Shippo winced as everyone watched the tiger's energy drain to death. Once his last breath was expelled, he declared Kagome victor. Rubbing her neck, Kagome had the plants drop Lord Yuuki's corpse. She unsheathed Junsui and hobbled over. Reviving the tiger, she answered his unspoken question, "You know your people the best. You are the best person to lead them. I just hope we can be friends and if not that, allies."

Shippo ran towards Kagome, "Great job. I knew you could do it."

Kagome smiled tiredly at him and closed her eyes, slumping into his embrace.

Harry closed the curtains, Kagome managed to bring that demon back from the dead with that sword. "Sirius…" He mentally swore that he would question Kagome about it as soon as he could.

Shippo held his mother worriedly; her neck was already turning colours from the strangulation. Sesshoumaru eyed his replacement and told Shippo to take her to her bed; proclaiming that she was merely tired from the fighting and the subsequent reviving. The kitsune entered the Gryffindor Tower and went to the couch where he gently laid her down and kissed her forehead. Once he pulled back, Shippo got to see her forehead glow and the crescent moon that marked her as the new Lord of the West. He pulled out her palm and noted that that mark had turned a shade lighter than her skin; it wasn't completely gone but it was really hard to spot. Taking the first aid kit, that Kagome liked to leave laying about the common room, he began to treat the scrapes, focusing most of his attention on her dislocated shoulder.

Morning came too quickly for the miko and she groaned. Her body felt like it was run though a wood chipper and glued back together. Easing her body up with her good arm she took stock of her injuries. 'Shippo must have taken care of me after the trials. He's a good boy.'

But she knew she had to get up and ready. She had to get dressed for the day. It was a Wednesday and this meant she had a long day to deal with. Snape already disliked her for what happened that first day she had detention she didn't want to give him another reason to doc points from the house.

Labouring with her buttons of her blouse, she managed to get the last one buttoned as the first of the other Gryffindor girls started to wake up. Hermione and the other 6th years only caught a glimpse of Kagome's back. Lavender Brown sighed as she began brushing her hair for the morning, "She doesn't socialize with us. Does she think that she is better than us?"

Hermione gave the girl a cold stare, "Just because you two aren't on speaking terms doesn't mean she doesn't socialize."

Lavender laughed, "Of course, she is pinning after Harry Potter and follows your group around like a puppy. But she was leading poor Neville on. Is he to act as a stand-in for Harry?"

Hermione's gaze darkened and she slapped the witch, "Lavender Brown. I suggest you shut your mouth on what you don't understand."

The prefect then stalked towards the prefect bathroom so that she could have private time to calm down while she prepared for the day.

The miko shifted her bag with her potion supplies further up her good arm. Today she was grateful she had that hour break between Potions and Herbology. As Kagome walked towards the Dining Hall she realised that she was very much not in the mood to eat her throat was still really painful from the night before. She hasn't had a chance to look at a mirror to weigh the extent of the damages. But she could gather from the hoarse feeling that it was fairly bad. 'Better just skip breakfast and just have a tea instead.' Thankfully the breakfast hall was empty save for teachers. Even Shippo, Sesshoumaru and the two lords were missing. "They returned to Japan earlier this morning. Shippo didn't want to wake you because you seemed so tired from last night."

Kagome nodded and Dumbledore continued, "I see by the mark on your forehead you were successful in the trials; Congratulations, New Lord of the West."

Bowing her thanks, she sat down and had the warm cup of tea with honey first. She winced a little at the sting but still managed to finish her drink.

The other students all started filing in as Kagome began her second cup of tea. Each progressive sip making her throat feel a little bit better. Her neck was still sore but she felt she could now speak without feeling like she just got punched in the throat.

"Kagome!" Hermione smiled as she trotted over to join the miko who was still sipping tea.

The miko looked up and greeted the younger witch. Sighing when she heard Hermione's gasp at the bruising, Kagome readied herself for explanations. But before she could explain things to Hermione, Harry came in and interrupted, "How did you bring that tiger back from the dead last night?"

Kagome looked at him surprised as he continued, "I saw you last night. That demon was choking you. But those plants came out from the green house and killed him. I saw him get run through. You brought him back with that sword."

Kagome nodded, "In my hands "that sword" as you call her can bring the dead back to life. In any other hands, Junsui can only cut like a normal sword."

Hermione interrupted, "Last night?"

Kagome turned to her friend and smiled gently, "The trials."

Her eyes widening in understanding, Hermione zoomed in on Kagome's forehead where the crescent moon of the West now stood. "Congratulations, Kagome. That must be such an amazing honour to be one of the youngest lords of the west."

The new lord blushed and rubbed the back of head, "Let me tell you it was a little scary. And still is. I'm going to have to go back during the winter holidays to get to know the land once again and the people. And I'm certain Sesshoumaru-nii-sama left me a lot of paperwork to do."

Hermione smiled and sat down next to Kagome, "I'm sure that isn't completely true. But how long will the bruising take to heal? It must be difficult that you cannot heal your injuries you sustained during the trails."

The miko nodded and ran a gentle finger along her neck, "Hurts to speak. Yuuki-sama must have bruised some deep tissue when he was trying to strangle me."

The arrival of the Owl post distracted them. Hermione picked up her normal copy of Daily Prophet and peered at the cover page. Kagome's face was splashed on the covers about her new lordship standing.

Before she could comment on it she had to help Kagome against a flock of overzealous owls who were all trying to deliver their letter first.

The miko picked the first one on the pile and began to examine the envelope. "Cornelius Fudge. Prime Minister of Magic. Why is he and so many other people writing me?"

Hermione plopped her copy of the Prophet in front of Kagome to a picture that appeared to have been taken at the beginning of the ceremony. "This is probably why. You probably have people congratulating you, some hoping to form connections, or cursing you for being traitor and joining on the side of demons."

"How did they get this picture? No one who was part of the trials had a camera."

Looking closer, Kagome read the name of the photographer under the picture. Her eyes narrowed and her glare went straight for a 5th year Gryffindor. Colin looked up and caught the glare. Once Kagome had eye contact, she headed over to the boy, "Why did you do this?"

The 5th year wilted under her glare, "I-i-I I was as-s-sked to by one of the demons. Th-e-e-e white one."

Kagome growled to herself and let the Creevy boy drop from her grip. Slumping back into her seat she muttered, "I guess that was one way of him ensuring I go back to Japan willingly."

Making a small noise, Hermione waited for more clarification, which the new Lord explained rubbing her forehead in frustration. "So you made a deal to return to Japan during the winter holidays?"

Kagome nodded at the conclusion the witch drew. Harry frowned when he overheard the conversation. She was going to leave him? He knew he did have Cho and shouldn't care about her but he couldn't help the part inside of him protesting the idea of being separated from her.

Opening the letter from the minister she proceeded to scan the contents which apparently included him meeting with her the next day during Defence against the Dark Arts. Hermione spoke up again, "Will you be returning?"

The resulting silence was answer enough. "No! I'm not going to let you go."

The miko looked at Harry, "What do you mean you aren't going to let me? You are not my master, Harry Potter. Besides you should keep a better eye on your girlfriend. Remember her? Cho Chang. She's at the Slytherin table talking to Draco."

Harry turned towards their table and sure enough Cho was sitting there talking to Malfoy. The Ravenclaw, sensing her boyfriend's gaze, looked up and waved. After saying good bye to Malfoy she hurried over to Harry. "What were you doing with that chit?"

"He was merely curious about some of Japanese customs since my grandmother is Japanese he thought it best to ask me. He's going there for winter holidays."

At the reminder of winter holidays, Harry looked back at where Kagome was only to discover that she took advantage of his distraction and left the table. Giving Cho a quick peck, he apologized but expressed the need to speak with Kagome. "What does she have that I do not? She seems to attract your attention lately. I've seen you look at her."

"She has a way to bring the dead back to life. I want to find out more."

Whatever Cho was expecting that was most certainly not it. If she had a way to bring the dead back, could she bring back Cedric? Perhaps she needed to treat the priestess kinder.

Kagome winced when she felt someone grab her bad arm and turn her. Her eyes narrowed at Harry, she easily guessed what he wanted to talk to her about, "Who did you want to be brought back?"

At his expression, she laughed that same ugly laugh she did with that frog youkai; she fought ages ago, "Don't take me for an idiot, Harry-san. You come up to me and the first thing you ask is not about my injuries but about the fact I brought someone from the dead. It's not hard to put two and two together. But, Harry-san, you know I can't bring your parents back. It's been too long. I'm sure they have crossed over."

"No, no not them. It's my godfather. Sirius Black, he died at the end of last school year."

Kagome bit her lip, she was certain that it may be too long unless he had a reason to linger. "Harry, it may be too late to bring him back. But if you can take me to his body I can try."

Frowning, he mentioned that they never recovered his body from that curtain. "You mean to tell me drapery killed a man? I may be able to help if I could get to the curtains. If you could not recover a body he may be trapped in between worlds. He may not be dead at all, just transported somewhere else. Black-san may merely be stuck there and only appear to be dead here."

Feeling a blossoming of hope in his chest, a feeling he hasn't felt since before Sirius died, "So if you can get to the curtain you can bring him back?"

Kagome nodded, "It's a big if. It depends on what was on the other side of this curtain. And if he hasn't crossed over."

At even the promise of possibly seeing his beloved godfather again, he couldn't help but throw his arms around the miko and embrace her. She stiffened at the pain that raced through her body and when he let go she slid bonelessly to the ground, "owww…"

Quickly, he remembered her fight last night, "Oh shit, I'm so sorry, Kagome. I forgot for a second. Are you hurt badly?"

Sending him a reassuring smile, Kagome looked around trying to figure out the least painful way to get back to her feet. "I need some help up, please."

Hermione walked down the hall hoping to catch Kagome before the masses arrived to Potions, only to stumble upon the sight of Kagome in Harry's arms, the boy wizard was blushing a little at how close the two were.

Kagome was the first to come to her senses and stepped out of Harry's embrace, "Thank you for the help up."

"What happened?"

Flinching at the unexpected voice, Kagome quickly explained that she had fallen and Harry helped her up. The witch arched an eyebrow, not believing the story but willing to put it aside for now.

The group was interrupted when Ron came storming in, "Hermione, you hit Lavander. Why the bloody hells did you do that for?"

Hermione stiffened she had to deal with Lavander's preening and now this. "So Lavander went crying to her 'Won-won'. She deserved it, speaking of something she knew nothing about."

Harry watched stunned as Hermione shot a bat bogey hex at Ron and ran off. Kagome looked at the two and muttered 'boys' before dashing after Hermione only to find her in the girls' restroom wiping away furious tears. "I don't know why I did that."

Kagome smiled sadly, "I do. And he's an idiot. But, Hermione, why did you hit Lavander?"

Hermione scrubbed the rest of her tears away, "I suppose you are going to tell me I over-reacted. But I couldn't let her get away with saying those things about you especially not knowing you."

Blinking owlishly, Kagome couldn't help but point to herself mutely. "Yes, you; she said you were leading Neville on and that you became mine and Ron's friend as an excuse to get close to Harry. That you were pining after him."

Kagome's sad smile returned, "Hermione, you don't have to fight for me. I appreciate it though. Nice to see we have become such good friends. But I should tell you this. The reason I was brought here was to keep me safe. Naraku's regained his memories of his past life when Voldemort's body was recreated. And with that comes his memories of me. Shippo and Sesshoumaru were worried he'd try to return to Japan and kill me for being the 'descendent' or 'reincarnation' of the priestess who killed him all those years ago. Harry is involved in all of this because he's InuYasha's reincarnation. I guess in both of his lives, I'm not good enough."

Catching the witch's attempt to refute the argument, "It's okay. I understand that my soul is trying to find the similarities to InuYasha, something that isn't fair to either party. But sadly enough, I do like Harry, regardless of his connections to InuYasha. But I'm not going to act upon them. As for Neville, I refuse to put him in any situation. He is a good man and deserves someone who would love him wholly. Not one who has part of her heart devoted to an egotistical hanyou. No matter what happened, I still love InuYasha. But I do find Neville a good friend. Plants love him which means he's good in my book."

Hermione blinked at that random assertion of Neville's worth, before she remembered that Kagome seemed to be connected to flora.

The two girls looked at each other before giggling at the absurdity of their conversation. Sobering up, "You know that Harry does fancy you. He's just being a stubborn git because you were friendly with Neville."

Kagome did not reply merely stating that they should get to Potions before they were stuck next to some Slytherins.

Harry couldn't get out of his mind the possibility of being reunited with Sirius again. This inattentiveness cost him yet another day of no marks and additional homework from Snape. Grumbling to himself, he packed up his ingredients and went to Transfiguration. He wanted to stop by and thank Kagome again but when he went to speak to her she was being accosted by Malfoy. Before he could rescue her, Kagome was nodding and giving one of those fake smiles that dazzle the room.

As soon as Malfoy left the room, Kagome dropped the smile and grumbled to herself in Japanese.

"I know what you are playing at, but the game's afoot."

"What did Malfoy want?"

Kagome jumped slightly at the unexpected interruption. "Jeez Harry, don't scare me like that. But Malfoy was apologizing for how he treated me earlier and wanted me to apologize to Shippo for everything. He also invited me to spend some of the holidays with his family when they are in Japan."

Harry could feel the beast in him growl and protest the action but Kagome shook her head, "I'm certain he has some connection to Naraku. I need to learn more about his plans."

With that Kagome walked off her mind still going over all that's happened in the day.

Kagome tapped her chin with her pen as she read through the passage about Felix Felicis jotting down notes on how dangerous it can be if incorrectly made and how the potion is banned at all sporting events. Looking up at Hermione, who was scanning a book filled with the theory that the type of honey may have an effect on the potency of the potion. The theory that orange blossom honey being most effective is what the witch understood from it.

"Oh no, we are late! The first match should be starting any moment." Hermione realizing the time quickly closed her book and both she and the miko packed up and checked out their references out and took them to the Gryffindor Tower before scurrying to the Quidditch Pitch.

The two girls sat down next to Neville; who turned pink at having Kagome sit next to him; Luna and Hagrid. All eyes went to field as the teams flew out to thunderous applause.

At another part of a figure leaned closer to the potion he was pouring into a bottle of mead, ensuring that not a drop spilt along the outside before magically resealing it.

Yes I am starting to bring a little of the 6th book back into the story. I probably won't include the Hogsmede and the cursed jewel incident.

No I'm not dead, Yes, I am super-busy, No I will NOT be giving any of my children up for adoption. I graduate on December 10 at 1pm so yeah I'm rushing around getting ready for that on top of my internship that finally ends on December 3rd. Now I'm job hunting and wow'ing on my downtime.

Random factoid: Oranges are considered to be a lucky fruit that is why I chose the Orange blossom honey for the Felix Felicis potion.