-1Chapter 12

They entered the girls Dormitory building. When they reached the girls floor they slowly calmed down. Heero walked up to their door and knocked. They stood outside in the hallway waiting. When no one answered Heero turned to the others. WuFei just shook his head. "They could've just skipped school and gone out, Yui"

"That's true WuFei but what if there is a slim chance that its not." Trowa said. Quatre turned to him. Trowa just nodded. He was finally starting to understand what Heero and Quatre were worried about. Heero turned back around and knocked again, this time a little louder. What he wasn't expecting was for the door to slowly open. He instincts from the war came back and he pulled out his gun along with all of the others. Slowly they entered the apartment. Heero called out for the girls "Kyoko! Skyler! Cin! Are you girls here?" They waited for an answer and when none came they split up and began to search the place just to make sure. Duo started to walk towards the bedrooms and tripped over something. "OW!" He cried out. WuFei and the others couldn't help but to hang their heads. "Duo I thought that you were good at this sort of thing?" Trowa asked sarcastically. The others couldn't help but to snicker a little. "ha-ha very funny Trowa." Duo retorted. Heero turned around and turned on the light. "Oh My God!?!" was Quatre's instant response. The others looked around and saw that the place was trashed, completely trashed. "Wh-what happened here?" Duo asked. The others couldn't answer, they didn't know how. Everything was destroyed the couch was shredded, blood and other marks on the walls. Upon seeing this Quatre went straight into hysterics. "I knew something was wrong. Oh my god. Why didn't I believe it? I should've have done something!!!!!!" And he went on and on. Trowa walked over to him and tried to get him to calm down. WuFei, Duo, and Heero instantly began to head towards the bedrooms to see what damage had been done there.

Skyler started to stir, she let out a moan as she rubbed the back of her head. "Ow! What the fuck hit me?" She groaned out. Looking around she noticed that she wasn't in her dorm. "Anou..?" She questioned. The room looked quite dismal. "Aki, Cin" she called out. "Kyoko, Yukina, Can any of you hear me?" She called out. Not hearing any reply she got up and began to move around the room that she was currently in. The place was pitch black, so she had to use her hands to find her way around. She realized after walking in a complete circle that she was alone in the room. distant screams "that does NOT sound good." she said to herself, just as the doors flung open and some soldiers walked in. Skyler got ready to fight. But wasn't ready for the attack. The next thing she realized was that they took a club and smacked her over the head with it. Everything started to blur and then suddenly went black. 'This isn't good' she thought to herself before the whole world went black.

The guys were sitting at the Preventers Headquarters trying to think of what might have happened to the girls. Heero was working on their Background information; he did it once before when he first met them, but now he was modifying it a little hoping to get something. Trowa, Quatre, and Duo were sitting around going through files from the school. When WuFei walked in carrying a bunch of books. He set them down with a 'thud' on the table. Trowa looked up at him. "Uh WuFei what's with all of the books?" WuFei looked up at him as he sat down hard in the chair he was standing next to. "Remember the girls telling us that story that started this whole thing. The one where Kyoko stood up and screamed "We Love You" he said. The others looked at him and nodded. "Yea we remember… why? What are you thinking?" Duo said with an almost quizzical look on his face. "well …" WuFei started saying as he placed a hand on the stack of books. "I went to almost every library I could think of and found a few books on what they were talking about. Although it was in the 'Myths and Legends' section. So I brought them back here hoping that they might give us a clue or something if we read through them." WuFei said and looked up at the others, waiting to see what they said. It was quite for a few minutes as all of the guys took this in and thought it over. Duo looked at him and started laughing "you've got to be kidding Wu-man!" WuFei grumbled and Quatre tried to mediate yet another fight. "C'mon Duo nows not the time." Duo stopped and looked at Quatre "ok Ok" he said calming down. Trowa was the first to move picking up a book he opened it and began looking through it. The others soon followed. Heero opened up another search window and began looking for the girls under 'Myths and Legends.'

Slowly ever so slowly the girls started to wake up. "uugh" one of them moaned. "What hit me?" Cin said as she tried to reach for her head and found out she couldn't. Opening her eyes wide she looked around and realized she was strapped to a table, which was standing. "uh guys… GUYS!" she screamed to get there attentions "This is soo not good." she said indicating that they were strapped to tables, while looking over at the others. "What do you mean Cin?" one of them asked as she slowly opened one of her eyes. "Well for one were strapped to table and can't move and another we don't even know where we are." she said as she started to get frustrated with the bindings. "Calm down Cin, we'll figure this out." Kyoko said as she too tried to break the bindings.

Cin created a fireball and was trying to hit one of the other girls' bindings. Just then the door opened and a man walked in followed by two others whom were dragging something.

"You'll find that, that will not work." The man said with a small laugh. The girls all looked up with fear and anger in their eyes. The two that were dragging something came forward and the girls saw that it was Skyler and she had the shit beat out of her.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER, YOU…. YOU BASTARD?!?" one of the girls screamed as she tried even more to break the bindings to get to Skyler. The man just laughed "Its futile girl. You can't break those bindings. They are the strongest material not to mention they have a special chemical in them so that you can't use your magic." He said as he began to laugh again and walked out of the room leaving them.

Each of the girls tried their hardest even using their powers and nothing. Finally giving up they hung their heads. "Its no use, whatever they did to Skye they're going to do to us." Aki said. "Don't say that Aki we WILL figure this out and we WILL get out of here." Kyoko said as she turned and looked at Skyler laying on the floor helplessly. 'I hope' she said to herself.

Heero was typing away when he heard something. Looking up he notice Trowa was going throw a bunch of books flipping pages back and forth. "Trowa" He called out. Trowa didn't even look up he continued looking, that was Trowa for ya, he always new what was going on but never looked it. Heero tried again. "Trowa … what is it?" This time Trowa looked up. "Something doesn't make sense." Heero raised an eyebrow at this, he got up and began to walk over to him. This also caused Quatre and WuFei to get up as well. "what doesn't make sense, Barton?" WuFei said. "This here.." Trowa stated as he turned the book so that WuFei and Quatre could see it. "It states there that the girls have one weakness, but it doesn't say what, and here it doesn't say anything at all about a weakness." He said. "so there are two different stories. You know how stories loose parts as they are told." Trowa just looked back down at the books in front of him. He new something wasn't right and he decided to feed that feeling. Getting up he grabbed the two books and left the room. The others looked at him as he walked out. They just decided to go back to work, Hoping that they would get something, anything.

Trowa walked down the hall thinking over and over again about the two stories. "it just doesn't make any sense" he said to himself. He stopped and opened the one book, the book that didn't have any weaknesses listed for the girls. He looked it over and over again, until he noticed something. He quickly opened the book that claimed what the weakness was. He quickly scanned it and then returned to the other book. 'The girls have one acclaimed weakness.' he read aloud and then turned to the other book. 'No weakness was ever found out about the mystic children, but their one strength is known to be something deep inside of them but what exactly it is, is still unknown.' He read to himself. All of a sudden a light clicked on in his head. He had figured it out, quickly ran back to the room where the others were still trying to figure this all out. "I've got it!!" he said as he ran into the room. The guys all stopped and looked up at him. Duo and Quatre both jumped up. "What, what is it?" Quatre said with excitement lacing his words. Trowa quickly set down the books and opened them to the pages he was just on, turning the books for the others to see. WuFei looked down and frowned at what he saw. "Trowa you already showed us these." he said. Trowa nodded. "yes WuFei I know that, but " he said as he pointed to one of the books. "this book says that there isn't any weakness for the 'Mystic Children'." he said, "but it claims that there greatest strength is something hidden. And this one" he said pointing to the other book "claims that they have one weakness." He looked up at the guys. "Don't you get it? There one greatest strength and there only weakness is there friendship and love." This time it was Quatre who looked up confused. "I don't get it, Trowa" he said.

"Straight up the girls gave us there friendship and I'm sure you've all noticed how much they care for each other. Think about it for a minute." Trowa said and the guys all stopped and thought about it. It took about five minutes until Duo jumped. "Oh! I get it." he said. "Well…" WuFei said getting really agitated. "Well its just like what Trowa was saying. Well there greatest strength is friendship and trust, like how much they love and care for each other give them the power and strength to go on and fight. But if you take away that power then it becomes there weakness." Duo explained. Heero and WuFei were both impressed with Duo for once he actually sounded like he knew what he was talking about. "So… say one of them is hurt, that would enrage the others which in turn would cause their powers to all weaken. " Trowa nodded "From my understanding of it yea." WuFei nodded at it "So in other words we need to find the girls and help them anyway possible before one of them gets seriously injured." They others all nodded. "Ok so lets get to work." and with that the guys all split up to go and find someway of tracking down the girls anyway they could.