But I am going to write them all..I promise...so here it goes...
"Ha! Ha! Kei has a girlfriend! Kei has a Girlfriend!" Mannen was yelling in a sing-song voice.
"Come here you little rat!" Kei began running after Mannen when Miako came up behind him and kicked him in the shin.
Hajime was laughing his head off while he sat by the egde of the pool, waiting. After all, it was his birthday and they were having a pool party today!
Himeno ran across the yard and poked Kei in the back, "Hey where is everyone? Hayate, Sasame..."
"How the hell would I know?" He shouted and Shin gasped, his small hand covering his mouth.
"Kei! No swearing around the kids." She looked at the group of four standing before her.
"Hey! Who you callin' a kid?" Mannen and Miako asked simultaniously. (sp?)
"You, now go and wait with Hajime, the others will be here soon." Just as she said that, Sasame walked out the back door and Takako and they were ready for the party.
Now...for Hayate.
Goh started running down a large manmade hill in the backyard and jumped into the pool, "CANNON BALLLLLLLLLL!"
"Hayate...where are you..." Himeno whispered to herself.
"Miss Himeno," Talley walked out the door and smiled and Kei, " You have a telephone call." She turned and returned to work as Himeno ran up the stairs to the door.
"Hayate?" She said into the receiver.
"Miss Himeno Awayuki?" Said a very official sounding voice on the other side, "I have some rather...dissappointing news." He said and then told Himeno something that made her heart seem to stop beating.
"Hayate, remeber, don't be late!" Himeno hung up and Hayate threw the cell phone into the passenger seat next to him.
He began to speed up knowing Himneo would be pissed if he showed up late.
Next thing he knew he was pinned to the car seat by the steering wheel and he felt the blood running down his chin.
He had run a red light.
Himeno ran outside to the party scene and yelled that Hayate was in the ER.
Everyone turned to look at the tears run down her face.
Hajime started crying, "This is so horrible! WHy did this have to happen on MY birthday?"
Talley walked over to him and gave him a cookie, craddling him in her arms.
"Talley, can you stay here with the kids and Kei while I take Himeno and Goh to see Hayate?" Sasame said, "Takako, I think you should stay too." He looked at her and saw her nod.
"You go, and be careful."
"Himeno.." Sasame offered her a hand to fly her there but she was already gone, no doubt in Tanaka's car, racing down the main street by now.
He closed his eyes and tried to find Himeno, he felt her just as she pulled into the visitor's parking lot at Awayuki Hospital.
"Hayate!" She burst into his room and saw him hooked up to what her science teacher called the heart and lung machine. He was only alive because of that machine...
The tears started fall harder and faster and a nurse tried to calm her as she walked closer to Hyaate.
His eyes were open...
"Hi-Me-No? I'm so...rry I'm so - late." He moaned out.
The tears fell faster then ever now.
"Hayate," Himeno coughed between sobs, "Please be alright."
He smiled and fell unconcious. The machine next to him, which gave out a steady beat before, now made a clear endless ringing sound in Himeno's ears.
"No! Hayate! Not you! No!" Himeno drapped herself over his body, refusing to beleive he was gone.
A doctor attempted to pry her off of him so they could get rid of his body but she held on tightly.
"Miss Awayuki, please, you must let up dispose of the body!" He yelled at her.
"No! He's not dead! I don't beleive you! Your machine is wrong! No!" Himeno screeched, her tears making a wet spot on Hayate's blue shirt.
"Himeno, come with me." Sasame put his hand on my back.
"Sasame? Took you long enough, tell him Hayate's not dead!" She pointed at the doctor.
Sasame looked at the ground and Goh gave me a sad look, "I'm sorry Himeno."
She was in shock, she fell to the ground being surronded in darkness.
Her hair and fingernails grew at an amazing rate.
"Himeno, NO!" Goh pushed Sasame out of the way and grabbed onto Himeno's shoulders.
"Goh, the only one that would be able to stop her is..." Sasame galnced at Hayate.
"No..This can't be happening..." Goh shook his head.
---Back at the HOuse---
"Kei, is Hayate okay?" Talley leaned against his shoulder.
"I dunno."
"Ahhh! Himeno!" Takako grabbed her hair and started yanking on it, "Himeno, you mustn't!" Her face was covered with tears that fell fast from her wide eyes.
"Takako! What's the matter?" Kei asked her.
"It's Himeno she's becoming the Princess of Disaster! We must stop her!"
"Why would she do that?" Talley asked worriedly, not fully knowing what the Princess of Disaster was.
"The same reason as me, she lost Hayate." Takako fell to her knees and then went unconcious.
Shin began to cry and Mannen put his arms around his knees.
"I'm so unlucky! Why did this have to happen on my birthday?" Hajime cried and then ran to Talley who held him close.
---Back at the Hospital---
"Himeno!" Sasame yelled, "Himeno, you are not turning into the Princess of Disaster! You can't!"
Her eyes were glassy and she didn't seem to know what was happening around her.
"You said you wanted to protect everyone right? Well how can you do that AND kill everyone?" Goh yelled.
"-Gasp-" Himeno tried to get her breathe, "Help-me." She coughed.
Goh ran to Hyaate's side and put his hands on Hayate's chest.
"Goh what are you doing?" Sasame asked him urgently.
"Saving his life." He began to transfer his own leafe into Hayate.
"Goh! Stop! You're going to die!" Sasame grabbed his arm.
"I don't care!" He yelled pushing Sasame off of him.
Hayate's eyes opened and he gasped for air. Goh fell backwards onto the floor next to Himeno.
By the time Hayate could stand, Himeno's hair had reached her knees and was beginning to turn that dark purple color.
"Himeno! Why?" Hayate glanced at Sasame.
"You didn't even realize that you were dead?" Sasame asked him cautiously.
"I was- Then how?"
"Goh." Sasame looked him in the eyes and urged him to help Himeno before it was too late.
Hayate got to his knees next to his girlfriend and picked her up.
"Himneo? Are you in there?" Hayate's voice rang in her ears.
"Hayate?" Himeno's eyes began to defog and her hair stopped growing.
"I'm okay Himeno, see?" He laughed and she began to turn back to normal.
"Hayate!" She yelled and grabbed him around the waist, "I thought I had lost you!"
"I'm here." He whispered to her when she finally reached the point where there was no hint that she was ever even close to the Pincess of Disaster.
The doctor stood in the corner in pure shock and fell unconcious.
Hayate picked up Himeno and said, "Come on, I'm sure the others are waiting."
Sasame didn't move, he just stared at Goh.
"Hey Sasame, pick him up will you? Maybe, when she's up to it, Himneo can give him Leafe before he runs completly out."Hayate said.
"I'll do it now, you never know when he will run out."Himeno jumped from Hayate's arms but used him shoulder to keep steady, "Oh Goh."
A flash of light was followed by glowing bubbles and then Himeno was the white Pretear. She didn't know exactly how to trigger it, but she knew that anytime a knight is almost dead because of lost Leafe, she could transform.
---Back at the House---
Takako finally became concious again.
"Takako? What happened?" Mannen was shaking her awake.
"Himeno, she's okay." Takako whispered.
"Hey! Guys!" Goh yelled as he ran out onto the patio.
"Goh! Where's-?" Kei began but stopped when Hayate walked out carrying a tired Himeno and Sasame followed behind.
"Sasame!" Takako ran into her lover's arms, "I felt Himeno become the Princess of Disaster, it was such a horrible feeling!"
"I know." He wrapped his arms around her and stood still.
Hajime ran up to Hayate when he sat on a lawn chair, Himeno still in his arms, "Himeno?"
"Happy Birthday Hajime." She smiled, her eyes barely open.
"Yeah Happy Birthday."Hayate mimiced her.
Himeno giggled, "Let's get this party started!" She jumped up and stumbled up the stairs to the house, "I'll be right back, I gotta go get my bathing suit on!"
"Mkay!" Mannen yelled.
Hayate followed behind her to make sure she was okay then teleported away, Himeno hoped he was planning on coming back.
Himeno ran out to the pool in her navy bikini that looked wonderful on her. It showed off every curve and turned heads.
Sasame was starred at her before Takako punched him in the arm and glared at him. Then she giggled and smiled at Himeno.
"That's gotta be some kinda crime." Goh said, his face as red as a tomato, he diverted his eyes to the door when it opened, revealing Mawata, Mayune, and Yayoi. All there and ready for the party.
Yayoi starred at the water and then finally jumped in, landing almost on top of Goh, who had concealed himself under the water, hiding from Himeno.
"Ah!" She yelled as she was lifted out of the water on his shoulders.
"Well hey there." He said.
Her face glowed pink and then she fell backward off his shoulders.
"He he." He laughed and helped her surface, "What's up Yayoi?"
She smiled, her face still burning, "Just fine, and you?"
"Great...now." He turned his face away from her to hide his now red face.
Himeno giggled and sat on the steps to the pool.
"Hey, did you miss me?" Hayate voice was heard behind her. She stood up in the pool and saw hayate wearing baggy black swim trunks.
Himeno swore if her head got any warmer, smoke would come out of her ears. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she sank under the water then surfaced again, breathing heavily.
Hajime got on the diving board and started jumping up and down, "Cake and Presents! Cake and Presents!" He was yelling, trying to pull Mannen out of the water while he was talking to Miako.
"Hey, runt, stop it!" Mannen yelled at him.
"Hey, come on Mannen, I want some cake!" She smiled and grabbed his hand.
"O-okay!" Mannen said and allowed her to pull him from the pool to the glass table.
Hajime glared at him then started taunting him, "Mannen and Miako sittin' in a tree..."
By now Shin had joined Hajime in his song and Mannen was screeching at them to shut up.
"Okay, Okay! Calm down everyone! Here's your first present." Talley handed Hajime a present wrapped in lime green wrapping paper.
He tore into it and smiled widely as he starred through the plastic wrap into the Power Rangers play set box.
It went one like that for a while. Himeno had finally gotten over Hayate being so hot and was sitting next to him and Hajime was stacking his toys on the grass by the table.
By the time he was done, he was complaining about his hand being cramped and how he wanted to cut his own cake, trying to take the knife away from Kei.
Finally he let Kei cut it and then he complained about his peice not being bigger then everyone else's. Himeno sighed and said that he could have more later.
The sun fell and the moon appeared above them in the deep blue sky.
Himeno got up on the diving board and was about to jump off when Hayate made then wind blow her off. She glared at him and then started getting out of the pool and Hayate got on the diving board.
She jumped from the side of the pool to the diving board and grabbed his arm, pulling him in.
Meanwhile, Yayoi and Goh had settled on the edge of the pool. Yayoi sat on the side, her feet in the water and Goh was in the water, his arms crossed next to her legs.
Talley has playing with the kids and Kei had simply refused to get in the water, said he was' too professional for such a childish activity.' He sat and watched Talley, a smile on his face.
Mayune had disappeared into the house, no doubt thinking of another trap for Himeno to fall into and Mawata had excused herself because she was tired.
By the time Hajime was yawning and Talley told Miako it was time to leave, it was close to midnight.
Himeno yawned and let her head lay on Hayate's shoulder and they sat together on a bench. Kei had already left to walk Miake and Talley to the gate and Goh had taken Yayoi home.
Okay then! Now time to start Hayate's Bday...I con't really picture him having a party so this one will be difficult to think of... ;; Ah well...I'll will think of something I'm sure.
You Author,