This was not an easy decision for me to make. I started the Cold Fire trilogy almost fifteen years ago (holy shit, has it actually been that long?) after seeing the episode 'The Waterbending Scroll' (ahh, the episode that launched a thousand – and more – Zutara ships)

Since then I have come a long way. I don't like to talk about my personal life or anything but I was quite a different person back then due to unfortunate circumstances. Since then I've worked on making myself a better person and author, and ultimately, I decided to delete this trilogy. Some might ask why I don't edit it as I already did about 5 years after it was finished but… frankly, I don't want to go through that again. I've moved on.

I'd been considering doing this for the last couple of years but didn't want to jump the gun as I knew there were people who enjoyed this. When I started doing fanfiction, it was for fun, to be part of the community, and celebrate my love for Zutara. I still love Zutara, but this story no longer fits the standard that I set for myself as far as the quality of my writing goes, so I no longer want this as part of my collection.

I would like to thank everyone for the support and feedback that was given to me back then. If you liked the Cold Fire trilogy, then you should enjoy my later works, such as the 'Dragon and the Siren' which I feel is my best Zutara story, and one I have no intention of deleting. Knock on wood.

Again, this was not an easy decision for me, but fifteen years is a long time for someone to grow and I barely recognize the person I was at that time, or even a decade ago or even five years ago. My god, time really flies, doesn't it? Yay for personal growth, I guess, haha.

Again, thank you to all my readers/fans for the feedback and support you gave me over the years, it was absolutely indispensable and was what made being part of the fandom, and in general, so educational, and enjoyable. I made some pretty awesome friends in the Avatar community and still am friends with a few of those to this day.