I got inspired during school, so I wrote this.

Eh, some of it anyway.

Still, I don't own Naruto.

Some warnings are drug usage, violence

And on with the fic. IESSA!

Such a High

A Kaleidoscope Breaks my Cage…

A syringe, filled with mystery liquid.

It's only a mystery because you can never truly be sure what's been put into the concoction.

But the ingredients don't matter, as long as the result is the same. Conscious though, dissolving into bright illusions.

The syringe… so beautiful…

Gleaming silver line extending from a clear prison of the finest glass.

Shake, shake; swish, swish.

Watch as the liquid peace moves around in that beautiful container.

Stick the silver in, just below the skin. It doesn't make a wound. Unless, of course, it gets infected.

If you're careful, that doesn't happen.

Just stick the needle in, deeper, deeper. Into a vein, and push.

Away it goes! Shove that peace into your body.

Don't miss the vein; that stings like hell.

Burning all over, as the liquid that had once been peace eats away at your skin from within. Missing isn't good.

There's a certain art to getting the needle in just right. When someone's new to this certain game, it's easy to see.

They go about it as if it's random work. Find the brightest blue vein you can find and slam the needle in.

Usually around the inner elbow, where skin seems deceptively thin.

The veterans of the game (the few that are alive) know a few tricks to make it easier… Tourniquets always help.

Bulging veins and all; much easier to see.

But enough thinking…

And up in the sky, eight birds are flying. Their shadows are falling on the sidewalk.

They're free. Unlike me. For now, anyway.

Soon, though, I'll be out of my cage. Flying, flying, though my body won't be moving. The body isn't important for this anyway.

Otherwise, why would I do this in the first place?

Don't you remember? Drugs are bad, mm'kay.

Carefully, that shining silver is guided to my arm, just above the azure vein that looks so utterly inhuman.

My hand is shaking; I've resisted this drug's urgings for a while now.

Time to give it; all that time fighting is now in vain.

Silver slides so smoothly through my skin. The sensation makes my eyes slide shut.

Oh, I've missed this.

Fingers push, and the liquid goes in, that peace mixing with my blood. Filling me, lifting me.

And in just a few moments, I'm free of destiny again.

At least, until I'm dragged back into my cage.

Nothing Can Hurt the Indestructible Villain…

Boom, crack, bang!

Fire, explosion, death everywhere.

No escape, no hiding.

The flames consume everything.

No time for weakness, no time for thinking. Just my favorite thing. A little bird will do ya.

Life on the run isn't as glamorous as it's made out to be. No one really likes that kind of thing. Running, running.

Look over your shoulder! Something in the bushes! Kill it! Kill it quick!

Dog eat dog, yeah.

All that thinking, always on your feet. Not what I wanted. Freedom, to fly, to create, to destroy. But there's none of that.

An escape from reality is the only luxury one can get, and they'd be lucky to find even that.

So really, I'm pretty damn lucky.

I found my calling.

It's in the crackling of the fires, and the way the buildings tumble down at their bottoms give way.

It's in the screams of all women, children, and men, as they run to get away from the destruction and death that surrounds them.

How does it feel? How does it?

Hunted, hunting.

The hunted can hunt as well.

We fight fire with fire, stealth with explosion.

Bang! Crackle! Rip!

The most fun is blowing up people.

They hardly know what's happening. One moment they're there, the next boom!

Blood and chunks of flesh falling from the sky. Rain, rain, go away.

But who doesn't like dancing in the rain?

And my rain is the best.

Such a lovely, vibrant shade.

But here's the secret. The sanity inside the chaos.

It's all an escape, a ruse. I don't only do it for amusement. Sometimes, starting a fire or destroying precious things is the only way to get the point across.

Don't fucking mess with me.

A sort of protection… Shelter.

Eh, but the logical side is boring. I don't do this to think. I do it to be free.

So burn people, burn.

Short, I know. I just didn't feel like writing anymore.

A little note! This fic is supposed to be vague. Basically, if you think one part of the story fits someone then go ahead and think that's it for that someone.

It doesn't really matter what I intended, and unless you specifically ask me to tell you in a review, you won't be getting any answers about who the characters are.

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