Well this is my Sess/Kag story, I like Inu/Kag but once I saw Sesshomaru the first time he saw Kagome when she shot her arrow at him his expression I always wondered did maybe he like her? Their love is forbidden love in a sense because Inu-yasha if he found out about them he would literally tear Sesshomaru apart.
So this might be a one shot depending on how many reviews I get, if I get a lot ill write more if I get very little then we all know what will happen.
Prologue: Something about her
He looked ahead the sun was setting a beautiful orange hue with a trace of red and yellow glistening inside of it, He turned his head and noticed Jaken and Rin had fallen asleep under a nearby cherry blossom tree some of the petals had fallen on them making them seem almost peaceful. It had 123 hours since he had last seen her and yet still she plagued my thoughts.
Kagome yes that was her name, she was truly an enigma if he ever saw one. Why she stayed with his useless half brother god only knows? For a human she was quite brave towards him most humans would cower in fear and run for their lives hoping this Sesshomaru did not slash them with his claws. Yet this tiny human female stood her ground and defiantly protected his half brother. He couldn't bear to call him his brother, he shuddered at the thought.
Even her scent for a human was rather pleasant almost tolerable. Ok who was he kidding it smelt delicious better than any female demo ness he had ever encountered. He mentally slapped himself first of all he was arguing with himself and second off he was thinking of a human in a more then killing way.
She wasn't half bad looking either for a human, white pale skin and shining brown eyes that filled with such emotion he had to step back a little. Her body was soft and supple probably soft to the touch, yet she pranced around in a short little kimono or something revealing her creamy legs to any lustful demon's eyes. He hadn't noticed he had started pacing on the ground; his long silver hair flowed behind him like a curtain as he paced harder. She wasn't even that attractive yet he felt drawn.
One thing he had noticed was she was very caring toward children or anyone for that matter. She helped demons, humans, half demons namely one half brother who remains nameless. She didn't care who it was that was a good quality if he ever saw one.
He growled in anger and fisted his hands in his hair and nearly shouted. Why was she plaguing his thoughts? She was human she didn't matter she was another nameless being he could easily destroy. Then why did he stop that time? She was right in front of him he could have easily destroyed her but he stopped.
Maybe it was her courage, maybe it was her personality or maybe it was her looks. Maybe he was feeling some sort of pity for her I mean she did travel with that thing. He sat down on the ground and pondered his thoughts.
Why couldn't she just be like other humans and fear his very existence? Why did she have to that way? Did she enjoy tormenting this Sesshomaru? Maybe she cast a spell on me? Yes that was it a spell, a love spell. He shook his head again no he had discovered she didn't really know how to use her Miko powers so there was no point in assuming that.
He noticed Rin stirring and he gently walked toward her and petted her head. Maybe it was just her in general. He didn't understand her she stayed by his half-brother even though at night he would run off to be with a dead corpse. She would stay by his side. That was loyalty she deserved to be with someone who wouldn't treat her like dirt that they stamped on every time they felt like it.
She deserved someone who would care about her, love her, cherish her, respect her and give her everything she desired she deserved to be with some one like himself. He mentally slapped himself wow twice in one day. Why was he thinking this? These thoughts are wrong but then why did they feel so right?
There was just something about her.
So what
did you guys think? Good, bad? Should I continue? Sorry if I'm
moving to fast with Sesshomaru's feelings for her. I can slow it up
if you want or even move it up so give me your feedback. This is only an Introduction that's why it's so short -
Love Darkphoniex245 till next time if there is one.