((HERE I AM! We all have a big huge party! Accually, this fic is based at a party! A birthday party for Sasame whos birthday is December 30...So Starting now...I am going to write a fic for each and everyone of the Knight's and Pretear...of course...birthdays...At the end of this fic, I will make a list of the brithday dates...starting with the oldest and ending with the Pretear Okay? Sounds good to me! Oh and I didnt NOT make any of these up...they are all in the books to the series!
I dont own Pretear
On with the story!))
Happy Birthday Sasame!
"Himeno!" Goh grinned at her as she plopped into a seat at the restaurant he worked at.
"Hey Goh! You almost done with the stuff for tommorrow? I really need it for the party." She said in a quiet whisper in fear that Sasame was secretly listening in on their conversation.
"Yup! Got it in the back..I'll get Hayate to take it to you when he gets here...he said he was going to stop by in about an hour..you can wait or go on.."Goh said as someone was saying check really loud across the patio.
"I think I can wait..I would also like to order an extra large double scoop hot fudge sundae." She grinned.
"And what flavored ice cream?" he smiled even wider then hers but his eyes soon changed from delight to utter disgust.
"Green Tea Cimchy with chocolate chips..mmm...so good!" She giggled which didnt fit her attire of baggy black jeans and a deep blue tee that wasnt so baggy...if you know what I mean.
"Got it." He winked as the person who had called for their check got up and stalked over to the table.
"Excuse me! I didnt come her to wait an hour for my check because my waiter was talking to his girlfriend!" The man's eyes expressed his instant hatred for Goh.
"Fine here." Goh said.
"I want Half OFF!" The man yelled at Goh even though his face was mere inches away from Goh's.
"Sorry I cant do that...but if you come back next week you can talk to the manager...he doesnt get back from the cruise until next week and-" He was cut off by the man screaming in rage at the idea of returning to the restaurant.
"Dont expect my business again!" The raged from the patio after throwing a wade of cash at Goh.
"Sooo...about that sundae!" He smiled at Himeno with a look that gave every impression that he didnt care at all about the happening.
He walked off to answer to another customer and someone sat down in the chair next to Himeno.
"Hey." Himeno turned on the voice knowing who it was.
"Hi Hayate. What's Up?"
"Nuthin...I was wondering what just happened..I saw some guy with a funny mustache yelling at Goh...what was going on?"
"I was being a bad waiter cause I was talking to my 'girl friend'" Goh grinned down at Hayate as he placed Himeno's sundae on the wicker table.
"You have a girl friend?" Hayate was clueless.
"Of course...havent you heard? I am dating Himeno!"
"What?" Hayate was amazed. His eyes were wide with shock and he stood u knocking the chair over.
"Just kidding man...chill out!" Goh held his hands up defensivly, as though Hayate was going to hit him in anger," I know you like but I was just joking."
"What do you mean? Hayate likes me?" Himeno stood up and had the most disgusted look on her face.
"No!" He denied it and quickly changed the subject," Goh, I need that stuff to take to Himeno's house for the party."
"Oh thats right...Okay come with me, Himeno can you wait for him to come out?"
"Sure." Was all she could get out. Was it just her was he a little to touchy on the subject of him liking her?
Thay seemed to be taking a long time...Himeno tapped her foot on the ground unpatiently.
"Tuliphead! Here I am come on!" Hayate had walk past her while she was daydreaming.
"Hayate?" She turned her head to look at him.
"Come on! We need to hurry! Takako will want to help and she is already at the house!" He said angerly and he grabbed the back of the shirt adnd started pulling her toward her house.
"Lemme Go!" She cried.
-------------The next day around the same time-------------
"Surprise!" Himeno and Takako screamed together as Sasame walked in looking for Takako
"Happy Birthday Sasame!" Cried Himeno as she hugged him.
"Yeah! I love you!" Takako said as she hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.
He smiled his small smile that was rarely there.
"Hayate was even smiling as the party began. There was alot of people there. Some were dancing, some were drinking soda and eating the snacks that were scattered over the huge table and other's were just talking. Himeno was standing in a corner and grinning at passer byers, as was Hayate.
Takako and Sasame were looking at them from their place on the love seat against the wall in between the 2.
"You thinking what I thinking?" Takako said raising a brow expectantly.
"I hope" I grinned and stood, making his way to Himeno.
Takako went to Hayate and like clockwork, they were asked to dance.
Takako was dancing with a smile on her face with Hayate as Himeno and Sasame ventured ever closer.
Sasame nodded at Takako giving her the signal and automatically, they switched partners, Takako with Sasame and Himeno with Hayate.
Himeno and Hayate both turned a deep shade of red but continued dancing. Hayate looked at Sasame from the corner of his eye and saw him and Takako stop dancing and go into the kitchen. But why? He wondered to himself as the song ended and changed to a slow one.
Hayate smiled, "Do you still wanna dance, Tuliphead?"
She glared but it changed into a smile almost instantaneously,"Sure..."
He placed his hand on her waste and his other in her hand as her hand found itself on his shoulder.
As they got farther into the song, Himeno's hand left his and landed on his other shoulder as his other hand went to her waste.
The song ended after what seemed like an eternity. He starred into her eyes deeply as did she. His face started to come dangerously close to hers, making them both grow a darker shade of a now violet-rosy color.
They got closer and closer! She could feel his breath tickling her lips, so close. Their lips brushed together just as a scream emitted from the kitchen.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" They heard Takako cry.
Sasame carried her out of the kitchen with a broad smile on his face.
"What happened?" Himeno asked, who had an inkling of of what it could be.
"Takako has said that she will marry me!" Sasame was in a 'I-cant-stop-smiling' sort of mood and the news seemed to liven up the whole party, not that it wasnt fun to begin with.
"Yup! And look at the ring Himeno!" Takako flashed her hand at Himeno with a huge grin.
"Oh WOW!" Himeno cryed, her eyes getting big and starry, just like Yayoi's who was huddled over the ring next to her.
"I want a ring like THAT when I get proposed to!" Yayoi cryed as she starred down at the intricatly disigned ring with 4 HUGE diamonds on it.
Sasame's eyes seemed to glow as he admired Takako, then his eyes left Takako and found Hayate who was still in his corner starring at Himeno.
"So.."Sasame murmured as he approached Hayate,"Sorry for interupting you 2."
"What Ever." Was all he said as his eyes lowered to the floor.
"I got to go, Happy Birthday Sasame." Hayate pushed his gift into Sasame's hands, but there was more then one gift. One that said To:Himeno on it.
Sasame smiled and felt a bit guilty for his intrudance.
Takako came up behind him, her eyes glowing. She glanced at the packages in his hands and grabbed the one the was for Himeno.
"Himeno! Theres a package here for you!" She yelled with delight
"Really? Who is it from?" Himeno hurried over to Takako and looked down at the tiny box.
"Dunno, doesnt say."
"Hmm." Himeno ripped into the package and found a small rng box inside. She pulled it opened and her face began to glow, tears welled up in her eyes as the lights bounced of the ring. It wasnt as fancy or glitsy as Takako's that's for sure, but Himeno loved it all the same.
"Himeno, That is from..Hayate." Sasame said in a quiet voice," He accidentally handed it to me with my gift."
"Wonder what he means by it..." Himeno glaced at the ring before pulling it out and slipping it on her left ring finger," I will still wear it though. No matter what it means."
"Well..." Himemo sat in a big fluffy armchair across from the loveseat the held Takako and Sasame," The party was great Sasame, everyone hasd a wonderful time. But where did Hayate run off to in the middle of it?" Himeno had a sceptical look on her face and her bright pinkish eye had a look of worry in them.
"I dont know, he just said he had to go and then left." Sasame shrugged and wrapped an arm around Takako's shoulders.
"Sorry he wasnt here that long Himeno." Takako looked away from the ring that was glistening on her finger.
"Wha? What would I care if he was here or not? He was a jerk for leaving, true, But not cuz of me, cuz it was Sasame's birthday!" Himeno's face was burning and she knew she was blushing big time.
There was a knock on the door and Hayate was shown into the room by a maid.
"Hayate is here to see you all." She said and glaced at Takako," Mikage? Can you help us fix the oven? You were the only one that could do it before" The maid asked sheepishly because she knew that Mikage wasnt her real name and that she no longer weorked for the Awayuki family.
"Of Course Dai. Ill be there in a sec kay?" Takako smiled, not minding being called Mikage," Be right back okay." As she left she smiled at Hayate.
"Hayate." Sasame said in greeting.
"Sassame, I wanted to talk to you about something." Hayate didnt even shown recognition to Himeno. She glared," Hello? Im here to ya know!" She waved a hand in front of his face and he winced as light flashed into his eyes.
"Oh! I am sorry, this ring really picks up the light." Himeno smiled and sat back down in her chair.
"Since when do you where jewelry?" Hayate narrowed his eyes.
"Since I got jewelry to wear!" She showed him her hand and he face went pale.
"Sasame, no please." He gestured for the hall and Sasame followed smirking.
"You gave her the ring?" Hayate screech once the doors were closed tightly behind him.
"Of course, it said 'To: Himeno' on it. What ese was I supposed to do?" Sasame was surpressing a giggle.
"Does she know it was from me?" Hayate was really worried about the ring and wished he hadnt had it in his pocket with Sasame's gift.
"I think so. I know I told her but she was a bit dazed from the light glaring at her from the ring to be listening, She might have heard she might have not. Never know with these things. WOuld you like me to ask her?" Sasame made his way to the door and reached it before Hayate could stop him.
"Himeno? Who gave you that ring again?" Sasame asked her as he sat back down on the loveseat.
Hayate inched himself in and sat in an armchair across the room from them.
"Umm...I know you told me...I know I said something about it too...Hmm...how could I even forget!" Himeno hit herself in the head and looked down at the ring, trying to remember what Sasame had said," Oh yeah! It was-" She cut off the sentance and glance behind her at Hayate who was suddenly interested with the floor.
Himeno stood and walked slowly over to where he was sitting," Hayate? Thank you for the ring. I love it!" Himeno bent down and kissed him on the cheek. His eyes grew wide as he tore them from the floor to look up at the smiling girl.
"Y'Welcome." He said, his voice was hoarse and whispy from shock. Himeno grabbed his hand brought him over to sait with the group as Takako walked in, a little bit of grease on her nose.
"Hey yall." She settled back down next to Sasame as the bell rang midnight.
"Happy end of Birthday Sasame!" Himeno cried as she sat down on the floor and Hayate took the chair she was formily occupying.
"Thank for a great bithday you guys." He smiled and kissed Takako deeply, making Himeno smile and taunt them.
((Okay this was just an idea, tell if you liked it in a reveiw..and I believed I said I would tell you everyone birthday dates...
Hayate- April 27th
Sasame- December 30th
Kei- February 1st
Goh- August 22nd
Mannen- November 25th
Hajime- April 8th
Shin- October 16th
Himeno- July 9th
There you have it, not made up by me at all. Read the books if you dont believe me!
If this works I will have a new chappie for this story coming out around those dates!