Chapter 16

Kouga jumped away and Aki jumped in. She was growling at Tenimaru, she was pissed off, more than she ever was before. She had blocked him with her arm, luckily she used the side that had the bone closer to the skin so the cut wasn't as bad.

"You're going to die, you took my friend twice, tried to kill me and my friends, and I'm not going to let you live, even if it kills me." Aki growled.

"You're too weak to fight me." Tenimaru growled.

"You wish!" Aki pushed him away and nailed him up against the wall. "What should I do, hmm?" Aki asked. "Slowly cut though your neck?"

"Aki, stop, you're going to bleed to death." Sesshoumaru said. Aki wasn't listening. Tenimaru was looking at her in fear, true fear.

"Well, answer me!" Aki growled.

"No, you're going to get away from me!" Tenimaru growled.

"Wrong answer!" she pressed her arm farther into his neck. "Try again." Sesshoumaru walked over to Aki and touched her shoulder, she whipped her head around to face him, with her arm still on Tenimaru's neck. "Don't interfere." Aki growled.

"Stop, right now." Sesshoumaru said.

"No, he took my friend away from me twice and for that he dies, along with his whole damn tribe!" Aki growled, everyone was too busy looking at Aki to notice Kit was up.

"Aki, stop!" Kit said. Aki looked at Kit. "He does deserve to die...but it's not pick on people...weaker are." Kit said. Aki smirked at Kit.

"That's true, but he's still going to die." Aki said.

"Aki, enough." Sesshoumaru said more forcefully.

"Fine, get stronger before you come try to kill us again." Aki said, she walked over to the door and disappeared down the hallway. Sesshoumaru followed, after he picked up Kit, to take to Kagome. Before Kouga left he stabbed Tenimaru in the heart with his sword and left it there as a sign to people who tried to take the person he loved away from him, were going to die. He walked down the hall and soon caught up with Sesshoumaru and Aki.

"Here, I'll take Kit." Kouga said. Sesshoumaru handed Kit over to Kouga.

"Where's your sword?" Aki asked. Kouga looked at his waist. "You killed him didn't you?" Aki asked. "Dammit! I wanted to!" Aki yelled slightly tweaked, Sesshoumaru smiled, she was back to herself again.

"Thanks for coming...and getting me." Kit said as she passed out.

"What the hell did she think we were going to do? Let that ass make her his mate!" Aki asked. "Hell no! Kouga's even better than him, which isn't saying to much!" Kouga glared at her and Aki grinned back. Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes.

"You know, you're going to die if you keep using sarcasm like that." Sesshoumaru said.

"I'll just have to take that chance!" Aki said. She heard an arrow whizz through the air. She couldn't move because it was shot from too close, luckily it only got her arm. There was a girl standing there with a bow, she was glaring at them. "Who the hell are you!" Aki growled.

"Takimura, Tenimaru's sister." she growled. Aki looked at Sesshoumaru and Kouga.

"Can I kill this one?" Aki asked sweetly.

"If we say 'no' are you going to listen?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Nope!" Aki said, she was grinning.

"Go a head." Sesshoumaru said. Aki nodded and soon she was right in front of Takimura.

"You're much weaker than your brother, maybe you should have looked up to him more." Aki said, she extended her claws and cut her head off before Takimura could do anything to stop her. "Why do I always get the weak ones?" Aki pouted.

"Because, you're to nice." Kouga answered.

"Oh, you wanna see nice?" Aki growled. She was shaking her fist at him.

"Like you could catch me!" Kouga said.

"Like hell I could!" Aki growled, as she said it blood squirted out of her mouth.

"Alright, we'll contiune this fight later." Sesshoumaru said, sounding like he was a father breaking up a child's spat, he grabbed Aki and began to drag her away. "Stop struggling." he said.

"No! I don't want to wait until later to finish this fight! I can finish it right now! Come here wolf boy!" Aki yelled, Sesshoumaru was putting more distance between Aki and Kouga. "You know this seems oddly familar." she said.

"Yes it does." he said.

"I remember now! I jumped on your shoulders while you were talking to some ambassadors and you flipped me onto the ground and dragged me away." Aki said.

"I remember." Sesshoumaru said. "Then I threw you into the lake when I was done talking to them." he recalled. "Well you had been in the lake once before."

"Yeah and Zala held my camera for me, where is it anyways?" Aki asked.

"That's a good question." Sesshoumaru said. "You'd have to ask Zala, she was the last one that had it." Aki nodded.

"Man, I'm tired." Aki said. "Can we hurry this trip up?" Aki asked. Sesshoumaru smiled and picked her up. "Hey! I didn't mean that way!" Aki growled at him.

"The cloud then?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"OOO! Yeah yeah!" Aki said, she acted like a kid who just gotten asked if they wanted candy. Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and the cloud formed at his feet. He didn't put her down. "You can put me down you know." Aki said.

"Maybe I don't want to." Sesshoumaru said as he smirked.

"Well do it anyways!" Aki said. Sesshoumaru put her down and she sat down on the edge of the cloud with her legs hanging off. She was looking down at the ground. "Look there's Kit and Kouga!" Aki said. "HI!" she yelled down. Sesshoumaru looked. Kouga and Kit didn't hear her.

"You act so much like a child." Sesshoumaru said.

"Well in case you didn't know I didn't have much of a childhood so I'm making up for it now." Aki replied.

"That's one of the things I love about you though." Sesshoumaru said. Aki blushed but she was facing away from him so he didn't see it. I wish he wouldn't do that! Aki thought. "Quiet now?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm thinking, got a problem, Mr. Fluffy?" she asked. Sesshoumaru lightly kicked her in the back. "Hey!" she said. "You know if I didn't know better I would pushed you off this cloud!" Aki said.

"No you wouldn't. You love me too much." Sesshoumaru teased as he laughed. Aki blushed again. There he goes again! When I get off this cloud he's going down! Aki thought again. Soon they were at Sesshoumaru's castle and Aki hopped off the cloud. They got there before Kit and Kouga.

"We're back!" Aki yelled, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and InuYasha all ran out from various doors. "Wow, that's a cool reaction..." Aki said, Sesshoumaru nodded. "Do it again! Do it again!" Aki said, Sesshoumaru smiled at her childness.

"Are you alright? Where's Kit? And Kouga? And...where's your shirt?" Kagome asked. Aki laughed. She tired hard not to laugh to hard. But it didn't work and she fell to the ground laughing.

"Hahahaha!" Aki said, everyone started at her. Soon she was emitting no sound at all and some blood dripped out of her mouth.

"Uh...shouldn't we try to stop her from laughing?" InuYasha asked.

"I'll gladly volunteer!" Miroku said, he walked over and started groping Aki. She stopped laughing and punched him, no one noticed but Sesshoumaru also punched him.

"Perverted monk!" Aki growled. Miroku rubbed where Aki hit him.

"No need to hit me twice." Miroku said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I didn't." Aki said. "Mr. Fluffy, did you hit him?" Aki asked. He was looking away whistling as InuYasha leaned over to Kagome.

"Why did Sesshoumaru hit him?" he asked. Kagome sweatdropped.

"You don't know?" Kagome asked.

"If I did I wouldn't ask." InuYasha said.

"Nevermind then." Kagome said.

"Oh by the way Kit's fine, just kinda tired, and Kouga's bringing her here." Aki answered.

"Alright now there's one question left. Why doesn't Sesshoumaru have a shirt on?" Kagome asked. Aki looked over to Sesshoumaru out of the corner of her eye.

"KAGOME! IT'S NOT WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!" Aki yelled. "I went after him and Kouga to go get Kit and I started bleeding so Sesshoumaru took his shirt ogf and put it over my gaping wound you idiot!" Aki growled in one breath.

"Alright, I was just wondering!" Kagome said defensivly. Aki rolled her eyes and walked down the hall way that led to her room. Sesshoumaru walked to his room and put a shirt on, then he grabbed one of the boxes he had hid in the back of his closet and walked around looking for Aki. Soon he found himself outside and at the lake.

"There you are." Sesshoumaru said, Aki looked over.

"Yeah, it's been a while so I came out. It doesn't look different but it feels different." Aki said.

"Yes it does. Wanna see what it looks like when you see it from overhead?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"You're bribing me with the cloud aren't you?" she asked.

"Pretty much." Sesshoumaru said.

"It worked to." Aki replied, she walked over and Sesshoumaru formed the cloud. They rose about 50 feet over the surface of the lake. "Wow, it's beautiful." Aki whispered. Sesshoumaru smiled.

"Just like something else I know." Sesshoumaru said. Aki blushed, it was too dark for him to see it though. "Aki, I've wanted to ask you this for a long time now, and well, now I have the chance, but I'm not sure if you feel the same way about me. Although, I think I'll take my chances. Aki, will you marry me?" Aki blinked a couple of times.

"Yes!" she said as she tackled him. "Oops!" Aki asked. The splashed into the water. Kit and Kouga were walking by when they saw a giant splash of water.

"What was that?" Kit asked. Then they saw two heads pop up, one had silver hair and one had black.

"Aki and Sesshoumaru!" Kouga asked. They laughed, Aki and Sesshoumaru were laughing so they didn't hear Kit and Kouga.

"They make a cute couple." Kit said softly. Kouga nodded.

"Who would have thought?" he asked, they walked back inside the castle before the two dog demons noticed them. "Now we tell no one of this and we just might live." Kouga said sarcasticly. Kit nodded tiredly as they split up to their seperate rooms, hearing the other demons coming in laughing.


Aki: I can't belive I did that!


Aki: Great...she thinks it's cute!

Kit: It was! lol We don't own InuYasha or anything but the plot and the OC's!

Aki: Hit the stupid button and review!

Kit: BTW, this was the last chapter of The Major Disasters, but just wait. There might be a sequel -wink-