a/n: well, I'm so sorry that this took so long, but I ran into a time that Phantom of the Opera (i can't believe it) stopped being one of the things that I obsessed over (temporarily of course) and in that time I lost the flow of this story! For those of you that are still willing to read it though, I did manage to finish it with about 28 chapters! Enjoy!

Rating: M for character death (though I will not tell you who until it happens), and some sex (yaoi folks, male/male sex!), and angst (as all my Phantom stories seem to have)

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Phantom of the Opera or the characters (cries)

This takes place at the end of the 2004 movie, BUT, it seems does have some pieces/parts of the book mixed in


My beloved Christine, you love me no more. Your arm rests lightly on my shoulder as I begin to push us away and I feel no love in the deed, only tiredness, and need.

Your voice calls, "Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime."

Mine answers without thinking, "Say the word and I will follow you."

"Share each day with me," I feel her head turn to rest slightly on my arm, "each," and then turn to look back, to the damned house under the opera, by the lake, "night, each morning."

We move close to the turn that will lead us from this place, and she turns back to look forward as his voice reaches our ears, "You alone can make my song take flight."

I look to the floor of the boat, and then back ahead. The man loves her, he would never harm her, not on purpose, and yet he had enough strength to give her up to me, just because of that love. She loves him back. I'm sure of it, though she surprised me by begging me to see him one more time, to give back his ring.

As we turn the corner a pained cry from behind us floods my senses, "It's over now the music of the night!"

There is no noise as we reach the shore. Yet, if I listen close enough, I think that I can hear the breaking of a heart.

I turn to my beloved Christine, and ask, "Why?"

"Why what, Raoul?" her hand comes to rest on my face, but I move away from her touch.

"You said you loved me, but then proved your love to him, only to break his heart! Why?" I demand.

She backs up a step at my harsh tone, then touches my hand gently, and I don't flinch, "Please, Raoul, he was going to kill you, I only meant to save you, no matter the cost to me."

"Yes, that's why you poured so much passion into your kiss, or should I say kisses?" I hold my ground as she approaches.

"What are you saying?" she yells.

"I'm saying nothing. I'm simply asking where your heart lies," and even without her answering me, I know the answer. She loves neither of us.

"Raoul, I'm sorry," she turns away.

"Do you turn me away because you love him, or because you hate us both?" I sigh, tears forming in my eyes.

"I don't hate you Raoul, or him! I'm just… I don't know…" her voice trails and I turn my back.

Then I make my decision. I know what I must do.

There are voices, close, but not too close, I can still beat them.

"Go Christine, if they find you here, you're dead," I push her away from me slightly.

"What about you?" she yells.

"I'm not the one they're after! You go to them, you get killed, and if they spare you then tell the secrets of your angel, I'm sure he expects no less! Just leave!" I scream and she runs.

I then turn back to the boat and start to steer it back to the home of the Phantom. No man deserves to die the way this mob will kill him. No man deserves to die because a traitor broke his heart.

When I arrive back there is no sign of the man, though the mirrors in the main room are cracked and shattered.

Walking up onto the rocky floor I look for any sign of where he might be. I see a pile of glass, further away, under beautiful drapes hanging over something, and move to see what happened there. I move the drapes aside to see a rock passageway, much like the one behind the mirror that Madame Giry led me down before we reached the stairs. I move inside, careful around the glass, and replace the drapes to hide the entrance, or exit, once more.

Feeling my way along the stones on either side, I realize that I am making few turns. Traveling further up, I see a light, moving, dancing slightly. Still not far from the entrance to this place, I assume that must be him.

I call out to him, "Stop, please!"

The light does stop moving, much to my surprise.

The Phantom's cold, choked voice reaches my ears, "Come to finish me off?"

I look toward the light, and slowly approach. Once I'm able to see his face, I see that there are tears still streaming fresh down his cheeks, "No, I'm not here to hurt you."

"Then why are you here?" that's a good question.

"I don't know," I sigh.

His cold, yet faltering, laughter reaches my ears, "Then leave me alone."

I nod and turn, but quickly draw my sword and run it along his forearm, lightly, just enough to draw blood.

Running back toward the entrance I hear a yell of rage behind me. Smearing his blood and mine, streaming gently from my arm, all over, I emerge just in time to re-hide the entrance before the first of the mob reach the shore. Jumping down to meet them, I look for Christine, and notice she is not there.

"Vicomte, get out of our way!" M. Andre yells.

"Monsieur," I comment, "he is slain. I killed him. I got ahead of you, and I took care of him myself. I sent Christine off before she could watch our fight, though I do not know where she went from here."

The police officer toward the front gives me a strange look, but then turns to the others, "Well, then that's that. Any other person murdered here would have been different, but I don't think that killing a murderer is a crime at all. Now, all of you, go on, before I decide to change my mind on arresting you all for rioting."

I watch as the mob retreats and then let my legs give way from beneath me, causing my knees to smack the floor painfully.

I let out a long breath and I hear a slight flutter behind me, before I can even turn to see what it was, I feel a hand clamp down hard on my shoulder. As I feel a hot and sticky substance start to soak my shirt by the hand, I turn to see blood running over the fingers and onto my clothes. It's him.

"What was that for?" he releases my shoulder and I turn to see him. His eyes are now dry, but his cheeks still shimmer with unforgotten tears.

"What do you mean?" I move to stand, but find my legs still too heavy to move.

He turns his back to me, "Why did you turn them away? They never would have found me!"

I finally find the strength to stand, "You don't know that! Besides, what if they hadn't found you? They would have destroyed your entire home!"

He turns and growls, "And your point is?"

I look into his eyes and see why he's so angry, "You wanted them to kill you…"

He voice is a hoarse whisper, "Yes."

"Why?" I don't hide my disbelief.

He turns from me, but when I force him to look at me again he doesn't protest, "I lost the only one I love. When she kissed me I knew that she didn't love me. I was hurt. Who wants to live when there is nothing left to live for? I have nothing left, Monsieur. I lost my love, without that there is nothing else, my music is dead without love."

I feel tears prick my eyes once more, "If it means anything at all, she didn't leave so she could be with me, she didn't love either of us."

He lowers his head, and I hear a slight sob escape his throat before he straightens once more, "You've done what you came to do, now leave."

I shake my head, "Please, I came to help you. I know that your heart has been broken, but I want to help you."

His voice is more choked than ever, "Then you can help, Monsieur, by leaving me alone!"

I don't want to risk what he could do to me if I don't listen now, for the cut on my arm and the exhaustion from before have taken me to a point that I fear if I were to have to fight I wouldn't be able to defend myself. Acknowledging this and his wishes I slowly retreat back toward the lake.

As I crawl into the boat and start shoving my way to the other shore, I could swear I distinctly hear a whispered 'but thank you any ways' behind me, but that's impossible. It must be the blood loss.

a/n: thank you for reading, please review! all feedback welcome!