Odori: What are you doing, you idiot?

(mumbles incoherently)

Odori: What?

I said I'm making a story with a better plot, Yam-chan! Leave me alone!

Odori: What about LL!

I don't know! I can't think of a next chapter, and it's been over a month! I have at least the next couple of chapters planned out for this one.

Alright you guys, here's the deal. I need your votes. Do you want Ryou to end up with Yami, Bakura, or Mariku? Please review and tell!

Oh, and the other pairings go as follows (for now): RebeccaxYuugi, MokubaxShizuka, maybe IsisxSeto. I don't know, I haven't decided yet. I know, a lot of het, ne? Oh well. I like mixing it up. Plus, these pairings work for what I have planned. If you guys have suggestions or requests, just review and tell me!

XxxLamb Fodderxxx

Ryou Sasaki looked up at the huge gates that stood at the path leading up to Miyagi High. He was stunned by its massive size and elaborate decorations. They weren't kidding when they said this place was upper class.

What the hell was he doing here?

Oh, wait. He remembered now. His excellent academics had gotten him a scholarship here. Damnit, this sucked. This school was no place for a middle-class citizen like him to be.

He ran a pale hand through thick, white locks.

Here went nothing.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing came through the teen's mind as he stared blankly at the piece of paper in front of him.

How should he know how Athens and Sparta were different? They existed hundreds of years ago, why should he care? Better yet, how would he know?

...Ok, so maybe in retrospect, he could've paid more attention in Global that week. Still, he was better than those other two slackers. At least he showed up for class.

"Alright class, time's up."

Wasn't Athens in Greece and Sparta in Italy? Oh, no, wait, that was Rome...

"That means you too, Mr. Suzuki."

Crimson eyes snapped out of their daze as Yami looked up at his teacher. Shrugging, he handed in his test. It wasn't as though one failed test would kill him. It was a benefit of growing up wealthy; even if you fail in life, you still win.

Within minutes, the test was out of Yami's mind. He had bigger things to worry about. Like Bakura Ito.

For as long as Yami could remember, Bakura had been his enemy. It had started with something do with Yami's dad taking Bakura's dad's job, but Yami really wasn't even sure anymore. All he knew was that after that, Bakura started spreading lies (or his version of the truth, as he would put it) about Yami and had stolen everything of the tri-colored teen's that he could get his ghostly pale hands on.

Damn thief.

Then there was Mariku Ramessu. Originally, Mariku and Yami had been the best of friends, and Mariku would always protect Yami, happy to find people that he righteously take out his sadism on. Some even went so far to say that Mariku was Yami's guardian, protecting him like a keeper protects a tomb.

Then, one day, he snapped.

No one's quite sure what caused it, but it's safe to safe that Mariku probably got tired playing bodyguard and went to find his own fun. After all, why hurt the bully when you can be the bully?

At one point, Mariku had even teamed up with Bakura against Yami, but, contrary to popular belief, Bakura wasn't stupid, and figured out that Mariku was back-stabbing him. Well, after that, it turned into a free-for-all between the three of them for the most turf in school. Each of them had their own followers (and admirers), and not one of them was going down without a fight.

Yami rubbed his temples. Just thinking about it made his head hurt.


"Ow..." Ryou looked down at his wrist, which had just cramped up.

Damnit. According to his watch he'd been filling out forms for almost an hour. He filled out his name on the last paper, and stalked over to the secretary's desk.

"There. I'm finished with these, are there any more?" he inquired. The elderly woman peered at him over her half-moon glasses.

"No, that should be all," she replied, looking back down at her work. "Here's your uniform, you only get one free. The rest you'll have to buy. I have some application forms for that that you need to fill out," she said, handing him the outfit. His face grew dismal at the mention of more forms.

"Yes ma'am, thank you."

Sighing, he grasped the packet that promised more cramping in the not-so-distant future, and exited the office. He pulled out a schedule, hoping that he could somehow inconspicuously slip into his second period class before it was completely over. He really hadn't expected it to take that long...

As he turned the corner, a pair of blue eyes followed his movements. Unbeknownst to him, the brunette looked after him down the entire hallway, azure eyes fixated on his person.

"How strange... this should certainly peek Bakura's interest." And with that, the brunette turned heel and headed back to class.

"Ahem. Attention everyone... we have someone new joining our class today."

"My name is Ryou Sasaki. Pleased to meet you..." he trailed off as the teacher droned on.

"Now where should we have you sit... ah, next to Jounouchi is open," he said, pointing to a younger looking girl with auburn hair. Slowly, reluctantly, she raised a glove covered hand.

"Eww, be careful Bakura!"

"Don't let Jounouchi pollute you!"

"My name's Kawai!" she screeched, enraged. "Get it right, you jerks!" The teacher cleared his throat.

"Right then, next to Kawai-san. Shizuka, make room." the girl let out a small growl before moving her backpack so Ryou could sit down. As he did, he stared at her intently. She felt his glare and turned around at him, snapping, matching his stare with her own darkly lined eyes.

"You got something to look at, jerk?" Her harsh tone snapped Ryou out of his reverie.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry," he began. "You just remind remind me of someone and.. well, um, are you by any chance related to Katsuya Jounouchi?" She froze mid-action, turning slowly to look at him.

"What if I am? How would you know him?" She peered out, her eyes barely visible slits behind her thick black eyeliner. Ryou ignored it and smiled warmly.

"He and I were good friends in my old school, Domino, along with Hiroto Honda. I'm glad to have my friend's family here in a new school. It's comforting. How did you say you were related again?"

"He's my brother," she said, eyes darkening even more. "Well, was my brother. I don't want anything to do with him now." She looked at him, daring him to ask more. He got the picture and smartly shut his trap.

Things certainly would be... interesting in this new school, to say the least.

Groan. I started this story a month ago! A month! I'm so sorry everyone, I really am. I get so much more praise than I deserve. Thank you.

On a brighter note, methinks I like this story. A lot. Not nearly as crappy as my other ones. I even really like the scene with Shizuka, despite how unbearably OOC she was. I bet it shocked you, didn't it? I bet you thought it was Jou, didn't you? Well, never fear, everything in this story so far has a purpose, and you'll just have to wait to find out what it is. Shizuka is OOC for a reason. You'll see, you'll see. Oh, and the entire beginning of that scene comes straight from book 6 of the manga. It was hard to incorporate...

Thank you all so much for being patient! Oh, and again, please review telling me who he should end up with!

I such a review whore...

Dewa Mata!
