Summary: Ann and Jack return to Skull Island to leave Kong's body, and are attacked by the monsters of the island.
Rating: T for slight language, intense action/creature violence, disturbing images, etc.
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with King Kong, or anything else for that matter. So please don't sue, I don't have much to give except for six tattered Harry Potter books and a fat rabbit.
Pairings: Ann/Jack, little to no fluff
Author's Notes: Well, here's chapter two. So sorry for the long wait, I've kept you all hanging and it was completely unfair of me, after only making you wait a short while between the prologue and chapter one. I've had so much happening in real life, like finals in school, as well as the school film festival that had me working on it after school for hours for the past few months - as well as other things I've been working on. So, long-story-short, I'm so sorry, but enough of me, here's the next chapter! As always, reviews are always appreciated.
Return to Skull Island
Chapter Two
Without the map to guide them this time, the journey to Skull Island proved more difficult than the first. It had taken an extra three days, due to Carl urging Captain Englehorn to steer the ship in the completely wrong direction and getting them utterly lost before Englehorn had managed to find his way again.
The little SS Venture had fought against a raging storm on their second night at sea. The crew was gathered in the miniscule dining hall, eating dinner when the first streak of lightning had lit up the sky like a fireworks show. It was soon joined by pouring rain and tremendous waves, rocking the boat this way and that. One of the shipmates had gotten a bad case of seasickness; another had already lost his life by beating hurled overboard.
It was on their eighth night that Ann had gone into the lower level where Kong's body was stored. The sea was rough that night, the little ship was standing strong against the possible beginnings of another storm. Ann crept down the wooden stairs, her high-heeled shoes making clunking noises as she walked. Kong's massive body lay unmoving, though boxes and crates toppled over with the ship's bobbing and tipping due to the waves.
Ann walked slowly towards the carcass, her hand reaching out to stroke his fur. "I'm so sorry," she spoke softly, running her small delicate hand up and down his arm. "I'm sorry you had to die this way." A large jostle suddenly sent Ann into the hard wall and Jack's voice called out to her.
"Ann? Ann!"
"I'm down here!" Ann cried, reaching up her hands and straightening the hat that sat atop her small blond head. Jack's face peeked up the doorway. "We've hit land!"
It took an hour and all of the men and rope they had onboard to get Kong's body off of the ship and onto the beach of Skull Island. By the time the task was done, a light drizzle of rain was misting from the sky, and rumblings of thunder could be heard in the distance. The sky was an inky black and the only source of light was the shine of the moon and the eerie yellow glow of the lights on the ship.
"Perhaps you should go back onto the ship, Miss Darrow," said the slimy voice of Captain Englehorn as the man appeared behind her. Ann jumped slightly at the noise, but quickly turned around, replying sternly, "Thank you for your concern Captain but I think I'll stay out here."
"Very well," replied Englehorn, nodding his cap at her before walking away.
Ann turned back around to watch the men finish unloading Kong's body, Carl directing them by waving his arms back and forth, like a man guiding an airplane. Ann sighed, turning away. Her bright blue eyes glanced around the darkness surrounding her. Never had she thought she would return to this island.
Wanting to get away, but not wanting to go back onto the empty ship, Ann started wandering away from the men, her heels making small clicking noises as she stumbled over the wet rocks that lined the shore. Aside from the grunts of the men yards away, it was unnervingly silent.
Ann sighed, flooded with guilty memories sparked by being back on this island. If it hadn't been for her, they would have never taken Kong from the island, and he would have never died. He died protecting her. Ann should have found a way to stop it, she -
The bushes behind Ann suddenly rustled. Gasping slightly, the petite blond whipped around, her eyes wide as saucers and flickering back and forth between the clumps of bushes and small trees that surrounded her in a semi-circle. She tensed, the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and her breath came out in small gasps.
She waited.
And waited.
Just as it seemed that nothing was going to happen, a shadow suddenly darted across one of the rocks. Gasping again, Ann spun around, terrified. Looking over her shoulder at the men who had just finished unloading Kong's body and were glancing around, wondering what to do next, Ann started to run towards them, her lips opening to scream for Jack when a hand suddenly clasped over her mouth. Ann's eyes widened and she shrieked before everything went dark.
A scream cut through the air like a knife before it was suddenly cut off. It echoed though Jack's ears as he - and all the other men gathered around Kong - suddenly glanced up. "Ann?"
Silence answered.
Jack was running down the shore, slipping and sliding over the slimy rocks. "ANN!" His heart pounded in his chest like a bass drum and there was a slight ringing in his ears. Sliding to a halt and almost loosing his balance, Jack glanced around wildly, his head whipping from left to right but Ann was no where to be scene. Suddenly - there! A bush was swaying slightly as if someone has just brushed past it.
"ANN!" Jack cried, charging forward when an arm suddenly wrapped around his chest, holding him back.
"Woooaah there, Jack," Carl said, struggling to keep Jack still.
"They took her Carl!" screamed Jack, wrestling against the smaller man's hold. "I have to go after her!"
"All right, well just calm down a minute!" Carl grunted. "We'll go get 'er."
Jack suddenly stopped struggling. "You're going to help?"
"Yes Jack," sighed Carl. "I'm not as heartless as you may think."
Jack exhaled slowly as Carl's retreating footsteps echoed in his ears, his eyes still staring out into the silently still jungle.
Kat Warrior1: I made you giggle? Haha, yay! I didn't mean to be funny, but I always end up sounding funny when I don't mean to be. Once again, sorry for the long wait on this chapter, I hope you're still reading and will continue reviewing, hee.
pirategirl87: Aw, thank you! I like to try to leave little notes to each of my reviewers in all my stories, I think it makes it feel much more personal. Thanks so much for reviewing, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
fallen-angel: Alright, well I didn't do the "hurry up" bit, but I did update! Lol, I hope you liked this chapter and keep reading/reviewing!
Sarra Breeze: Yay, thank you! Thanks tons for reviewing and I'll try to update as much as I can!
burt0: Lol, not much I can say to you, except thanks so much for reviewing, it means a lot, I hope I can keep you as a steady reader.