A/N: This was written when my Reading/English teacher had assigned an essay on perspectives after we read the story "The Red Dress". The essay was to be about a guy asking a girl for a dance. So I decided to write a Kel Dom fanfic for that, and this is the product….. hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, although I wish I did. They all belong to Tamora Pierce… But I DO own the blue obi and Yamani kimono, and I THINK I own the shushken!
Chapter 1…
She is talking to one of her close friends. Suddenly Kel looks up at me and smiles her smile. That smile, it could make any man's heart melt. It could also make me do anything, not that Kel needed to smile for me to do anything. All she needs to do is ask me.
'Focus Dom' I chastise myself. I grin flirtatiously at her and politely break off my conversation with Sir Nealan of Queenscove, my cousin.
"Bye, my dearest Meathead," I cry as I take one uncertain step towards Kel. Neal follows my gaze, leading him to his best friend and my secret love.
"If you like her, I suggest telling her before someone else does. Also, dear Sergeant Domitan of Masbolle, it's SIR Meathead to you! Now, don't you worry your pretty little blue eyes about dear Yuki by our Lovely Kel." He winks as he sets off to ask Yuki, his fiancé, for a dance.
'Meatheads!' I think, rather rebelliously, as I amble towards the Lady Knight. She is wearing a beautiful silk Yamani kimono, with a shushken tucked neatly inside her blue obi.
"Wearing what our precious Yamani Lilies are wearing are you, oh protector?" I ask, stalling, while I try to work up the courage to ask her to dance.
"Hello Sergeant Domitan, how many times must I tell you- don't call me that! Besides, this is one of Lalasa's works. Honestly, she's amazing… You wanted to ask me something Dom?" Kel asks, blushing furiously.
My eyes are giving me away. They always do. Well, it's now or never I guess. "Kel, fair maiden, may I be graced you're your presence on the dance floor?"
"It would be an honor kind sir," she responds, trying, but failing, to use all of her Yamani training from showing her blush and giggle. This always happens around me! She always forgets her training and is free around me. Truly free. Not even is Neal graced with a blush or giggle like the ones she gives me. But that is unimportant right now. I can ponder about her freeness with me another day. For Kel said yes! I can hardly believe my ears! Lady Keladry of Mindelan said YES!
Leading Kel to the dance floor, I close out all other thoughts in the world except those of her and the dance. As we gracefully glide across the ballroom, I lose myself in her deep dreamy hazel eyes, the eyes of hope, happiness, and my one true love, Kel.
A/N: Well…? What do ya think? Good? Bad? Ugly? R/R pleez!