A/n: I had to write this as a dare so it's a total peice of crap. Enjoy!

Da Story.

Don't own nothing!

Brought to you by: Bishie Flakes! Bishounen in a can!

By: Yours Truly!

A loud 'smack' could be heard in the distance. "Will you ever learn you hentei! Why don't you just go and grope some other chick's ass?" said a very perturbed female demon slayer.

"Well will you at least do the honor of bearing my child?" replied a lowly and sadly perverted monk.

"Ugh! You sicken me." At this point, the demon slayer was not too happy. The monk had been bugging her all day and she was growing weary of it. Yet somehow, she refrained from pummeling him. "God," she thought, "why does he do this to me! Can't he take hint and kill himself or something." "Why must you do this to me! Every day it's the same thing, you do something stupid and I give you smack upside the head! Why!"

"Cause," he replied, "I love you."

The demon slayer could not believe her ears, in fact, she couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth either. "I love you too..." "WTF! Omfg," she mentally screamed, "I just told that perv that I loved him!" She thought this was absolutely absurd, but her heart said different. "This is how you felt all along!" It screamed.

"Miroku, I-" Her words were cut off by the pair of soft lips that came upon hers. She wanted to pull away and kill him with her hiraikotsu, but she couldn't. She was frozen in his warm embrace. Her mind was a complete blank for a second then she realized how great the feeling was to be with the one she loved. It was the most wonderful thing in the world. She started to embrace the fact that she could get used to this.

The monk was overjoyed by the return of his love. He pulled back.

"Now," he started, "may our love blossom and be as pure and beautiful as the sakura trees. May it shine and be as radiant as the morning stars."

"That's so...beautiful," she said astounded by the monk's words. Usually they were crude and just plain stupid.

"Oh, my dear Sango," The monk got down on one knee and took the demon slayer's soft hands into his. "Will you...bear my child?"