He's different now. He's not the same - he's not the same Mark from before. Something has changed and it worries me…


I could feel their eyes on me intense and calculating - I could almost hear their identical thoughts: He's too thin. He's so pale. And the one that baffled him the most…Why? Roger had asked him the very question that morning.

"Why are you doing this, Mark?" and for the first time, his eyes revealed raw emotion. "Why?"

He couldn't answer that morning and he certainly couldn't answer at the present moment, which is why he ignored the stares that followed him as he stood up to leave the loft. He could hear his friends calling out to him, but he walked on.

His friends. How ironic that it should be them who were staring at him with…pity. He couldn't bear pity.


Why am I the witness
And when I capture it on film
Will it mean that it's the end
And I'm alone…