Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, or any of the characters unless you don't see them in the books.

I just own the plot. So ©opyright on the plot©.

A/N: sorry about the characters' personalities being a tad bit off..

Their Last Night Together...

-Harry and Ron-

The two boys had watched with concern as Hermione awoke from the memory with a gasp. Harry's brow furrowed as a look of shock, and deep sadness crossed her face.

When she turned to face Draco, Ron felt an aching in his chest, a longing for it to be him she first looked for.

"Hermione, are you alright?" Draco asked.

As much as Harry and Ron did not like Draco, they knew how much Hermione did, so to see her sob and run away from him sent confusion thoughts their minds.

Neither were prepared to stop her, for her getting up and running out was so sudden they were too startled to process what was going on. But when they realized she had rushed out, Harry, Ron, and Draco all hurried over to the door only to see that she was no where in sight.

Draco went to push through the two boys but they pushed him back.

"I don't think it'd be the smartest thing to do to go after her, Malfoy." Harry said quietly.

"I don't care what you think, Potter," Draco spat, "I'm going after her."

"Did you not see how she reacted to you?" Ron stepped in. "She started crying and ran from the room. I knew she'd come around to see how hideous you are."

If the situation hadn't been so serious Draco would've laughed. No girl had ever run away from him crying because he was ugly, simply because he wasn't. Honestly, he sighed.

Harry sent a look to Ron.

"Let us find her, calm her down, and bring her back. We're her best friends and we have been for ages, I think she'll be more open to listening to us right now." Harry spoke. "Just let us find her and I swear we'll bring her back."

Draco looked murderous.

"I think that is a good idea, Mr. Potter." Dumbledore said. Draco turned to glare at Dumbledore. "Let Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasely find her and then bring her back."

"You've got ten minutes. Go." Draco growled.

Harry and Ron rushed out of the room not wasting a single second. When she was no where to be found immediately, they went to the one thing they knew would find her. The Marauders Map showed where she was and they raced over to her as quickly as they could.

After finding her though, they paid no attention to Draco's time frame.

Hermione sat against the wall staring straight ahead, lifelessly. With a look at Hermione and a glance between each other they went and sat on either side of her.

"Hermione?" Harry asked.

No response.

"Hermione, come on," Ron spoke, "talk to us." The want to placate her came through in both their voices.

Hermione's tear streaked face turned to Ron, her glassy eyes meeting his.

"I don't think I can do it." She confessed in a small whimper.

The tears came again, and she leaned into Ron for comfort. Ron looked over her bent head to look at Harry, who gave him a confused look.

"Can't do what, Hermione?" Ron asked.

"Kill him." She whispered.

-Dumbledore's Office-

"I should be right out there with them trying to find her." Draco scowled.

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley only want what's best for Miss Granger, Mr. Malfoy; surely you have realized that." Dumbledore said with kind eyes.

"Well, I don't care what they want, no matter what it is." Draco turned to Dumbledore and leaned over the desk. "She's mine," he said with a hiss.

"Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore started.

"It's Lord Voldemort now!" Draco roared.

Draco caught his breath and calmed down, then took a look at Dumbledore with shock and fear plastered on his face. He concealed his emotions and checked the clock. It had been 15 minutes. He grabbed his wand from the desk and bolted from the room. Dumbledore stood as if to call after him, but the boy was already gone.

Did he really just say he was Lord Voldemort? What was he thinking? Just ignore it, he told himself, keep searching.

Draco had no idea where to go; he searched everywhere, all the hallways, as many of the classrooms he could and found her nowhere.

He needed to concentrate; maybe this new power could help him. He closed his eyes and searched the halls with his magic for her. His eyes snapped open when he found where she was, and burned with rage when he found she was with Harry and Ron.

He turned on his heel, determination set some where in the anger, and marched over to them.

-Down by the Lake-

Harry and Ron had managed to take Hermione down to the lake for a bit more privacy incase any students happened to be wandering around, and of course for some fresh air.

"Okay," Harry started, "why don't you tell us exactly what happened in the memory."

Hermione closed her eyes and repeated everything that had happened from the young Dumbledore, to how nervous she was about not finding any pages on the spell, to finally the spell and how to deal with it.

The three sat in silence for a moment, allowing Hermione to wrap up her emotions.

"So that's it then," she said, "I have to kill him, don't I? I mean that's what the spell said, and I mean what's one life compared to all those I'd be saving if I just…if I just killed him." She inhaled a deep breath.

Harry's heart went out to her; he thought about having to kill the one person he loved to save the world. Suddenly, he saw how brave Hermione was, because he couldn't imagine even thinking about killing Ginny. It just wouldn't happen. But here Hermione was, accepting the fact and gathering her courage to even do it. He was washed over unexpectedly with a wave of gratitude for having a friend as amazing as Hermione.

"Isn't there anything…" Harry started, wanting to help her some way, but was cut off by Hermione.

"No, nothing. The spell said that this was the only way." Her eyes were hopeless and her mood was miserable.

"Hermione," Harry said. "Everything is going to be okay." He tried to comfort her.

"No it's not, Harry," Hermione turned to him. "How can you say that it will be? Do you even understand what I have to do?" She wondered.

"Yeah, Hermione,"

"No! No, you don't get to understand Harry; you haven't fallen for your enemy, finding that you can no longer hate him, and once you finally come to terms with the fact that you're so deeply in love with him it hurts," her voice became less passionate to the point of a soft sadness, "only to find you have to end his life to save the lives of many, many others." Hermione stood up and turned to run back to Hogwarts.

"Hermione," Ron called after her.

"Just leave me alone!" She screamed at them.

She headed straight for her room, holding back her tears.

When she opened the great doors, she saw Draco standing before her, absolute madness in his eyes.

"Draco?" She whispered shocked by his attitude. A wave a panic went over her, had Voldemort completely taken over?

"Are you going to tell me what you saw? Or are you just going to plan things behind my back with those two?" He growled. The doors behind her shut with a slam, causing her to jump.

"What? Draco, stop –"

"No!" He stepped closer and she backed up against the doors. "Tell me what you saw. Tell me why you ran away from us crying. Was it that bad?" He stepped up to her.

They couldn't talk about this here. She looked off to the side to see a broom closet and grabbed Draco, dragging him over inside it.

"I don't want to talk about it right now." She said quietly not meeting his eyes.

"Damn it Granger, tell me! This is my future you're keeping from me." He pushed her against a shelf.

"I wouldn't tell you now even if I wanted to. Look at how you're acting." She argued.

"I told you what this is doing to me."

"You can't keep using that as an excuse."

"You think it's just an excuse?" He was outraged. "You can't feel it tearing at me; you have no idea what this is like, to have Voldemort living inside you."

Her eyes looked at him full of sympathy.

"Don't look at me like that." He hissed.

"I – I just – it's not fair." She sobbed and he wrapped his arms around her shoulders as she buried her face in his chest.

"It never is." He whispered into her hair.

"Why can't we just go back to before?" She wondered out loud.

Before? He thought. Before we were ever together, he wondered with a pang of hurt. Did she really wish that nothing had ever happened between them?

"If I had just made it clear to you that I would never chose them over you or you over them before, this would've never happened." She took the blame on herself and he realized she didn't want to go as far back as the beginning of their relationship. He sighed with an ounce of relief.

"It's not your fault," he told her, but the evil growing inside him could not take the blame on himself when there was a mudblood in his presence willing to do it instead.

After standing for a few minutes in their embrace Draco spoke again.

"Hermione, please tell me what you saw."

She shook her head in his chest. He pushed her away.

"Why can't you tell me?"

"I want to find another way first. Please, just –"

"No," he hissed and leaned down in her face. "I don't need you, you filthy mudblood." He left the closet slamming the door behind him.

Hermione opened the door but he was gone. She turned and ran up to her room and lied down on her bed, her eyes empty from all the crying she had done earlier. She felt the need to cry yet no tears were coming. She had shed them all earlier. It hurt to think of what was happening to him, and maybe if he kept this up it'd be easier to kill him. Now that she had thought of killing Draco again, she found that her eyes watered once more, threatening to spill over. How could she ever deal with this?


Draco had been walking around outside thinking. It really wasn't like he needed the mudblood anyways. That's right. He didn't need the stupid mudblood. And with that thought he went back to the entrance of Hogwarts, grabbed and hopped on his broom and flew to a place that he knew he could get answers from.

The ride was short; he had known exactly where he was going. The moment he stepped up to the door it opened.

"My Lord,"

"Bellatrix," Draco acknowledged before the door was opened fully to allow him in.

-Harry and Ron-

The two sat silently at the edge of the lake.

"What do you think she's going to do?" Ron asked Harry.

"I don't know but if I ever had to kill Ginny I'd probably need a lot more help than I could get at St. Mungos."

Ron looked to Harry at his confession.


Harry looked to Ron and then away.

"Sorry mate, I can't help it. I'm crazy about her you know?" Harry told him.

"I reckon you're better for her than all the other blokes here anyways." Ron shrugged it off and looked back over the lake. Harry sat quietly, grateful for Ron's acceptance.

"This has to be the worst for her." Harry shook his head, also looking over the lake.

"Yeah, I mean, it would kill you to lose someone you love, but to be the one to kill them? That's got to be even worse." Ron sighed shaking his head also.

"How do you think we can help her?"

"I don't know. I don't even know if she wants our help."

"Should we tell Dumbledore?" Ron wanted to know.

"Yeah," Harry brightened up. "If anyone can find the solution to something, it has to be Dumbledore! He'll know exactly what to do." Harry stood along with Ron.

"That was brilliant, mate." Harry told Ron as they turned to run back to the castle.

-Bellatrix's House-

"What do I owe the honor, My Lord?" Bellatrix bowed.

"You're going to tell me everything you know about the spell." Draco told her not wasting any time. He wasn't going to give her any choice.

"I beg your pardon My Lord?"

"Quit acting like you didn't know what was going on. You and he had a plan. You wanted this to happen. You wanted me to go back to the mudblood," Draco didn't notice Bellatrix smirk at the word, "so that he'd be conceived through us. Well that's not going to happen. They know about the spell." He folded his arms over his chest.

She took a deep breath.

"I can't say I didn't warn him." She mumbled.

"So, as I said before, you're going to tell me everything you know about this spell."

"Aside from the benefit of keeping my life, why else should I help you?"

"It might not be death you'll face, Lestrange, I might just torture you in various ways constantly until you wish for death, but it will never come."

"Okay, that too, but what is it that's got you in such a twist to know about it?" She wanted to know.

"It really isn't any of your business," He warned with a growl.

She inclined her head with her lips pressed into a thin line.

"Fine, what do you want to know?" She asked.


"Alright," She sat down in one of her chairs and started telling him all the details she knew.

"Basically, there's two parts to this spell. Part one is where the late Dark Lord passed down his power, and his knowledge down to you. You got all his power, as much of the spells he knew that he passed down, all our locations for our meetings, everyone in your ranks, as much of his history, his memories; all of what he could give you.

"You've probably realized that by now, haven't you? It should be like you suddenly knew something you didn't know. Is that right?" She asked.

He didn't speak, but the look on his face told her she was right.

"Well, Part Two of the spell turns you into a sort of vessel. You're supposed to mate with the mudblood and create the life of the Dark Lord all over again. He knew you wouldn't take Pansy, he knew you'd go back to the mudblood. He'd be the little half blood he used to be. I don't know how that would make him any better off, I mean shouldn't he want to be a pureblood? That's what he's fighting for, isn't it?" She spoke as if he was still alive as she got off the subject. "For purebloods to rule the world? Well what ever, he wanted to reborn a half blood so that's how we set it up. Everything worked out all in his favor."

"Except, they knew about the spell." Draco interrupted

"Right," She took a deep breath, "so what exactly do they know? About the spell I mean."

"I don't know, but Hermione," her eyes narrowed at him calling her using, "read the book through a memory and when she came out of the memory she was in tears."

Bellatrix started to laugh but was silenced with a glare.

"She was supposed to be looking for a cure to this spell." He sighed. "I guess she found one she didn't like."

Draco looked at her and saw an alarmed expression. He sat up abruptly. "What? What is it?"

Bellatrix didn't speak.

"Lestrange!" He roared. "Tell me what she found!" He demanded as he stood up. "You know how to undo it all, tell me!"

"It's no wonder she didn't want to tell you, of course you won't like it, but I figured she'd at least have the Gryffindor decency to see that you knew." She looked up at him.

"Tell me." He was insistent.

"If you don't conceive for the Dark Lord then he'll start taking over you." She started.

"Yes, so how do I prevent it?" He interrupted.

"You reproduce."

"Other than that."

"That's it, Draco." She stressed. "That is the only way to prevent it. And I'm guessing your little mudblood bitch," he growled in warning, "found that out. Her being the noble goody-goody she is probably realized that that can't happen, that you can't be over come by the late Dark Lord and that she can not and will not carry that child. So she found the only alternate."

"Which is?" This was what he had wanted to know from the beginning.

"Your death. Think about it, if you live, both ways the Dark Lord would come back into play. This way, she rids the world of all these problems." He sat down, an astounded look on his face. "And you can't have the kid and then kill it; it's protected until it's of Wizarding Age. I'm betting if little miss goody-goody was in tears she probably found out the only way to save those miserable muggles and mudbloods was to kill you." She spoke with venom.

His eyes were trained on the fire, a hard, cold look on his face.

"My Lord – "

"So, she's going to kill me?" His voice sounded almost vulnerable.

Ah, young love, she thought.

"If she's as goody-two-shoes noble Gryffindor as you say she is, then most likely." She gave a sardonic smile.

He shoved himself up.

"So what are you planning on doing about it?" Bellatrix stood up as well.

"I'm going to kill her before she can kill me."

And with that he walked out of her house.

-Girls Dormitory-

Hermione lied on her back, her eyes focused on the ceiling. She replayed everything that had happened from the moment she had began this whole thing with Draco. She would give everything if only to have him back to normal, before this whole thing blew way out of proportion. How could their silly little affair that only began out of lust and hate turn into this? Draco was the new Dark Lord for Merlin's sake! The concept in itself was still hard to grasp.

She found herself wondering what would've happened if she had never let Malfoy kiss her, if she had never ended up in the same hallway as he that night, or if she hadn't dared to look at him during that stupid class.

Would she be with Ron now? Would she be happy?

Something told her she wouldn't have been as happy with Ron, yet another part of her said she'd be happy, blissfully ignorant of how she had been with Draco. She would probably be worrying about her grades, instead of killing the guy she was in love with to save the world. She would probably be sitting down stairs in the common room laughing in Ron's lap over some joke Harry told about the ferret.

Maybe she could still have that life. She felt horrible for thinking it, but if she just got it over with, she'd save the world, there'd be no more Dark Lord, Harry wouldn't have half the troubles with the guilt of all the innocents killed, she'd probably fall in love with Ron, that is if she ever mended her heart after killing Draco, start a family, and the Wizarding World would no longer know the fear of the Dark Lord. People would be safe.

But how could she hope for a happy life after what she was going to do? How could she be happy with another after knowing the joy of being with Draco, the passion they held? How could she be guilt free after taking someone's life?

A fresh wave of tears overcame her but she held them back. There was no more time for emotions anymore. She felt bitter.

What had to be done, had to be done.

And she would do it.

To save the world, wizard and muggle.

How bloody heroic.

-Dumbledore's Office-

"So what do you suppose we do Professor?" Ron asked Dumbledore.

"There's nothing we can do Mr. Weasley. I'm afraid that things will end up going according to Fate's plan. You and I really don't have an input in this matter. I believe that what happens is meant to happen and can in fact only happen if that is how Miss Granger and Mr. Malfoy work things out."

"But Professor, we can't let Hermione kill Malfoy." Harry spoke.

"Yeah, no matter how much we hate the bugger, Hermione loves him. It's killing her to do this." Ron added.

"I'm afraid I can be of no more help."

"No more? No more help?" Ron asked outraged.

"Ron –"

"No, Harry –"

"I understand that you wished for me to come up with a solution," Dumbledore interrupted, "that will give this all a happy ending, but I can't control this. What the spell says is what the spell says, there is no other way. The only one who could fix this would be Merlin himself, and he's not here to do that. I hope you can forgive me for this."

"One of your students is about to kill another of your students!" Harry said with astonishment. "How can you just sit back and watch? Isn't there something against that?"

"Harry," Dumbledore said quietly, "If I stop this death, Draco will be over come by the Dark Lord, he will be the very Dark Lord himself in Draco's body. Draco is going to die either way. At least this way, we are saving many innocents. This is what is best for the world. It pains me to see one of my students have to go through this, but there is nothing more I can do. Until you are placed in my position I don't suppose I should expect you to understand, but hopefully you can see where I'm coming from."

Harry looked at Dumbledore and noticed the sad look in the old man's eyes, his usual twinkle of merriment no where to be found in this new grave look.

"We can't do anything?" Harry asked hopelessly.

"Nothing." Dumbledore looked down, unable to meet his student's eyes. He was ashamed he could not find the answer to this problem.

"I want to look through books on counter curses." Harry spoke up.

Ron looked at Harry with confusion.

"What for, mate? Even if you find a book on this spell, there is no counter curse."

"I hate just sitting around, doing nothing. At least this way we can say we tried to do something, say that we didn't just let him die."

"Harry –"

"You're either going to help me or you're not."

"I believe I know just the section we can start in, Mr. Potter." Dumbledore announced. Harry looked at Ron, who nodded his agreement, and the three headed down towards the library.


Draco had left Bellatrix's home awhile back, hopping on his broom and just flying around. He wasn't sure he could handle it, but he couldn't let Hermione kill him. It sent a pang of hurt through his entire body to think that she would even consider killing him. He thought she loved him, she had told him she loved him, hadn't she? So what did this all mean? How could she love him and then go and kill him? She wasn't even planning on telling him.

He didn't want to kill her, and he was disgusted with himself, in a way he hadn't been since the beginning of this weird relationship they had started, to realize that he was too in love with her to kill her. It wasn't like he had to anyways; he could at least see where she was coming from, not that that made it acceptable, only understandable.

He wondered how she would do it. Would she give him a warning? Would she simply just kill him and walk away as if nothing happened? Would it be immediate? Would she tell him she loved him and then watch as she sucked the life from him like the stupid mudblood whore she was?

Draco suddenly felt very nauseous and decided maybe it was time to head back to Hogwarts.

He would leave after tonight. Tonight, he would tell Hermione he loved her for the last time and then he would leave her. He would leave Hogwarts, his Death Eaters, his enemies, everything. He would prolong Hermione killing him until he had finally said goodbye and then fly away.

He could deal with this new personality coming in; push the Dark Lord back from taking over him. And he'd do it all with out that filthy mudblood.

He turned his broom and rode back to Hogwarts for the second time. He landed just outside the main entrance, not bothering to hide his broom, and snuck into the castle.

This time he concentrated very hard to find Hermione. He hissed at the very thought of locating such filth, but finally found her in the Gryffindor common room. This new power of the old Dark Lord's was becoming very useful. And very harmful.

Draco knocked on the portrait of the fat lady once he had reached the entrance. She shrieked with protest.

Harry opened the door

"Potter." Draco said.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry's usual hate filled voice was filled with a bit of commiseration instead.

"You know what I want. Send her out."

"I can't do that."

"Why the bleeding hell not?" His patience was wearing thin.



"Because she's locked herself in her room and wont come out." Harry said between clenched teeth.

"Well then go knock on the girl's door and tell her I need to speak with her." Draco insisted. "Immediately." He added.

"I can't just –"

"Look, Potter, I don't think you understand who exactly you're messing with." Draco took a threatening step closer to Harry. "I am the Dark Lord now. Don't forget that."

Harry stared back with as much hate fixed into his glance as possible. With out another word Harry stepped back into the common room.

A few moments later Draco heard voices close to the portrait.

"Please, Harry." The unmistakable voice of Hermione begged.

"Hermione you know I can't."

"For me, Harry, please, I can't do this. It's hard enough on me as it is."

What was she asking him to do? Her voice sounded desperate.

There was a hesitant sigh.

"Harry, I can't – I can't –" there was a shaky intake of breath. "Please, I know I'm asking a lot but if you could please do this for me, it would mean the world."

Was she asking Harry to kill him for her? Hope filled him. Draco felt a bit better at that, that at least she loved him enough to not be able to do it herself.

"Fine. Give me a little bit of time."

"We don't have very long, Harry."

There was a pause and then the portrait opened to reveal Hermione.

Draco looked at her, her eyes were blotchy and her hair was even frizzier than before. Harry stood behind her glaring intently at Draco.

"Can I speak to you?" Draco asked Hermione.

She gave him one nod.

"Alone?" He stressed.

"Of course." She answered quietly, not even bothering to turn around and tell Harry goodbye.

She stepped out of the portrait frame, shut the portrait, and stood in front of him.

"Maybe – maybe this isn't the best of places to talk." He spoke carefully, not wanting to lose his control and starting yelling about how she was a filthy mudblood. It was getting harder to be near her.

"Alright, then where do you suggest we talk?" She asked curtly.

He flinched at her tone.

"Meet me in the Room of Requirements in five minutes." He said, and before she could respond, he turned and left the area.


Hermione had been lying on her bed for the most part, her eyes staring aimlessly at the ceiling.

Ginny entered through the door and walked over to Hermione's bedside.

"Hermione?" She asked.

There was no response, and Ginny wasn't sure what to do.

"Erm, Hermione, Harry's down stairs and he says that You-Know-Who needs to talk to you. Usually he says Voldemort's name when speaking of him, so I'm assuming it's not Voldemort." The girl rambled.

Hermione came out of her trance and looked at Ginny. Ginny was becoming such a pretty girl, with her fiery red hair and startling green eyes. She would miss Ginny growing up. Hermione remembered how she used to think Ginny could be like a sister to her and planned out all the sisterly things they would be able to do together. She would definitely miss that.

"Hermione?" Ginny was obviously nervous by the way Hermione was staring at her.

"It's fine, Gin, I know who he means. Thank you for coming to tell me." Hermione said politely, but with no amount of feeling in her voice what so ever.

She left the girls dormitory and a confused Ginny to find Harry waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

"Where's Ron?" She asked as she stood in front of him.

"He, Dumbledore and I are searching for cures in the Library for Malfoy's problem." Harry answered.

"Harry, you know there's no cure for this."

"Look, Hermione, I don't want to just sit around and let him die. I hate that feeling of helplessness. If he is going to then it won't be because we didn't try to save him."

Hermione looked at Harry, her eyes shining up at him.

"I'm lucky to have you both as friends." She pulled Harry into a hug. "Thank you, this means the world to me." She whispered in his ear.

"You're welcome, you're like a sister to me and I just wish I could help you, do something you know. I want you to be happy Hermione, and I know this isn't what you want." He said as they pulled back from their hug.

"I'm doing it tonight, Harry." She told him solemnly. "And then I'm going to take a little trip." She said.

He looked at her curiously.

"I'm going to get away for awhile. You probably won't see me for, oh I don't know how long, just until I get back. I'll write, of course. But I'll need some time to myself."

Harry looked at her, his eyes sad.

"I need you to tell everyone for me."

Harry shook his head.

"I can't tell them for you. I understand why you're doing this, but if you're going to run away at least have the decency to tell everyone yourself. Ron will go into a fit of depression if he knows you left with out telling him goodbye."

"Please, Harry." Hermione begged.

"Hermione you know I can't."

"For me, Harry, please, I can't do this. It's hard enough on me as it is."

Harry sighed hesitantly.

"Harry, I can't – I can't –" she took a shaky intake of breath. "Please, I know I'm asking a lot but if you could please do this for me, it would mean the world."

"Fine. Give me a little bit of time."

"We don't have very long, Harry."

He nodded and she gave him another hug and kissed his cheek.

"You've been an amazing friend, Harry. Make sure you and Ron both remember how much I love you guys." She said quietly into his ear.

"I love you too, Hermione." Harry squeezed her tightly. "We'll be waiting for you when you get back." They pulled back and Hermione turned to the portrait.

She opened the portrait with a brave in take of breath as saw Draco standing there, looking intent.

He looked at her and then his eyes flickered to Harry standing behind her.

"Can I speak to you?" Draco he looked back to Hermione.

She gave him one nod.

"Alone?" He stressed.

"Of course." She answered quietly; she didn't bother telling Harry goodbye. She knew she'd start crying if she did.

She stepped out of the portrait frame and stood in front of him.

"Maybe – maybe this isn't the best of places to talk." He spoke carefully.

"Alright, then where do you suggest we talk?" She asked curtly.

There was a pang inside her chest when she thought to how they were not only a week ago, comparing it to now when they were barely able to have a civil conversation once again.

"Meet me in the Room of Requirements in five minutes." He said, and before she could respond, he turned and left the area.

Five minutes later Hermione entered the Room of Requirements to see Draco sitting in a chair in front of a fireplace.

He looked up when she arrived and stared at her for a few moments.

She looked over him as well, noting how the light from fire place was dancing beautifully across his face.

Hermione was suddenly overcome with sadness not like before. A sadness that made her realize tonight was probably the last night they would have together.

"You wanted to talk?" Hermione took a step closer to him. He nodded standing up. "Do you think we could wait, please Draco, just a little longer before I tell you about the spell?" She asked before he could start talking.

He took a moment's consideration as she moved a few steps towards him. Well, he already knew about the spell now, and she was having Harry kill him cause she couldn't do it herself, so he had no reason to worry. But the deciding factor was probably that the moment she stepped in the room, every evil thought he was having emptied from his mind and all he could think of was how crazy he was about this girl.

He nodded and with two strides he caught her in his arms and kissed her with a lustful passion neither had felt for a while.

They were going to make the best of this, because as far as both of them were concerned, in either way it would be their last night together.

I've had this written for a few days, but the site was obviously down and didn't allow many authors to upload their chapters and what not. ONLY ABOUT TWO MORE CHAPTERS LEFT! And then I'll have finally have completed a story for the first time ever. Thanks for everyone who voted, and you can still vote. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Thanks to all my amazing reviewers!


P.S. I found a cut out from chapter ten that I wrote, it was supposed to be a look into Draco's future that would convince Draco to join Voldemort, but I thought it would be more understandable to just do flashes of images to convince him. It's pointless, but if you want to read it let me know and I'll add it into the extra chapter with the alternate endings.