A/N: Okay so I'm totally pissed off. It's my dads birthday tomorrow so I went out bought him a CD with my pay & then made him a card. And my brother is lyk I haven't got anything for him. So I have to put his name on th card & say that its half from him which totally sucks bcz if I did that my Ma would kill me for being so irresponsibly. So yeah that sucks basically.
Chapter 15 Day 6 & 7
Jodie spent the Sunday planning what would happen the next night. It had to be perfect. She had told everyone involved exactly what to do and not to stray from instructions.
It seemed that Hunter had planned something too. He spent a lot of time out of the house, over at Shawn's place. Tayla regularly rang to report back to Jodie. She remembered the last phone call she had received.
"Hey Tay, what's happening?"
"Shawn and Hunter just got back. They went straight into Shawn's office and they haven't been out since." Tayla explained from her post in Shawn's living room.
"Can't you hear through the door?" Jodie asked.
"Already tried girl. Shawn had the whole room sound proofed." Tayla sighed, walking into the kitchen. "But I did pick up the phone to ring you before and Vince was on the line. But they stopped talking as soon as I picked up."
"Okay. You ready for tomorrow night?"
"Yeah." Tay smiled. "Totally girl."
"Good, well I gotta go."
"Alright bye." Tayla beamed as the line clicked off. Both girls ready for the day ahead of them. Jodie sat cross legged in her wardrobe, arranging her outfit and what make up for the next day, around her. Her mind wandered aimlessly.
Jodie lay on her stomach, her head resting on his lap. He stroked her hair with his hand. She played with the sand, picking it up by the handful and letting it slip through her fingers. She smiled at how happy she was. Life was pretty perfect.
"I love you short stuff." He whispered.
"I love you too Jeff."
A knock on her wardrobe wall awoke her from her thoughts. It was Hunter. He swayed over to her; he didn't have to get very close for Jodie to be able to smell the stench of alcohol that surrounded him. He smiled a dirty smile at her. Jodie smiled back at him, before turning away and rolling her eyes.
Jojo felt herself being lifted from the floor and completely off her feet. Hunter carried her through to hid room, dropping her down roughly on the bed. He went to kiss her but she rolled out of the way. His smiled immediately changed to a confused scowl firm on his face. "What the hell are you doing?" Hunter growled. Jodie backed up against the wall.
"I, er, I just don't feel too good." She swallowed the lump in her throat as Hunter crept closer to her. "That's all." She whispered as he got even closer.
"You don't fell too good?" Hunter whispered in her ear, his breath, hot and strong on her cheek. "Well, I'll just have to male you feel better than, won't I?" His hands reaching for the hem of her shirt. She cringed when he tried to kiss her, slapping his hands away from her as if they burnt her skin. "Fine." He sulked. Jodie breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn't hit her.
"I have to pack for tomorrow." She whispered, trying to leave as quickly as possible, she stopped by the door, not fully hearing what he had said to her. "Excuse me?" She asked, hand on the door.
"I said I have a surprise for you on Raw tomorrow night, baby, so be ready. Now go get some rest." Hunter said, before Jodie half ran back into her own room, locking the door behind her.
Day 7
Jessie woke Jodie before the sun had even risen. Jake drove her and Hunter to the airport. Jodie sat, cross legged in the waiting room in departures in the airport, watching Hunter at the other end of the room, talking into his cell phone, as she sipped her cappuccino with extra froth. Huge, white framed sun glasses covered her still tired eyes.
"Excuse me?" A hand tapped on her shoulder, Jodie looked at the person in the seat beside her. A teenage girl, fifteen or sixteen.
"Yeah hun." Jodie smiled.
"Do I know you?" The girl asked, her eyes searching for where she had seen Jodie before.
"I don't think so. I'm Jodie if that helps." Jodie smiled, removing her large sunglasses.
"Rebecca." She smiled back, getting a full look of Jodie's face. "Oh my god! You're Angel!" Rebecca squealed.
"I take it you're a fan." Jodie beamed.
"A fan? Girl, you're my idol! I saw every one of your matches. I complained when you left." Rebecca said, sitting cross legged like Jodie, and talking with her hands. (I do that a lot).
"Wow. It's nice to know people still remember me." Jodie laughed.
"Baby." Hunter interrupted Jodie and Rebecca's conversation. "Our flight's being called." He smiled at Rebecca, who rolled her eyes and refocused her attention on Jodie.
"So you promise you'll watch Raw tonight?" Jodie asked again.
"I promise. You promise you'll ring me?" Rebecca looked so hopeful.
"I promise. As soon as Raw goes off air." Jodie smiled, picking up her bag and hugging Rebecca. "Talk to you later Becs."
"Ditto Jojo." Rebecca waved to Jodie, watching her and Hunter walk down the tunnel towards their plane. Rebecca sat back in her seat, her mind taking in all that Jodie, her idol, the one woman she looked up to the most, had told her. Tonight's Raw would be amazing.
Raw Live
"Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to another action packed edition of Monday Night Raw. I am JR, along side my colleague good old Jerry "The King" Lawler." JR's voice emptied from television sets all over the world.
"Tonight is going to be wild. DX have promised a huge surprise." King grinned.
The DX music filled the arena, fans on the feet, going completely wild. Hunter and Shawn climbed into the ring. Once they had finished their entrance, a stage hand passed a microphone to Shawn.
"Tonight, D Generation X, have a little surprise for all you. I would like to welcome to the ring, my girlfriend, Tayla." Shawn beamed as Tay walked down the ramp and slid into the ring next to Shawn to DX's music. She wore skin tight jeans, four inch heels and a red halter neck top.
"Hey baby." She kissed Shawn on the cheek, and then turned to scowl at King who had recently yelled something about Puppies.
"Not only is Shawn's girl, Tayla, in the building tonight. But so is someone very special to me. The last time she appeared on Raw, she was being carried out of the arena on a stretcher, at my doing. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you. Angel!" Hunter yelled her name, the crowd going deadly silent as the lights flicked off, then flicked green. The crowd erupted as Jodie/Angel walked out on to the top of the ramp, dancing like her and Jeff used to do to her theme music, Hey Ms Hilton by The Pen fifteen Club. Her once purple hair dyed blonde with a green stripe down the front. She sang to the lyrics as she made her way to the ring.
Oh my, looky there
Stone-cold foxy, platinum hair
Short skirt, barely there
Make a chick wanna hate, make a boy wanna stare
"Oh my God! Hunter's right, we haven't seen this young lady for nearly a year!" JR yelled.
Well, Ms. Hilton you must be worth a trillion bucks
Get the feelin' that you don't really give a fuck
Ms. Hilton I like the way you push and glide
Roller-skates on a social butterfly, whoo!
Breeze by, velvet ropes
Ski this town like a bunny slope
Oh my, there she goes
A Long money girl in her short money clothes
"She looks good doesn't she?" King said, instead of his usual Puppies comment. Neither JR nor Jerry had known of Jodie's appearance tonight.
Well, Ms. Hilton you must be worth a trillion bucks
Was it you with your bunny all up in the club?
Ms. Hilton I like the way you push and glide
Roller-skates on a social butterfly
Angel slid into the ring, going straight for the top turnbuckle. She stood on top of it, and flicked her hair back, careful of her silver satin Jimmy Choo's.
Ms. Hilton you must be worth a trillion bucks
Get the feelin that you don't really give a fuck
Ms Hilton I like the way you push and glide
Roller skates on a social butterfly
The song faded off as a stage hand passed Jodie a microphone. "Well hello New Jersey!" (I dunno, its th first place that came to mind) Angel scanned the front row. Stunned fans all stared back at her."Instead of the normal two words, I got four for ya'll. The Bitch Is Back!" She yelled, flicking her hair over her shoulder. She blew a kiss in Hunter's direction, before sitting on the turnbuckle. "Ya see this must be kinda confusing. What is it, oh yeah? A year ago today. I was beginning carried out of an arena much like this one, due to that man right there." Angel waved a hand in Hunter's direction, before smoothing down the purple and silver top her and Tay had bought, with "Angel" wrote across the chest. She had ripped the bottom half of the tank top off, so that her toned and tanned abs were proudly on display.
"Baby, there are only so many times I can apologise." Hunter said, trying to touch her cheek, Angel flipped over the back of the turnbuckle (like Beth Phoenix does, but the other way), landed on her feet and tutted.
"Now, now." She warned. "They hafta know everything. Hunter nodded and stepped back, Angel returning to her seat on the turnbuckle. Tay grinning like a Cheshire cat from the other side of the ring, knowing what Jodie would do next. "So ladies and gents, as quite a few of you know, I live with Brooke Hogan and Melissa Ward. Now, I hadn't seen anyone from wrestling in nearly a year, and guess who turns up on my doorstep? Jeff Freaking Hardy." She smiled, as the crowd went crazy. "Well that was a slight surprise. My best friend, my ex tag team partner, my ex boyfriend. Then followed a certain Chain Gang Solider and a cocky little Legend Killer. It would have been an amazing summer. I really would have." A tear sliding down her cheek.
"But someone had to ruin that." Angel jumped down to the floor, walking up to Hunter. "Hunter, you ruined that!" She growled, nose to nose with him. "You near decapitated Randy Orton, and then nearly beat me to death. The only problem for you was, you changed me. I'm stronger now. I'm stronger than I ever was."
"What do you mean?" Hunter asked, rage flickering in his eyes.
"What I mean is, you thought that tonight you would propose. You thought that you would have me forever. You thought you would win over Jeff." Angel licked her lips and flicked her hair. "So tonight, I say what I came here to say. I challenge you Hunter. To a match. Next week, right here on Raw." The crowd went insane.
"You can't do this!" Hunter screamed, his hand diving for her throat. She ducked down, taking out his legs with her own. She quickly looked over to Tay who had Shawn held back. Angel got to her feet to have Hunter back her into the corner. He ripped her top exposing her scar to the world. "I did that once I'll do it again." He scowled. No one knew what to do. The crowd were silent, scared to move. Angel narrowed her eyes, and then smirked. Tilting her head to the side, she smiled, beckoning him closer to kiss her. Her lips only centimetres from her when she went down into the splits.
Just in time really considering Jeff had just stormed the ring, steel chair in hand. Tay and Shawn had long left the ring. Jeff dropped the chair down by Hunter's bloody body; he took off his shirt and pulled it over Angel's head. He looked straight in her eyes. The microphone still in her hand.
"Jodie. I love you." Jeff said, smiling at her. "I always have, I always will." He wiped the stray tear from her cheeks.
"I love you too Jeffers." Angel laughed as he raised her hand. The crowd hit the roof, and then hit a new height when Jeff pulled Angel in and kissed her softly.
A/N: Okies, so she stays with Jeffers. Yum. Review pleasey!
Abbey x