Hmm…please don't flame me because of the crapiness of this fan fiction! It's my first one; therefore you must go easy on me in your reviews.

Disclaimer: Sigh I own nothing in this story except for Amira and the stupid sorceress.

--I know the name for my fic is retarded. I'll change it when I think of something better. Oooor while you are reviewing my story you could give me a suggestion. hint hint

R&R Pleeeease.

Prologue/Teaser Type…Thing

The sorceress pushed one of her bushy locks of hair behind her ear as she leaned closer to the book. She now had her face a mere inch from the text. She pursed her thin lips in annoyance. This book is useless! It barely says anything about the information I want, she thought angrily to herself.

She stood up angrily to put the book back on one of her shelves when a piece of parchment fell from it. She got furious then, thinking that the book she had just bought already had pages falling out of it when she realized that this piece of paper had been placed in the book.

The sorceress squinted with her small, rat like eyes at the paper, attempting to read the slanted lettering at the bottom of the page. Elle palgoda eyipsia la morto Dracula a vivre. This looks like an incantation, she thought to herself, a very old one at that. This incantation language hasn't been used in nearly one hundred years! And yet, I barely have any idea what it says.

Being the curious sorceress that she was, she felt compelled to say the incantation out loud. "Elle palgoda eyipsia la morto Dracula a vivre." She waited for something to happen. She said it again, this time with more force, "Elle palgoda eyipsia la morto Dracula a vivre!" Still nothing happened. The sorceress decided to say it once more. Third times the charm! And indeed it was. "ELLE PALGODA EYIPSIA LA MORTO DRACULA A VIVRE!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

Suddenly, the paper burst into flames. The sorceress didn't even have time to drop it before there was nothing but ashes left. A bright light came from somewhere in the ashes, casting and eerie glow about the room. Beginning to get frightened, the sorceress backed away from the light. The light began to take shape and soon it looked like a tall man. And then the light winked out. "W-w-was that an angel?" The sorceress whispered to herself.

"Hardly." An icy voice from behind her whispered in her ear. She whipped around and stared at the man before her. His body was swathed in a cloak of darkness. His head was the only thing that was showing. She wished it wasn't. The sorceress couldn't tear her eyes away from those brilliant blue eyes. As sharp fangs began to grow from his mouth the sorceress realized she had just revived a servant of the devil.

Dracula disappeared and reappeared behind her. He whispered seductively in her ear, "I haven't drunk blood in a long time, young sorceress. Be happy with the knowledge that you will be my first kill in over a century." The sorceress barely had time to scream before the vampire's fangs pierced her skin.

Btw I didn't really feel like giving the sorceress a name, seeing how she's only going to be in this one chapter I decided to just keep it "The sorceress".

And pardon my grammar/small vocabulary/something else I'm bad at involving writing, I'm a beginner mind you!

Give me nice long reviews and I'll post the first chapter. No flames please, that will discourage me and the next chapter will turn out really bad. Rars.

This fanfiction takes place in the present.