A Monk's Musings

Once again, it was the night of the new moon. Inu-yasha was sitting at the base of a tree near the campsite. Kagome and Sango were out in the hot springs nearby and had taken Kirara and Shippo with them. Across from Inu-yasha, was that lecher of a monk, Miroku. It seems that the hanyou was asleep, so the monk felt it was safe to take in his beauty. Miroku kept his eyes locked on Inu-yasha, hoping that he would stay asleep and the girls and Shippo to never return. Deep inside, he knew that it had to end, but for now, he could enjoy it.

Miroku usually liked Inu-yasha as a half-demon, those ears and that flowing silver ear. His claws added a sense of danger that he absolutely loved, but it was when he was human that he could enjoy the hanyou's features. The sharp look in his eyes that he knew were just concealing the pool of emotions locked underneath. His hair, his long, flowing hair. It always held some beauty in it and Miroku always wondered how soft it was. And those lips, usually harsh and hard words came from them, but he knew that they were soft.

The monk was lost in his own little world until Inu-yasha stirred a bit and returned the monk back into reality.

"Why do I even think of him, let alone look at him like this. I can't have any affection for him, he's already torn between Kikyo and Kagome," Miroku said softly, not wanting to wake him up. 'But if you are with a female, your son will have the curse. If you are with him, no son and your curse won't be carried on,' a voice in his head told him. The lecher thought about it, a small side of him agreeing with the voice.

The sound of laughter was approaching and he realized that the girls were returning. He sighed softly and stared up at the sky. Few stars were in the sky, so he returned his gaze towards Inu-yasha. Shippo arrived back at the camp-site first, looking at Miroku.

"Hi Miroku, has he been sleeping all this time?" the young kit asked, the monk replying with a simple nod. Kirara was right behind him, mewing and jumping into Miroku's lap. He smiled and started petting the neko. Sango and Kagome finally arrived, still slightly wet.

"Hi Inu-" Kagome started, but was silenced when Miroku 'shhhed' her. She looked at Inu-yasha, seeing that he was asleep.

Kagome was slightly suspicious about why he didn't want her waking him up, but quickly brushed that thought aside. It was getting late and the hot spring had made her sleepier then she had been. Feeling better as to not ask questions, the miko went to lie down in her sleeping bag and soon fell asleep. Sango, still wide-awake, took, Shippo and Kirara to look for anything that would help to find Naraku. Miroku sighed of relief, finding more time to look at the sleeping hanyou.

Miroku could barely peel his eyes away from the hanyou's face. Gulping, he laid his staff aside and slowly stood up. He crept over to Inu-yasha and leaned down, getting a closer look. The half-demon had slightly pursed lips, almost beckoning Miroku. 'Damn it, I have to do something, or I won't be able to contain myself any longer,' he thought, his gaze focused on the hanyou's lips. He gulped again, but louder this time and started to lean forward, his lips slightly quivering. After a moment's hesitation, their lips met for only a second before Miroku pulled his head back, sighing. Inu-yasha mumbled something under his breath, but stayed asleep.

"Thank the gods," Miroku said, relieved.

The monk stood up and casually walked back to his spot, grabbing hold of his staff once again. He sat down, looking back to Inu-yasha.

"Such beauty…Why must he go after Kagome and Kikyou?" the monk said softly, shaking his right after it was said. 'I mustn't think this, Kagome is my friend,' Miroku thought, licking his lips. He was still looking at Inu-yasha and wanted to taste those lips again. He was right, they were soft. He could feel himself blush after the whole ordeal and feel it better to sleep for now. He closed his eyes, wondering how he would sleep after that, but before he knew, he was asleep and dreaming about tasting those lips once again.