The Orgasm

Ryou collapsed into his king sized bed and let his face sink into the pillow. He remember how he used to sigh and groan about the thought of love but know as he thought of it, he began to giggle. Love. It was such a silly thing. And yet, it was truely wonderful.

He pulled the covers down and slid beneath them. The cotton sheets were cold on his warm legs and sent a soft shiver up his spine. He reached over and turned off the lamp and room collapsed into sudden darkness. He let out a small breath. He thought of Bakura soemwhere deep inside his mind. He hadn't spoke much and now he was completly silent. But Ryou didn't care. He was glad Bakura was being quiet and keeping to himself for once.

Ryou closed his eyes to sleep. Minutes ticked by as Ryou tossed and turned. Sleep seemed impossible. Then boredom took over. Ryou didn't feel like getting up. He was tired, yet unable to sleep. He shut his eyes when he found a comfortable postion and relaxed. He was beginning to doze off and hardly noticed his hand had slid inside his pants. He smiled to himself. "Silly Ryou," He thought. He touched himself gently, letting the feeling soak in. Eventually, the feeling had gotten too much to handle, and the pants just had to go.

He slid out of the pants and let them fall from the edge of the bed with a plop. He sighed. feeling very relieved and ready for more. He pushed the blankets off of him and let a whoosh of cold air touch his heated body. His back slightly arched and he felt an orgasm coming on. His hand slid up from the base of his manhood to the very tip and slid back down. Then again. And again. Then faster. His hand worked all over his sensitive areas. His hand trembled slightly and he worked it over his aroused area. He was close to cumming now. He felt a pressure buidling up inside him and the his body heat had become unbearable. His hand worked strenuosly as he eyes rolled back then closed and he arched his hard into his hand. He gasped quietly and as he felt his essence leave himself. He grited his teeth and let it pour out over his hand, feeling it drip along his fingers.

He groaned as his back hit the bed and his muscles began to relax. He lungs gasped for sweet oxygen and his body no longer trembled suddenly. After cleaning himself off with a near-by tissue he closed his eyes and let sleep take him. This time he had no problem entering his world of dreams.

Inside his head Bakura snickered. "Nice cumming. I believe that surprisingly was your best yet. Congradulations."

Ryou grinned weakly in his sleep. During his orgasm Bakura's voice had only echoed in the background as he pictured Mariks hand replacing his own and Mariks tender voice calling him to come. How he longed for his imgination to be real.