FanKnight: Well this is my first Golden Sun Fan Fiction in awhile, after the white knight thing I decided to take a different approach and thanks to one of my favorite singers I now have the inspiration for a complete plot! So here it goes!

Isaac: Fan Knight does NOT own Golden Sun!

Mia: Nor Does he own the following song later on in this story, or any of the songs unless other wise stated! ENJOY!


The City of Vale, a metro of Business, Music and Learning, a rusting and old volts wagon could be seen from the side walks of the city's suburbs as it seemed quiet out of place.

The driver of the car smiled as the volts wagon pulled into a drive way where a moving van was parked ahead.

"We're here." A strong voice said softly to young teen girl. The girl in turn nodded, a frown upon her soft cherry colors lips. Azure eyes wavered through the dusted and worn glass of the car.

"I know you didn't want to move Mia….but it's for the best." The male voice sounded again, the girl, Mia, just nodded removing her self from the car, she clutching her dark blue pack tightly, her only possessions inside it safely.

"Why here Dad? Why mom's city?" She asked softly to her self, having gotten her father's answer several times before. The young woman of sixteen walked through the empty house she would stay for as long as she needed. It was a large house, oak floors that would shine once cleaned; it brought back memories of her old house and life.

She sat upon the stairs, starring into the blue skies as the moving men carried their furniture into the new house, her father supervising as he was well into his retirement years.

Her light blue hair was pulled into a tight pony tail, her attire much casual as it only consisted of a shirt and jean shorts, the shirt reading 'Music the breath of life'. It was one of the gifts she'd gotten before she had left her old life.

Her eyes flickered as something or rather some one caught her eye, a boy no older if not a year older then her self strolled by. His golden blonde hair spiking in every which way she seemed to be mesmerized as she found him almost god like. He seemed so perfect, his face strong but gentle, his eyes were the color of the sky a dark blue that she found oh so attractive.

"See you've found Isaac." A female voice said softly. Mia's gaze was broken as she looked up to find a girl about her age smiling down at her. Her dark red hair and cinnamon colored eyes seemed to bring warmth to Mia's very soul.

"O-oh I…I…" Mia began, her face flushed as the girl laughed sweetly. "It's ok, everyone ogles him. I'm Jenna by the way, I live just next door." She said smiling still.

Mia too smiled, as she glanced at Isaac's slowly retreating figure. "He lives two houses down." Jenna said, breaking Mia's thoughts, her own question answered before even asked.

Mia gave a nervous smile before giving a long sigh, she knew such a boy would never find some one like her attractive. "He's taken isn't he?" She murmured lightly, Jenna just smiled still.

"Yes, by his work." Mia gave a hopeful smile and held out her hand. "My names Mia, It's nice to meet you Jenna." Jenna grinned before taking the other girls hand. "You like music?" She asked referring to the bluenette's shirt.

"I love music…I sing a little but I'm not very good…" She said blushing a little before rubbing the back of her neck. "You SING!" Jenna shouted, her face that of a child who'd just gotten the best birthday gift of all. "You just HAVE to join my band!" The red head shouted, grabbing Mia's wrist before dragging her away.

Mia in slight shock could only shout to her father as she left the house, "I'm going out!" She never heard her father answer ok, before she was shown a garage. Jenna grinned almost evilly as three other girls sat in the garage. "Girls, I found us a Vocal!"

The three girls blinked, just starring at Jenna for a second before inspecting Mia like she was a piece of meat.

"I don't know Jenna…she doesn't look like a rock singer to me." A short blonde girl said as she rose from her seat behind a drum set. Her lavender eyes eyed Mia up and down as she circled her. "She isn't really dressed for the part either…" She murmured as she thought.

The remaining two females nodded looking Mia up and down as well.

Jenna merely rolled her eyes and smiled at Mia, "Mia, I'd like you to meet, Sheba our drummer." Jenna said as she gestured to the blonde drummer. Sheba just glanced at Mia, still not sure she would fit in. "Feizhi our Bass player." The purple haired girl just blinked and then looked at Jenna in slight confusion. "And finally our manager, and my brother girl friend Hama." The older female just raised an eyebrow at the two girl and waited for what would come next.

"Hello…it's…nice to meet you all." Mia said in a soft quiet voice. She was shy, her face red as each of the girls eyed Mia carefully. Mia kept her eyes firmly set on the ground.

Jenna smiled before clearing her throat to break the silence. "Ok then! Time to give Mia the test!" Jenna said grinning at Mia who was now blinking in confusion. "Jenna…wait I don't even know if I…" Jenna just grinned at Mia before handing her a sheet of paper, there lay a line of music and a line of lyric, it seemed simple enough. "Oh…alright…I'll give it a try…" She said reading over the one line, she paid close attention to the key signature, and the mood she had to set. With a deep breath she looked at each of them as Jenna picked up her guitar smirking now.

Hand shaking, she slowly took the microphone Hama gave to her, smiling nervously as Hama smiled back. Gulping and taking a deep breath she nodded to Jenna who nodded to her band.

Jenna began by playing a few notes, Feizhi coming in with a strong cord as Sheba came in quietly at first then set the beat and tempo, Mia licked her lips before shutting her eyes, she could hear the music in her head now, see the notes float about and then opening her eyes she found that Hama had switched the papers to find the full song in her hands. Heart racing her que came quickly, and with it her voice broke through the rock band like a gun shot.

"People like to shake you up and put you down." Her voice carried, it seemed almost angelic at first until she put some attitude into it, her body beginning to move to the beat, her hands clutching the microphone now she held the paper tightly as she continued, Jenna's parents coming out to see who was singing with such a spirit.

" Run you all around, drive you crazy…"

"Like to steal the roses right out of your bed, Get inside your head, drive you crazy"

"Never really knew what love could be, yeh, yeh, yeh"

"Never really thought about you and me, yeh, yeh, YEH"

"Crazy ….. I really wanna go crazy! Feel like I'm gonna go crazy"

"oh uh oh."

"Crazy….. I really wanna go crazy Feel like I'm gonna go crazy"

Mia stopped, opening her eyes she breathed hard as the music stopped mid song. She looked at the other girls to see them grinning at Mia, who smiled. She'd never felt so alive, singing at school, or at church had never done that to her.

Jenna's parents began to clap drawing Mia's attention, her face turning red as the boy from before had stopped at the side walk. A smile on his face he was clapping to, the movers, and soon the entire band was applauding.

With a blush on her face she took a small bow, her eyes shimmering as the boy, Isaac smiled yet again and continued on his way home.

Mia turned to see Jenna smiling at her, she began to grin as she held out a jean jacket. "I hope this fits…" She said as Mia took it slowly, it was of good quality, stitched on the back was the name of the band, in dark almost blood red letters lay stitched 'Fem Flares' The symbol for female under the name in flames. Smiling Mia slowly slipped on the Jacket, it was a little big but nothing she couldn't grow into. "Thank you." She said, blinking only moments later as Jenna hugged her.

"No…thank you." Jenna pulled away laughing a little, "Guess you better be getting back to your house, you have some unpacking to do." Mia blinked having forgotten all about her move, she felt like she had known these girl her entire life. "Oh, how long was I gone?" She asked Jenna a slight frown on her face.

Sheba smiled looking at the clock, "About an hour." She said looking at Hama who was busy inspired with a song now.

Mia blinked, "An hour! Oh no!" She almost shrieked before running from the garage, waving back as the other girls waved good bye. She ran back to her house, where the lights were shinning brightly as the sun had already begun to set. She smiled as he opened her new house door. 'Maybe things won't be so bad here…' She thought looking next door, through a lit window to see a shirt less Isaac scratch his head looking for something. 'Not bad at all…' she thought blushing before going into her new home, she had a story for her father, one she would think he'd like.


FanKnight: Well please read and review! I'll be typing up the second chapter soon! But I always enjoy comments!