Beyond Fantasy

Chapter 00


Naruto plunged to the ground, his head nearly torn off by the force of the blow. He was unable to land correctly, due to his body being over taxed by using Kyuubi no Yoko chakra to a dangerous level.

Inari must be laughing his head off. To have me sealed in such a weak creature is a never-ending torment.

Sasuke flew downwards, his hands forming seals along the way.


HE is a more worthy vessel for Biju such as me.

Naruto snarled. Fatigue was currently not in his mind at the moment. Survival was.

Just before Sasuke came close to him, Naruto stood up, caught him by the wrist and slammed him on the ground. Naruto winced.

That was not a good idea.

Paying little attention to the self inflicted third degree burn on his hand, Naruto jumped backwards and drew a several shuriken.

Hmm. Perhaps I'm mistaken. …Though it pains me to think this, but… he seems to be the perfect Jinchuriki for one such as me. True to his primal instincts, and has combat skills that... haha… no HUMAN in their right mind would have. … Almost similar to me… hmm … similar to me indeed.

Taju Kage-Bunshin no Jutsu!

The entire canyon was covered with clones no more than a second later.

Impressive… though my chakra was needed to perform such a feat!

Nothing was clouding Naruto's mind at the moment. The only thing he can think of, however, was- Survival- and- Hurt him. The latter of the two was the top priority.

Shihohappo Shuriken! Naruto's words was soon echoed by hundreds of clones, as the cavity of the canyon was swarming with shuriken.

Things didn't go as well as planned. Actually, there was no plan.

Throwing sharp objects in close spaces was bound to have some repercussions.

Sasuke nimbly evaded shuriken after shuriken; his enormous wings, surprisingly, came out unscathed like the rest of him.

Naruto wasn't as lucky or skillful. He reached towards his abdomen and grabbed a shuriken that was embedded there. If he had paid some attention to the wound before advancing towards Sasuke, he would have noticed that the wound was not healing like the rest of the wounds, but rather becoming larger, as well as emitting red chakra at a prodigious rate.

Clone after clone began to disappear, as well as the weapons that killed them.

Some were able to survive the ill-fated tactic, but only to disappear in a puff of smoke as Sasuke made his way towards Naruto. Anger was clearly expressed on his face. Not only did Naruto embarrass himself, but his opponent as well. Doing something that was clearly idiotic and totally stupid was a mockery to a warrior such as him. No… more like an insult to his entire clan.

Naruto! Sasuke readied himself for the second Chidori.

A small grin played across Naruto's face.He took a defensive stance.

What is it, Sasuke-kun? Naruto's voice was a crude imitation of Sakura's.

Sasuke's eyebrows twitched. He could feel his breathing becoming erratic with anger.

With no clear tactic in mind, he charged forward with his second Chidori at his side.

In one fluid motion, Naruto performed the Konoha Senpu, which resulted in Sasuke being suspended several meters in the air.

Hmph! Remarkable. Using his enemy's anger against him- planning ahead- executing it without much trouble- and here I thought that he is an idiot. Hah… I guess miracles do happen!

Sasuke! You will pay! Naruto seethed. He concentrated most of his chakra into his right hand. He clenched it, and raised it well behind his head. As Sasuke came down, his face was greeted with a chakra-enhanced punch, forcing him into the canyon behind him. That was for making Sakura-chan cry… Naruto mumbled.

Uwah! Sasuke peeled himself off the canyon wall, and began to sputter blood from his mouth while kneeling. He suddenly found himself being suspended once again- a monstrous force around his neck was the cause this time. Mercy… was all Sasuke was able to choke out.

Naruto scowled.

The damn bastardies traitor…!

He risked limb and sanity just to survive Sasuke's sudden attack on his well being. Now, when he is about to receive his just dessert, he begs for mercy!

Cry me a river, was all Naruto said. He raised his fist again.

Sasuke closed his eyes, expecting to be punched again. When he was suddenly dropped on the ground however, he looked towards Naruto in astonishment.

What he expected to see wasn't taking place.

Instead of watching Naruto coolly walking away from him, beckoning him to follow, he saw Naruto gasping for air, while both his hands were on his abdomen. He seemed to be in deep pain.

Sasuke smirked.

Ku, ku, ku… The sound of him snickering was soon replaced by sounds of birds chirping. Ku, ku, ku, ku… Naruto, prepare to die! Sasuke began to run towards Naruto, who was kneeling on the ground, one hand clutching his throat, and the other on his stomach wound.

Hmm… not even I would resort to such foul assaults on someone who is incapacitated… not by my paw at least. Rejoice, my vessel. Though I loathe you to a level beyond abhorrence, I choose to save you today.

Sasuke stopped dead in his tracks, when Naruto began to glow an omnipotent aura.

Damn! Instead of cowering to safety, he chose to advance towards Naruto at an even faster speed.

He is more worthy of my hatred at the moment!

Just before Sasuke's Chidori even scathed Naruto's abdomen, the aura shrouding Naruto forced him back. The aura began to gather everywhere, and then compress.

Less than a second later, Naruto and the omnipotent aura disappear, leaving a wounded Sasuke lying on the ground, quivering.


A/N- Many unforgettable and troublesome events has prevented me from updating for the past few weeks. To those who actually enjoy reading the stories I have written prior my deletion, I would like to apologize.