Inuyasha studied the blazing orange fire, lost in thought. The others were sound asleep, while he had duty to watch over, and make sure everyone was safe. 'How do I get Kagome? How do I…confess my love…?' he thought, his eyes wandering over to where she was sleeping. Shippou, the little fox demon was cuddled up to her bosom under her arm. Next to them were Sango, to her right, and Miroku, to the left. He smiled softly, noting the gentle play of light across Kagome's features. 'She's so beautiful…' he mused.

He sighed, fully annoyed with himself now. 'I don't know why its so hard to just tell her. Its not like she can do anything about it. Except…love me back, right? Or…tell me she loves someone else. Its not like she's given me any hints that she has the same feelings! Then again…it could all just be some female trickery…' he thought bitterly. 'Or maybe I'm just blind...'

A gentle breeze picked up, blowing in Inuyasha's face. A strange smell caught his senses, causing him to perk his ears a bit. He sniffed, his nose in the air. 'I know this smell…' he stood up, trying to catch more of the scent. 'Its smells like…an impregnated human…' he cocked his head to the side, wondering where this smell came from. He looked down at the two sleeping girls, Sango and…Kagome. Wild thoughts raced in his head. 'Has one of them…mated?'

He growled, noting the smell coming more from Kagome's side then Sango's. "Who has touched her!" he asked himself, not caring if they woke up or not from his sudden outburst. Miroku was the only one to stir; raising his head.

"What's wrong, Inuyasha?" he asked, sitting up. The Hanyou narrowed his eyes in Kagome's direction.

"I smell something," he barked. The monk looked confused, not sure of what he had smelt. He stood, looking in all directions for anything that could possible be around.

"What is it…?" he asked nervously.

"Please tell me you and Sango are planning on having a child," he turned to Miroku, his eyes set directly on his.

Miroku raised a brow. "Inuyasha…I don't know what you're talking about…" he murmured, starting to become a little worried.

"Just tell me that. I know its Sango, it has to be!" he growled, becoming impatient.

Miroku shook his head. "No…we have not planned on anything…"

"Have you mated with her?" he demanded, his voice raising a note.

"Inuyasha, I don't know what you're getting at, but that is none of your business!" he said, not wanting to answer the Hanyou. It was true, he had not had sex with Sango, but it wasn't his business anyway.

"Then Kagome?" Inuyasha bared his teeth, causing Miroku to step.

"No! Inuyasha, what's going on?" he asked.

Inuyasha walked to Kagome, shaking her to wake her. She opened her eyes, a small smile on her face. "Inuyasha, what is it?" her voice was quiet, unused from sleep.

"Kagome, has Miroku mated with you?" he asked bluntly. Kagome looked shocked at Inuyasha's question, and sat up, letting Shippou's head hit the ground, causing him to wake up as well. She looked enraged now, slapping him hard across the face.

"No I have not! And why is it your business anyway, Inuyasha?" she demanded angrily.

"I can smell it on you! You smell like you're carrying a child!" he growled, rubbing his face from the slap, his face a little pink where she had hit him.

"You're saying that I'm-that I'm pregnant!" her face turned red. "SIT BOY, SIT!" she shouted. With that said, Inuyasha hit the ground hard, face first. "How dare you, Inuyasha! You have some nerve!" she barked, standing up, fists clenched. By this time, Sango had woken up, fully confused at all the shouting.

"What's going on?" she asked, seeing Kagome's face red with anger, and Inuyasha kissing ground. No one answered her, and Kagome stomped off, Shippou following her. Sango looked to Miroku, her brows knitted together. "Miroku…?" she asked for an explanation.

"Why don't you go with Kagome so she doesn't get hurt…" he suggested. "I'll tell you later…" She nodded, standing up, hurrying after Kagome's retreating form, into the nearby woods.

After taking a few deep breaths, Miroku decided to find out what was wrong. He took a seat next to Inuyasha, who was still on the ground. He didn't say anything at first, waiting for the Hanyou to say something. Eventually, Inuyasha sat up, grumbling how Kagome was a bitch. He stared into the fire again, brushing himself off of all the dirt.

"So…is that what you smelled?" Miroku asked awkwardly. Inuyasha turned to Miroku, annoyed. There were flames in his eyes, from the fire.

"You did it, didn't you? It had to of been you!" He growled, pushing the unsuspecting monk to the ground. He pinned his arms next to his head, immobilizing Miroku. The monk struggled, gritting his teeth once he could feel sharp rocks stabbing into his back.

"Inuyasha! I have done nothing!" he countered, knowing the stubborn Hanyou wouldn't listen. He looked pleadingly up at Inuyasha. He knew the Hanyou well, but what would he do if he had suspected that Miroku had been playing around with Kagome? He figured he would find out…

"Yes you have! Kagome is pregnant! I can smell it on her!" he growled, teeth bared once again. His claws started to dig into Miroku's arms causing the monk to wince.

"I have done nothing, I promise you! I-I wouldn't do that to you! I know how you feel about her!" Miroku glared up at Inuyasha, becoming angry that he would actually suspect him of doing such wrong. He may have needed someone to bare his child for his heir, but he would not do that to someone as pure as Kagome! Or even Sango!

"You're lying!"

"No I'm not! Get off of me, Inuyasha!" Miroku pushed Inuyasha off of him, sitting up. He glared at the Hanyou, brushing himself off. He noticed the claw marks Inuyasha had left him had drawn blood. "I wouldn't do that to you. I'm your friend. You think I'm that untrustworthy!" Miroku shook his head, not caring if Inuyasha answered that or not.

"Well if you didn't go sniffing around, I might not have-…" Inuyasha stopped short, noticing something. 'The smell is stronger now, then when Kagome was over here…' He grabbed Miroku by the collar of his shirt, and sniffed him. Miroku pushed him away.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Inuyasha frowned, then a large grin came upon his face. "Miroku…are you pregnant…?" he snickered behind his hand, while Miroku's dropped his jaw.