Chapter 2: Line of Fire
Authors Note: Yay! I'm still continuing with this fic, I guess because I was told that this was one was very unique and I should continue with it. Thanks to my best friend Alanna and Chi-san :D So here is chapter 2.
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own anyone, well, except the other gangs and Tomoyo's father.
"Ready to go to town Tomoyo-chan?" an auburn-haired young woman of eighteen years asked the Amethyst Wings leader, her emerald eyes glittering with excitement.
Her name was Kinomoto Sakura and she was Tomoyo's best friend ever since they met back in elementary. After hearing of the Daidouji heiress' disownment after her antics back in junior high, Sakura thought Tomoyo was done for.
It wasn't until a year later did the auburn-hair girl, still studious in high school, hear about the legendary Amethyst Wings, roaming the skies and dark alleyways of Tokyo with a headquarters set in the Shinjuku District.
What surprised Sakura the most was the leader's name which was exactly like that of her old best friend that she had lost contact with.
Finding her way to the Amethyst Wings Headquarters, Sakura was surprised to be warmly greeted by a drastically changed Tomoyo, no longer the softhearted 16-year-old girl from Junior High.
This Tomoyo had grown into a strong woman of 17 years, ready to take on everything in her path. She of course invited Sakura to join her gang, but she had to undergo severe training. She was taught how to shoot and load a gun, the use of sharp weapons and various types of martial arts.
Other members of Amethyst Wings thought Sakura was too pure to be a member of the group, and it wasn't until the complete annihilation of her father and brother by a random gang from Italy did the sweet sixteen Cherry Blossom 'die' and out came an assassin ready to do the dirty work of the AW.
Tomoyo looked through the reflection of her full-length mirror and smiled. "I'm always ready for these fights, I live for them." She said strapping a silver dagger onto her right black nylon knee-length boot and pulling her long curly hair up into a high ponytail; she hoped it wouldn't fall out.
She briefly touched the white pearl and round amethyst necklace around her neck and smiled broadly at her reflection.
Great-Grandfather Amamiya would be so proud of her. Even though her mother disapproved of her leading her own gang, Masaki Amamiya would have been the proudest of all great-grandfathers.
He saw great power in his great-granddaughter, and he knew she shouldn't waste it in ruling her mother's international company, but do something grander and exciting with her life instead.
No one knows the real reason why Tomoyo had started up her own gang; some say it was to fulfil her great-grandfather's dying wish to live her life to the fullest.
Others say it was the result of her anger towards her father's departure. But Tomoyo never mention anything about it and no one dared to ask, not even Sakura.
Tomoyo looked over her shoulder, smiling broadly, her adrenaline pumping and ready to take to the skies in her violet air speeder. "Ready Sakura-chan?"
Dressed in a violet corset, black tight pants and nylon boots, Tomoyo had the looks to kill especially with her new black fingerless elbow-length gloves.
Attached to her belt in two holsters were her prized black Beretta 92S handguns. She had retrieved them from another gangster leader after shooting him thrice in the heart. The two guns now had the famous symbol of the Amethyst Wings branded on the right side of the barrel, the purple angel wings shining brightly whenever light touches its surface.
Sakura grinned wickedly, loading up her M16A1 rifle and slinging it onto her back. "As ever Tomoyo-chan!" and the best friends left the leader's bedchambers.
Downstairs, a dozen women waited for their leader all geared up for another fight with the other competitors in the Tokyo skies.
Each had a weapon strapped down their black uniforms with a violet armband with a silver angel wings symbol showing which gang they came from and wore winged headsets; these were how the gang members kept in contact with one another.
"Ready ladies?"
All heads turned to the grand staircase where their leader ascended, her trademark grin upon her face. Beside her Sakura followed slightly bouncing in her step. It was obvious that the young women were very excited for another nightly fight.
A platinum-haired woman pumped her fist into the air. "Aye, aye Murasaki-Hime!"
Tomoyo laughed shaking her head. Ayame Kisaragi was new to the crew and she had no idea what a night fight was like.
Sakura must have read her thoughts or have been thinking the same thing for she giggled too and whispered to Tomoyo who nodded in obvious agreement, "I feel sorry for her already."
Tomoyo reached the bottom floor and was given her own headset by a woman with chin-length brown straight hair and round glasses, working on a laptop.
"Thanks Yanagisawa-san," Tomoyo smiled as the woman bowed to her, and the AW leader strapped on her headset.
"Ok ladies, headsets turned on…weaponry lock and loaded?" Tomoyo did a checklist as a chorus of "hai's" and "mochiron" echoed throughout the headquarters' main chamber.
Tomoyo smiled nodding "Then to the air speeders!"
The thirteen members cheered before dashing out to the large underground garage where all the vehicles were parked including the violet and black air speeders belonging to the Amethyst Wings.
"We'll be back in the morning, look after the girls for me Yanagisawa-san." Tomoyo told the bespectacled woman on the laptop.
Yanagisawa Naoko smiled nodding "Mochiron Murasaki-Hime" before the leader ran towards the garage.
"Ok, Katana-san. What have you got for me, who's on the radar tonight?" Tomoyo asked through her headset after igniting the engine of her favourite air speeder.
"We got a group of two dozen Sapphire Blades in the eastern quadrant as well as a dozen Quartz-Pink Faeries and ten Garnet Arrows in the south." a voice came through her earpiece as Tomoyo sighed.
"Ah the good ol' Blades, the whore faeries and the new arrows - I wonder why that kiddie gang is out to play?"
"Maybe they wanna play rough house" a giggly voice came through her headset and Tomoyo laughed as the roof of the garage split apart and the eight air speeders rocketed out of the secret exit of the Amethyst Wings HQ.
The night sky was pleasantly cool and Tomoyo smiled as the zephyrs whipped through her high ponytail. The moon was round and full while the brightest stars shone through the smog of Tokyo city.
"Which gang should we take out first?" Tomoyo asked her crew as she led the other eight air speeders into the heart of the city.
"Let's play bullrush with the Garnet Arrows" a voice that was easily Sakura's chirped through Tomoyo's earpiece.
The AW leader laughed again, "Alright…ladies who wants to play with the kids"
"AYE!" came a large chorus of female voices followed by laughter.
Tomoyo smiled. "Then we're heading to the southern quadrant!" And the nine air speeders swerved around the tall skyscrapers and other late night traffic to the south end of Tokyo city.
Meanwhile in the Northern quadrant…BOOM!
A sleek midnight blue air speeder dodged and spun around the other flying vehicles before rocketing up the side of a tall pyramid building, the driver's Prussian eyes glittering with fierce concentration.
Behind the dark air speeder, another air speeder came in hot pursuit except the colour was a candy pink and definitely had a feminine quality to it. The driver smirked, sky blue eyes flickering in a flirtatious manner.
"What's wrong darling, afraid of confronting me?" the driver obviously female teased through her headset.
The midnight blue air speeder in front then bounced off the peak of the building, turning upside down before heading down into the heat of the traffic on a straight 90-degree angle, the candy pink air speeder quickly following.
"Piss off Yume! I don't need this now!" a baritone voice barked from the driver of the cobalt-flying vehicle.
Dressed in the familiar black leather overcoat, a navy blue half buttoned shirt, a gold chain around his neck and belted black jeans, the driver was obviously Hiiragizawa Eriol and the driver pursuing him was the Quartz-Pink Faeries leader Sayuri Yume.
The two gangs had clashed while the Sapphire Blades was guarding the Northern Quadrant of Tokyo city. The northern part was mainly SB territory and if any other gang ventured in, there was hell to pay, but being the daring soul that she was; Sayuri Yume leads her squadron of Quartz-Faeries into the territory owned by the mighty Sapphire Blades. The other reason why she came here was because it was just the previous month when she was in a 'relationship' with the SB leader and she wanted him back!
Back then Eriol of course was only driven by his lust towards the gorgeous pink-headed leader and they had an affair for two weeks. But Eriol, never believing in long-term relationships, dumped the shocked then furious Yume on the Friday night of the third week.
It had driven Yume to pure rage and desperation that led to Eriol labelling her as the 'clingy ex-girlfriend'.
Eriol groaned as he checked his revision mirror. Truly the Quartz-Pink Faery leader was still in hot pursuit of him.
"Doesn't she know the meaning of 'We're over'?" he exclaimed to himself.
Pulling up from the midst of the air traffic and whizzing past other insulting drivers, Eriol flew around a tall building before screaming into his headset's microphone "Syaoran! Where the hell is your elite team? I need back up! Yume isn't leaving me alone!"
From his earpiece, the 19-year-old man heard laughter and he heard Syaoran speak in rapid Cantonese, "Definitely the clingy ex… I called for them ten minutes ago, but you do know Eriol that the Northern Quadrant is huge and the elite team don't know where the hell you are!"
"I'm in Sector 5.6 in the financial district. I thought you have my coordinates?" Eriol frowned staring at the radar on his dashboard.
He then heard his best friend swear switching back to Japanese. "Kuso! That explains the beeping, some random Faery knocked out my radar screen!"
Eriol sighed. "Ki ni suru na, I think I have lost her"
"You wish Aijin!" he heard a female voice snap and he looked over his shoulder.
"Actually Syaoran get your elite team here, quick! She's found me!" Eriol shouted into his little microphone before rocketing up and off the side of the building.
"Dude! Just shoot her for Kami's sake" Syaoran snapped back.
Eriol groaned "Fine! Whatever!" before turning around and charging up his air speeder's laser guns. Fingers placed on the triggers, Eriol gave a Cressy salute to the suddenly halted candy pink air speeder.
"Ja Yume!" Eriol smirked before firing upon the air speeder. Yume's mouth became a round 'o' as she screamed "Hiretsukan!" before her air speeder was hit and the smoking flying vehicle fell towards Terran ground.
The Sapphire Blades leader dusted off his hand with a smirk still upon his face. "Ok Syaoran where the hell is the rest of the squad? Lead Faery has fallen!"
"We're in the heart of the Northern quadrant, but you better come here quickly. Takashi has just announced we're receiving company."
Eriol raised an eyebrow as he flew towards the quadrant centre.
"Nani? Pissed off faeries that seek vengeance for their leader?" he then laughed loudly as he continued to dodge the air traffic in order to meet his gang's members. Syaoran's voice on the other end didn't carry the same amusement "Actually no…Takashi said its Code Violet".
Eriol's Prussian eyes widened. "She wouldn't dare!" he spat angrily into his mic.
"Oh she is daring! And she's got 11 of her members with her, I think she's asking for something" Syaoran replied.
Eriol smirked "A dozen against two dozen, what the hell is Murasaki-Hime thinking?"
By the time Eriol got to the Northern quadrant hub, Eriol was stupefied. Instead of 23 other members awaiting his orders, there were only 14 males left including Syaoran and Takashi.
"What happened? Where are the others?" Eriol asked as he parked his air speeder in the centre of the circle. He stood up on his speeder's seat and looked around. Most of the air speeders had burnt, charcoal dents upon their metal surfaces and most of the boys looked quite tired out, black in the faces from the smoking carcasses they had shot down. Obviously his gang had gone through a tough battle.
Takashi folded his arms, sitting in his own air speeder. "You were right about those faeries seeking vengeance as soon as Sayuri's line was cut off from their communications. Their battle vigour intensified and all of us were fighting for our lives. We lost the other nine boys in the fight, if it weren't for Syaoran's elite team we all would have been dead!"
Behind Syaoran's ocean blue air speeder, eight other air speeders hovered each with a masked driver. Their air speeders were black but they had the symbol of Syaoran's family and the Sapphire Blades engraved on the bonnet of their speeders.
They were the legendary Elite team that Eriol was talking about. They were each named after a Chinese element, Huo- Fire, Shui- Water, Fong-Wind, Tu- Earth, Jin- Gold, Mu- Wood, Lei- Thunder and Shang- Lightning.
Eight men from the age of mid-twenties to late forties all related to Syaoran. Some his cousins, others his uncles and they served the Sapphire Blades proudly even if the leader wasn't a Li.
Eriol bowed his head low "The Sapphire Blades and I are indebted to you."
One of the men, Huo, stood up in his air speeder and bowed back. "No need Kori-Ou, we serve you. There is no need for indebts"
Eriol smiled gratefully. "Thank you."
Suddenly the siren on Takashi's radar started going on and off and he turned his head to the screen. He frowned. "Err…. Eriol…"
"Nani?" Eriol sat back down and turned to the concerned man.
Takashi swallowed down a lump in his throat "Um we got--"
"Konbawa Sapphire Blades!" a familiar woman's voice shouted, feigning happiness from behind the assembled group.
The Elite team quickly locked their air speeder's canons on a potential target as Eriol sighed looking down at his own radar. "Youkoso Murasaki-Hime, what brings you to my quadrant," he then asked in an eerie calm manner.
Behind the protected circle, Tomoyo laughed in her air speeder. "Your quadrant Kori-Ou! Your quadrant my foot, this area never belonged to you Hiiragizawa!" she then snapped angrily folding her arms.
Eriol chuckled quietly to himself "Aww, your pissed off Daidouji, because you don't have your own area to dominate"
"Iie, zen-zen!" Tomoyo shook her head snarling. Still she was staring at the back of the Sapphire Blades' leader.
"Well do you want this quad?" Eriol asked quietly.
Tomoyo arched an eyebrow. "No way! I came out to see what trouble I could start here"
"You and your girls you mean," Eriol corrected her before silently flicking a switch on his dashboard sending a secret message to his crew.
Syaoran smirked at the received message unaware of the Murasaki-Hime's best friends' emerald eyes watching him cautiously. He nodded switching on more buttons and turned his hidden laser gun onto a target.
Tomoyo rolled her eyes "Yes, my girls and I; whatever Hiiragizawa. So am I going to see your face and let this chit chat stop and we can start this fight or is there something else you want to know?"
Eriol now grinned wickedly to himself as he placed his hands on the trigger of his air speeder and was ready to press down when he heard someone shriek "Murasaki-Hime it's a trap!"
Eriol's Prussian eyes swerved around only to see a platinum-blonde girl he had never seen before pointing at the other positioned SB members.
Tomoyo looked around only to hear the release of several laser guns "Kuso! That Chikushoume" only to drive her air speeder up high out of the way of several lasers directed by the Sapphire Blades.
"Ok the boys wanna play dirty, girls let's give them dirty!" Tomoyo ordered into her headset.
"Aye, aye!" was the response from her gang as the fight began.
Authors Note: Woo-hoo seven pages for this chapter, I am so proud with myself and once again big thanking to my beta-reader :D
Ok as you probably all noticed there is a lot of Japanese words thrown in, ehehe ; well below is their translations, hope it helps!
Mochiron- Of course
Kuso- Shit
Ki ni suru na- Never mind
Aijin- Lover
Kami- God
Ja- Bye
Hiretsukan- Bastard
Youkoso- Nice to meet you
Zen-zen- never
Chikushoume- Son of a bitch
Ok I think that's it...yeah it is, alright see you next chapter :D