Angels Fall First

Chapter 1: Love Untold

Ryou P.O.V.

The morning light woke me from my slumber, and i gave a huge yawn. I still felt tired, uterly exhausted, Bakura must have ran my body to it's limits last night. I searched for him inside my soul, and I felt he was there, but he lay dormant, he was most likely still sleeping. I rolled out of bed and stumbled over to the closet to put on my school uniform which hug neatly, ready for wear. On my way to school I stopped by a small store and bought myself a bagel. I felt good today, maybe a little tired, but I felt good.

His lavender eyes met mine as I entered the classroom. I looked down quickly, being the shy boy that I am. I could feel his eyes on me and as much as I wanted them to go away, I wanted to stare back into them. Marik had been my secret crush for almost two months now, or ever since the beginning of school. I didn't think anyone knew I liked him, I tended to keep myself away from crowds and I had no real friends.

I sat in my seat and put my head down. I remembered when I first met Marik. He walked through the door, his purple eyes shining with pride, his plantinem blonde hair brushed smooth. He took my breath away. Thank god the loud giggle of girls hid my gasp. His eyes wandered to mine, and I felt myself blush. Almost every girl in our class switched from following me around to following him, which was a good thing. I wished I could get him alone though, just to talk, but whenever he was alone and I had a chance to speak, I got cold feet. He was too good for me anyway. Why would anyone seriously like a boy like me, what traits do I have to offer?

"Hey Ryou, a little tired I presume?" I opened my eyes and found Marik looking at me, his body turned around and his head rested on the back of the chair in front of me.

I stuttered for a moment. He was so close to me. "U-uhh...Y-yes...I didn't sleep well last night." I pursed my lips. Color rose in my cheeks, I couldn't believe he was actually talking to me!

We sat quiet for a while, but I could feel his eyes still on me. Do I dare look up? I glanced up a bit to look at him. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. His eyes were beautiful. I opened my mouth to attempt to start a so-how-is-it-going kind of conversation, but the school bell rang, and and had to give me a quick 'bye' as he hopped over to his seat on the other side of the classroom.

"Settle down, settle down!" The teacher shouted at the class. Everybody scrambled to their seats to sit down and begin the day. I sighed as I watched him sneak a note from one of his 'girlfriends.' She was probably asking him out for the dance in a few weeks. Every girl was working up their courage to ask him, and every girl wanted to be the one to go with him. He scribbled something on the paper and handed it back.

I wanted him to to go to the dance with me. I wanted to be his boyfriend, not one of those love-sick girls that only liked him because he was drop-dead gorgeous and would probably dump him after they got to sleep with him.

"I could help you." A voice said inside my head. I growled silently. I told Bakura not to speak to me at school, he would get me in trouble. "Not now koe, I'm at school!"

"But I could help you! I can help you get him. I know how bad you want him, I know your deepest, darkest thoughts of him, thoughts you don't even know you're thinking."

"Nooo..." I called to him in my mind, "If i'm going to get him, I want to do it myself, I don't need you to help me!"

I heard him snicker inside my head. "Okay, if you're sure, but if you chicken out one more time at asking him out, i'm taking over you and doing it myself."

"Fine, but I promise you won't have to."

"And if You break that promise?"

"If I break the promise...If I break the promise I'll let you take over and you can drown yourself with sweets and watch all the horror movies you want ON a school night. Deal?"


This is my first ever Bakura and Marik fic, cause I have never done a yugioh one before, and I felt I needed to start on it. Please review and tell me if this chapter was any good, and i'll update. Thankies!

koe voice (ryou calls bakura ' koe or a voice' in the japanese version, he doesnt refer to him as 'yami', though i do like yami as a term)