seven or eight months."

"Yeah whatever," Tucker replied as he put the phone to his ear and readied himself to convey the shocking news to his wife.


Sam made Tucker and Jazz promise that they'd keep the news of her current state, a secret until she told Danny. They both agreed, but of course talked about it a great deal amongst themselves.

Danny's reaction to his nephew and niece had been almost heartbreaking to Jazz. She knew how badly he wanted children, with Sam. She herself had a huge argument with her sister-in-law when they moved back to Amity Park.

The look on Danny's face the first time he held his infant niece in his arms and looked into her face and smiled had caused Jazz to rush from the room in tears. Tucker had followed her and promised Jazz he'd talk to Sam, that if anyone could convince her it was all right. Of course Tucker's line of dialogue earned him an earful of anger from Sam, so he didn't dare approach the subject again.

"I wish I had ghost powers," Jazz sighed as she finished diapering the now one year old Renee and placed her on the floor to toddle away. "That way we could witness his reaction when she tells him.

"Yeah," Tucker said wistfully as he watched his daughter grab a doll and shove it into her mouth. He grimaced slightly as his daughter chewed on the toy. "He's going to be shocked I think."

Jazz nodded her head as she grabbed her husband's hand and wrapped his arm around her. "And we're going to finally have a niece."

"Or nephew," Tucker amended.

"Jack and Renee will have cousins." Jazz added.

Tucker nodded and sighed, "Let's just hope it's not cousins with ghost powers."

Jazz laughed nervously as she stuck her pinkie fingernail in her mouth. It was a gesture Tucker knew all too well. Jazz was either hiding something or she felt guilty.

"What is it?" Tucker asked as he searched her face.

"Well," Jazz said then took a deep breath. "I kind of fudged the genetic test results a little."

Tucker rolled his eyes then asked, "So what are the odds?"

"There is a seventy-five percent chance that Danny and Sam's children will inherit Danny's ghost powers," Jazz said weakly.

"What?" Tucker almost shrieked then softened his tone. He clapped his hand to his forehead.

"Yeah," Jazz said then sighed. "I know. But, on the bright side, there is still a twenty five percent chance it won't have powers at all."

"Oh nice odds Honey," Tucker replied dryly. Jazz shrugged her shoulders and had the decency to blush.

"Just don't tell them," Tucker advised. "At least not yet."

"I agree," Jazz said. "We should just let them be happy."


Time trudged on with excruciating slowness for Sam. She had her results confirmed and spent several nights agonizing about her baby's potential genetic inheritance. She finally decided that she couldn't worry about it any longer.

The symptoms of pregnancy began to take their toll as well. Sam blessedly hadn't experienced morning sickness, but she considered that morning sickness would be a better side effect than the one she was facing now as she broiled a steak she had secretly purchased from the twenty four hour grocery in the dead of night.

Sam did her best to deny herself the craving for meat, but finally the urge became over powering. She found herself in the car, at the store, in the meat department, with a large package of steak in her hands, at the checkout counter, then finally at home cooking the steak then eating it with an enjoyment which terrified her.

Tucker was extremely amused by Sam's now ravenous appetite for meat, though she stayed away from poultry and fish. His opinion was that the child had a wicked sense of humor and was going to give Danny and Sam a run for their money if he, or she was already rebelling against his, or her mother's philosophy on life.

Sam's price for Tucker's teasing was to have him help clean out her spare bedroom and prep it for nursery painting. As a rule, Sam refused to make any major changes while Danny was away. She preferred that he came home and felt like he'd missed nothing, but this was a special occasion.

So it was that Danny came home, exhausted and feeling a little depressed, from The Ghost Zone and found his wife in the spare bedroom painting little sheep along the bottom of the wall.

Sam looked up as Danny walked into the room and smiled. She wiped her face with her sleeve, put her paint brush down and rushed into his arms. After a rather heated and passionate greeting, which left Danny floored, to say the least. Sam smiled at him and pointed to the little sheep dancing around the edge of the wall.

"What do you think?" She asked.

"Cute," Danny answered tiredly. "Why sheep?"

"I'm doing a nursery rhyme theme," Sam told him. "I figured it would be non-gender specific." She smiled at her husband who gave her a look which told her he was completely clueless.

"How often are you planning on having Jack and Renee over?" Danny asked as he walked from the yellow pastel room into their own. "Do they really need their own room?" Sam laughed then sat down on the bed as she watched Danny grab fresh clothes and prepare to take a shower.

"How was The Ghost Zone?" she asked as she lay back against the pillows.

Danny shrugged tiredly. "It was the same as usual. The Ghost Zone, full of the angst and turmoil of thousands of crazy ghosts all petitioning to enact their plans to infiltrate our world and wreak havoc on the living."

"Nice," Sam said as she watched as her husband removed his shirt. She grinned as she watched him walk into the bathroom. She waited very patiently as she listened to him shower. Then smiled giddily as he walked back into the room, still drying his hair.

"What?" Danny asked as he caught sight of his wife's joyful expression.

Sam raised her eyebrows. His return home had always been low key. They would spend the evening at home, curled up together watching a movie, with the phone off the hook. Danny sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Sam again.

"What's with the grin?" he asked suspiciously. "You're kinda creeping me out Sam."

Sam laughed, then shook her head and sighed. Danny stood and dried his hair further as he walked toward the dirty clothes hamper. She rubbed her belly and said. "Poor little baby, I hope you're not as clueless as your father."

The towel Danny was holding dropped away from numb fingers. A smile he couldn't suppress, though he tried hard to keep it at bay, began to grow on his face and his breath caught in giddy anticipation as he watched his wife patting her stomach lovingly. His breath caught and he had to clear his throat. Sam met his eyes, her expression was one of complete amusement.

Danny closed his eyes. "Please Sam," he said softly. "Don't tease me."

"I'm not teasing you," Sam said as she rose from the bed and walked over to her husband. "I wouldn't tease you about something like this." She took Danny's hand and placed it on her stomach as she looked into his eyes.

"We're going to have a baby?" Danny asked dumbly, not knowing what else to say and a little scared that he was misinterpreting Sam's signals, he was after all legendary for his cluelessness.

"Yes," Sam confirmed as she watched the joy spread across her husband's face. "I'm pregnant. And for the record, I blame you."

"How did this happen?" Danny asked breathlessly as he grabbed Sam and pulled her into a tight embrace.

Sam laughed, "I think you were there so you should know."

"Okay," Danny said as he grinned. "When did you find out and when did it happen? I thought there was no way in hell you were going to have children."

Sam's happy expression sobered as she pulled away from Danny. "Accidents happen I guess." She shrugged her shoulders and walked to the window. "I guess there are just some things, which are meant to be, and you can't stop them no matter how hard you try."

Danny wasn't sure what to say. He was beyond happy, excited and now worried because he knew from the nasty arguments they'd had that this wasn't something Sam wanted. He sighed as he recalled their last big fight.

"Why do people keep expecting us to have children?" Sam had yelled as she walked through the door after visiting her parents, she threw her keys on the coffee table and sat down on the couch looking like she was going to cry. "It's not any of their business!"

"Because that's how it's supposed to be," Danny replied as he sat down beside her and tried to take her hand. "Happy people in love, get married, then have children, raise more happy people who fall in love with other happy people then have children, and then suddenly the world is populated with happy loving people."

Sam rolled her eyes as she turned on Danny. "But it doesn't work that way!"

Danny shrugged, "Maybe not, but that's what people hope for. It's what I hope for."

"I'm getting so tired of it!" Sam growled as she pulled her hand away from her husband. "Your father asked me just last week if there was a "bun in the oven" yet." Danny chuckled, his father could be a little overwhelmingly crude sometimes.

"Jazz asked me pityingly if maybe I didn't want to have children because my parents and I didn't get along and tried to assure me, that you and I would be much better parents than my own!" Sam continued. "Your mother is the only one who doesn't pry, but I can tell she thinks I'm selfish."

"We would be great parents," Danny told Sam as he began to imagine what their children would look like. Dark hair, lavender eyes like their mother. Ghost powers like their father, he frowned, then sighed as he watched Sam ranting, knowing perfectly well why she didn't want to have children.

"It won't be the end of the world if we don't have children. I'm tired of people thinking that a couple without kids have a sad and lacking life!" Sam said as she fought back her tears. She stood and walked to the front window.

Danny watched her for a moment then finally uttered the sentiment which earned him a boot thrown at his head and the silent treatment for almost a week. "Sam," he said gently. "I think you really do want to have children. I think you're just terrified that they'll inherit my ghost powers, so you've convinced yourself that kids are the last thing you want and that you'll be perfectly happy without them, but you'll be just as unhappy as I am."

Sam's eyes widened. "You're unhappy?" she yelled as she spun from the window and looked at her husband.

"I didn't mean it that way," Danny tried to explain.

"If your happiness is based on the contingency that you have children," Sam said in a scarily cold voice. "Then I suggest you find yourself a wife who will gladly turn herself into a baby factory for you, because it's not going to be me!" She turned back to the window and Danny could hear her taking deep calming breaths.

Danny rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at his wife. "Don't be stupid Sam," he began.

Sam whirled around and looked at Danny in shock. "I'm stupid now?" she asked. "Your calling me stupid?"

"No," Danny replied, trying to remain calm. "I'm saying your thinking is stupid!" He knew right then and there that he blew it. He closed his eyes for a moment and waited for the tornado to hit.

"I can't believe you think I'm stupid!" Sam shrieked as she pried her boot off her foot and threw it at Danny's head, then stalked off. Lucky for Danny he had fast reflexes and the boot phased through him.

"Sam!" Danny called then sighed as he followed her up the stairs. She slammed the bedroom door in his face, but he just phased through it.

"Get away from me," Sam spat angrily as he walked up and tried to take her in his arms.

"I'm sorry," Danny tried to say, but Sam wasn't listening.

"I'm serious Danny," she told him. "I'm not going to have children. If you keep pressuring me about it, I'll leave. There's no point of us being together if you're going to be so unhappy without children."

Fear ran cold through Danny's veins and he imagined the possibility of losing Sam. It was a terrifying prospect. Yes, he wanted children, almost desperately, but he wanted Sam more. Life without children he could live with. Life without her would be unbearable.

"I wish you'd see reason," Danny told her as anger grew in his voice.

Sam held up her hand and interrupted him again. "Wait!" She said. "Let me get this straight" She began ticking off points with her fingers. "You think I'm a liar, you are unhappy, you think I'm stupid, and you think I'm unreasonable! Is there anything else you wish to insult me with Daniel Fenton?"

"Stop being such a bitch!" Danny growled his temper finally flaring.

Sam's eyes widened and filled with tears. Her face when from red to pale and she bit her lip. "Okay," she said shakily. "I'm a bitch too. Well then fine. This bitch is going to take herself and leave. I don't know if I'll be back again. I'll give you a call." With that she turned on her heel, left the room, marched downstairs, out of the house, into her car, and drove away. That was the end of the argument and the last time Danny dared bring up the subject of children.


"Earth to Danny!" Sam said as she waved her hand in front of his face.

Danny blinked at Sam a moment then smiled at her. He didn't know what to say. The Sam he knew rarely changed her mind once it was set, she was the most determined, and often infuriating, person he'd ever met, and he just couldn't believe that her mind would be changed about something she felt so passionately about in just an instant.

"I've had two and a half weeks to come to terms with this," Sam said as she seemingly read Danny's mind. "It's not like I accepted things all at once." She took his hand and placed it on her stomach and smiled up at him in a way that made his heart race.

"Who ever this person is," she said as she placed her hand over his. "Is a part of you and me and believe it or not I love them already." Tears glittered in her eyes and Danny let out a deep breath.

"I don't want you to feel like you've been trapped," Danny whispered as he put his hand behind Sam's neck and pulled her close.

"I won't deny that I'm scared," Sam whispered as she tilted her face up toward him. "But I don't feel trapped. It's okay to be happy about this. I know you are." She smiled as she looked into his eyes.

Danny kissed his wife gently at first, then deeply and lovingly. He smoothed the hair away from her face as he kept the other placed against her stomach. "I love you Sam," he told her. "And I am so happy. Thank you."

"I'm happy too," Sam said as she pushed Danny so he fell onto the bed. "And you're home and I missed you and you're in big trouble."

"I love trouble," Danny said as he pulled his wife down to him and kissed her.


Sam's pregnancy progressed without complications, other than Sam's intense craving for meat, which upset her a great deal. She did her best to deny the cravings, but sometimes it just took over and she found herself at a fast food parking lot full of empty hamburger wrappers.

Jazz had done a few extra ultrasounds and not only confirmed that Sam was going to have a boy, but that nothing was amiss. The baby seemed to be perfectly normal as far as they could tell.

"It won't be after the baby's born and we can test his DNA that we'll know," Jazz had told her brother and his wife. After that, Sam completely forgot to worry about anything and enjoyed planning for her son's arrival.

It was a dark stormy night which called Danny and Sam to the hospital. Where Sam delivered David Daniel Fenton in safety and with little complication, except for Sam threatening to kill if she didn't get some type of pain relief.

"Why do they get to have children without all the ghost interference?" Tucker complained about the uneventful delivery.

"Because they deserve to," Jazz told him as she quietly took a sample of the baby's DNA then returned him to his parents. Tucker smiled at his wife. She was right, Danny and Sam had enough ghostly interference in their lives, they deserved a break.

"Let's just hope the results of this test come back negative," Jazz said as she pocketed the little vial of David's DNA. She sighed as she watched Danny talking to his newborn son. She desperately hoped her hunch was right.

Danny was beside himself with joy as he held his son in his arms. He gazed into the boy's dark violet blue eyes, which reminded him so much of his mother's and promised that he would have a wonderful life, because he had the best parents in the world. Sam had chuckled and told Danny that their son's eye color would probably change.

"No," Danny said as he peered into his son's eyes. "They'll stay just like this. I can tell."

Sam took the baby from his father and kissed his head full of downy jet black hair. "No you can't. Your full of baloney." Her eyes softened as she looked at the infant in her arms and cooed. "Yous Daddy is full of lots of baloney. Poor baby."

The baby looked up at his mother with a look of infantile wonderment. He thrashed his hands and grunted, then turned his head at his father's voice and closed his eyes as his father's hand caressed his head. It was at that moment when he chose to open his eyes and, doubtfully consciously, share with his father the ghostly trait they both carried. Sam was looking up toward Tucker who was making a comment about her cravings for meat sadly fading away when Danny who was touching his son's cheek met the infant's green glowing eyes.

Danny took such an audible gasp that Sam immediately snapped to attention. "What?" She asked as she searched her husband's face.

"Nothing," Danny lied as he took his son from his mother's arm. "It just hit me. I'm a father now. I think my son and I need to have a little father son chat." He walked toward the door. "If you'll excuse me."

"Hey!" Sam yelled. "Get back here!" Unfortunately, she was not in any condition to go after her husband to retrieve the child he'd kidnapped

"I'll get him," Jazz said, understanding all too well the distress Sam was going through, being parted from her child before she was ready.


Jazz found her brother and new nephew not too far from Sam's hospital room. He was sitting on a bench by the wall looking sadly into his son's face.

"Danny?" Jazz asked as she sat beside him. "Is something wrong?"

Danny looked at his sister for a moment then lifted the blanket on his son's head. "Watch," he whispered as he forced his eyes to go ghostly green. His son's eyes mimicked the action and Jazz put her hand to her mouth.

"I guess there's no need for a DNA test," Jazz whispered sadly as she searched her brother's face. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not," Danny said. "I wouldn't wish my ghost powers on anyone, but he's going to have it easier than I did. It's not the worst thing that could happen. I'm just scared how Sam's going to react."

Jazz put her hand on Danny's arm. "Firstly," she said reasonably. "He's just a baby yet. I think it will take a long time for his abilities to manifest themselves. We don't even know to what extent he'll have ghost power. It could be nothing."

"You're right," Danny said as he cuddled his son close. "Maybe we should keep this from Sam."

"No," Jazz told him as she shook her head. "Firstly we take the baby back to Mommy. Then we sit down and tell her gently what we know."

"All right," Danny said reluctantly. "But be ready to duck when she throws a shoe at your head."

Jazz shook her head. "I'm not giving you the news!"

"Please?" Danny asked as he gave her puppy dog eyes. The baby in his arms started crying. "For the sake of your nephew?"

"Oh shut up Danny!" Jazz said as she ushered him back into the hospital room where Danny delivered the crying baby back into his very perturbed mother's arms.

"Don't do that again Fenton," Sam said angrily as she examined her child.

"Sam," Danny said weakly then looked at Tucker then Jazz. "I need to tell you something."

Sam didn't look up from looking at her son's feet. "You don't need to tell me," she replied. "I already know."

"You do?" Danny and Jazz said in unison.

"Know what?" Tucker asked.

"The baby has ghost powers," Sam told him. "I knew before they did." She shook her head then smiled down at her son. "He's going to be a pain in the butt just like his daddy."

"Hey!" Danny said. "I'm not a pain in the butt."

"Yes you are," Tucker, Jazz and Sam said in unison.

"Did someone say, ghost powers?" Vlad said as he appeared in a puff of reddish smoke.

"Plasmius," Danny growled. "You weren't invited here. I suggest you leave."

"Tut tut dear boy," Vlad said as he floated closer to Sam and the baby. "I simply came to view your child."

"Liar," Sam growled as she held her son close to her chest. Vlad smiled at her as he peered at the baby from an ever closing distance until Danny finally stepped between he an Sam.

"Leave Vlad," he ordered not wishing to fight him here and now, but being willing to if necessary.

Vlad looked at Danny and smiled smarmily. "You need to face facts Daniel," Vlad said smoothly. "You and Samantha are ill prepared to raise a child with ghost powers. You should be wise and hand him over to me now before you become too attached."

"Too late," Sam said. "You can't have my son. You jerk!" Danny transformed into ghost mode and Vlad stepped back.

"Really now," Vlad laughed. "No need to get up in arms. I just thought I'd offer and make it easier on you." His eyes flashed as he looked at the infant in Sam's arms.

"Poor child. It's likely you are going to burden it with what a responsibility it is to have ghost powers and the good he'll have to do. What kind of life are you going to be able to give him?"

"A better life than you can," Sam growled. "A normal life. Not one of a twisted, demented monster!"

Vlad put his hand to his heart and said, "Ouch Samantha, that really hurts my feelings." He turned his gaze to Danny.

"Daniel," Vlad told him softly. "Things will go a lot easier on you if you give him up now instead of forcing me to take him from you."

"You seem to be forgetting something," Danny growled as green began to glow around his clenched fist. Vlad looked at him questioningly. "You're not talking to fourteen year old Danny Phantom with his fourteen year old powers. You're talking to twenty-nine year old Danny Phantom whose ghost powers have surpassed yours, who has the whole of The Ghost Zone to call on. I am fully capably of taking care of my son."

"For now," Vlad said as he backed away.

"Forever," Danny hissed as he held up his green glowing fist.

"You can't watch him all the time Daniel," Vlad told him. "The child will be mine." With that, he was gone.

Sam buried her face into her son's and did her best not to let anyone know she was crying. She had fooled herself for the past four years that maybe she and Danny weren't ill fated and now it was coming back to haunt her.

"What are you going to do?" Jazz asked as she looked at Danny.

"Kill him!" Sam growled. "Hunt the bastard down and kill him!"

Danny shook his head. He now looked like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. "I can defeat him, but he'll keep coming back. I can't watch Sam and the baby all the time. Especially three weeks out of the year." Danny turned and looked at Tucker who shrugged his shoulders. The Techno Geek had no answers.

And so it came to be, that Danny, Sam and their son lived their life on the run from Vlad, always at least one step ahead of the evil ghost, who was often hindered by his companion Michie through her promise to never hurt Jazz.

But they were happy, they had each other. They lived and loved and continued to run from Vlad. After all, happily ever after would never come easy for Danny and Sam.



Okay so I couldn't bring things to a final and complete end. I can't help it. I'm just weird that way. I hope you don't mind how I wrote things. There were so many people who kept saying "Make Sam pregnant…" that I caved, but then it didn't come so easy for any of them.

Special thanks to Lacey52 and Gecko Osco, both of you are my heroes, my inspiration, my friends and my good story luck. I have to thank Gecko Osco for helping me find Michie, my muse. I have to thank Lacey52 for helping me to believe in my ability to write. For more understanding and valuable writing friends, I could never ask I love both of you very dearly.

Special thanks to Deeds because Deeds is the best ever. I love you too kiddeo.

To all my other reviewers. Thank you thank you thank you for reading, for reviewing. I love you and you mean the world to me.

And, no, there will not be a sequel to Jazz's Jitters. This story is finished.
