Disclaimer: There once was a man from Nantucket. He didn't own any of these characters. I have a lot in common with that man.


Roy made his way through Outsiders HQ, heading towards the wing where their personal quarters were. He had what he thought was a good lead, and he wanted to run it by Dick. For once, Dick was actually staying in his room here rather than in Bludhaven or Gotham City. He knocked on the door and called, "Yo, Wingster!" He waited for a moment, then banged on the door more heavily. "Nightwing, open up! We've got work to do."

Roy was about to bang the door again when Grace opened up. She was wearing a sports bra and sweat pants, and was perspiring heavily. He blinked in surprise and said, "Oh shit, I'm sorry Grace. I thought this was Nightwing's..." he trailed off as he saw the number on the wall next to the door. This WAS Dick's quarters.

Grace laughed quietly and said, "He's in the shower. He'll be out in a sec." Roy, looking very surprised, said nothing as Grace closed the door. Roy just stood there, not saying a word until the door opened and Dick walked out. He was shirtless, with a towel draped around his shoulders. His mask was on.

"Dude!" Roy finally managed to blurt out, glaring at Dick.

"What?" Dick asked, not seeming to comprehend Roy's anger.

"You! Grace!" Roy sputtered.

"What?" Dick repeated, "She can't go at it with anyone but you."

Roy opened his mouth and stopped. Technically he and Grace weren't exclusive. Still, talk about cold! "I thought you were seeing someone?"

Dick looked even more confused, "What does that have to do with anything?"

Roy couldn't believe what he was hearing. "So if you need to 'go at it', shouldn't you be going at it with her?"

"What's gotten into you man? Look, I admire Barbara a lot, as much as she's gone through, but for a really good workout, she's not really the best person for me to go to," Dick explained.

Roy's eyes bulged. Even Ollie at his worst had never been that callous, and this coming from DICK? "I cannot believe-" he began when Grace walked out of his quarters.

She closed the door behind her, gave Dick a friendly pat on the shoulder and said, "Thanks 'Wing, I'm gonna catch a few hours of sleep."

Dick nodded in response and said, "See you tomorrow, Grace."

Roy shook his head in disbelief. He frowned, "You kept your mask on?"

Dick looked at him strangely, "Of course I kept my mask on. Why wouldn't I? Look, Roy, are you feeling alright?"

"Hell no I'm not-" Roy began when the door to Dick's quarters opened again.

Anissa Pierce stepped out. She was wearing her costume, and like Grace, was sweating buckets. Her blond wig was in total disarray. "Thanks Nightwing," Anissa said in passing, "You were right. I did need that. Hey Roy," she said to a stunned Roy Harper.

"No problem Thunder," Dick said, nodding in resopnse.

"What the hell is-" Roy began, when he was again interrupted, this time by Jade walking out of Dick's quarters. Roy thought he might faint.

"Thank you," she said to Dick, an amused look in her eye. "That was very innovative. You've given me a lot to think about."

"Whatever powers you have, you can never be too well-trained," Nightwing said, smiling and pointing a cautionary finger at her. Roy was about to speak, but the door opened once more. It was Indigo. And Shift.

"Thank you for letting us observe the procedure," the teal-skinned android said.

"Yeah, thanks 'Winger," Shift added. "It was interesting watching. I dunno how much of that I can use, but it was educational nonetheless." Forget fainting, Roy thought he was going to have a heart attack. Without a word, he stumbled away, mumbling to himself. "What's up with him?" Shift asked.

Nightwing, who knew perfectly well what it looked like to Roy, shrugged and said casually, "Must not've gotten the word about the aikido class."