Chapter 2... (Enjoy)...Avoid if you aren't partial to T scenes

Thankyou to Stardust03, Salena99 and Alley-oop for reviewing chapter1.


Rapeaholic354 says: a beautiful work of art, I have printed and framed it in my room,.

Lolylicker128 says: I haven't cried this much since Titanic. A moving masterpiece.

Master of Rapists43says: The writing is incredible and the storyline is compelling. Rape has never been so great!

Bibleboy says:how dare you defile these characters. You make me weep for the human race. If this was a book i'd pay good money to see it burned!

(Please note these reviews are fictional!)



He stared blankly at the derelict ceiling. A sickening sensation swirled around his stomach, like it was being compressed. The guard poked his arm with some instrument and his elbow suddenly went numb. "Done," the guard said, pulling a needle briskly out of Jak's flesh. The rubbery straps on his wrists and ankles were loosened.

"Take him back to the cell, I won't need him again 'till tomorrow."

Jak was dumped down on the cell floor. He could smell strong, burning alcohol off the guards, sometimes he could smell another prisoner's blood, it was nauseating. The tests they brought him to were daily, yesterday's was some guard staring at his teeth like they were pure diamonds then making him rinse out his mouth with a pungent fluid.

Jak dreamed constantly now of Sandover as he spent his days thinking about it, He had been captured here and isolated for about 2 months. The landscape was so wonderful, he was free, the sky and sea were clear and bright and he was with Daxter and Keira and the villagers. Jak would wake up from his Sandover reverie and heavy disappointment smothered him when he saw his confines again. He sometimes felt he was being watched on his own.

A guard walked in uneasily to the files room. He browsed for a file that was listed for the Dark Warrior Program, a dark eco experiment. The details were that the subject was teenage, male and had great eco channelling abilities. Some other guards mentioned the boy, what he was being used for and what he looked like. They anticipated his arrival. Someone tipped the Baron off that he would be coming.

Early afternoon, Jak was dragged to the huge testing room. He was astounded when they brought him to a stop at a brown door just outside it. "Go in," the guard commanded. Jak looked at him. "I said go in, idiot." Jak went, eyes looking out the ground. The place was cold and silent, when the door banged shut. "OK, It's toilets," He thought. "Was this to go for some kind of test?" He glanced in the mirror.

"No, it's a trap," he thought sarcastically. He went into the nearest cubicle. He breathed relief when he saw no one there, being still uneasy. He opened the door again, 5 minutes later. He was face to face with a guard. The guard grabbed his arm. Jak was racked with fear.He pulled his arm back and slammed the cubicle door in the man's face.The door rattled and shuddered and he realised how flimsy it was. He shoved his weight against the door, pleading it would work. He was blasted back, the guard grabbed him by the neck and punched him repeatedly. Jak was dizzy with the pain.

He was pulled out of the cubicle like a rag doll and his face stopped inches from being smashed into the sink. He was shaken, mind blurred with frantic fear. The man was holding him down. He said something like, "Pity you're so young."

The guard brought him to the testing room a while later. No eyes were raised at how shaken he looked or how his clothes were messed. The guard seemed to hold his breath when he took Jak's heartbeat. The tests and the room seemed interminable. Jak was aware of excruciating pain.