HELLO, fellow Saw lovers! Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday and New Year. This is my first attempt at a Saw fanfiction, although I've been a fan for a while now. I realize that my story may not appeal to everyone, since it deals with a possible relationship between Daniel and Amanda. Why them? I honestly don't know..I just like to do things that are different and after watching Saw II a zillion times, it kinda hit me. So yes'm, if relationships that deal with underage peoples bothers you then please don't get too into my story, for there is a huge chance that this will happen. My story also contains spoilers/references to Saw II so if you have not seen the film, then you might not want it to be spoiled. So yeah, that's all the warnings I can think of..don't forget to review and thank you for reading my sort introduction chapter. )


Chapter One: "Chosen"

A trembling finger anxiously rolled over the top of the cheap lighter, sparking a flame that was used to light the cigarette pressed between his lips. He took a huge intake of the soothing tobacco, the smoke burning his lungs as he held it in and relaxed his tense muscles, savoring the feeling. Daniel Matthews leaned his back up against the wall, blowing out the smoke and taking another deep drag, smiling softly at the warming sensations he was receiving from the cigarette now resting in his fingers. It was amazing how such a terrible habit was the only thing left to bring him such comfort..after everything that had happened. Shivers ran down his spine. No..he shouldn't be thinking of this..not now. But was it really possible for him to just forget the fact that he'd not only stared death in the eyes, but taken the life of another human being for the sake of..Daniel's heart skipped a beat. Amanda. He could still couldn't remember anything after killing Xavier with the rusty hacksaw that was lying at his side..nothing, except waking up in the safe, unaware of how he'd come to be there. Daniel took another drag from the cigarette, absently flicking some ashes to the side, his eyes fixed on his shoes as though they were interesting. He could still remember Detective Kerry staring at him, her mouth agape, her gun raised out before her..it was something he'd only tried to erase from his memory. He could still see himself breaking away from any questioning from Kerry or her fellow cops, attempting to gain his strength and make a run for it. The police had never gotten him to talk..and he still didn't want to do such a thing. That whore had ruined his parents marriage and she expected him to help her win this case against Jigsaw? Right, like that was going to happen. Leaning further against the wall, Daniel let out a long breath, clearing his lungs of the smoke he'd been holding in. It was amazing how after the death of his father, he still couldn't hold the blame on the same killer who had captured him three months ago. Headlines had confirmed, or so Daniel believed, that his father had died in the crash that had resulted that terrible night. Jigsaw had escaped, fled the scene and police still hadn't managed to catch him. The van he had been in caught fire and the remains were dumped into the ocean..yet no body of his father, Eric Matthews. He figured he'd been lost in the ashes and that was that..never did he imagine that the very woman he continued to think of everyday had locked him away to rot. Daniel tossed the remains of his cigarette aside and stomped thoroughly on it before gathering up his bookbag and setting off for his mothers. It wasn't as though he didn't mourn his fathers passing..he just had so much pent up hatred for him that that had seemed to dull some of the pain. But, that wasn't saying these passing months had been easy..far from it. Daniel had picked up some nasty habits, smoking being one that he seemed to enjoy a little too much. Another..cutting. His mother had sent him to therapist after therapist for the tramatic shit he'd been through but nothing could shake it..and nothing could stop him from slashing his arms repeatedly..and he wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. He wouldn't call himself suicidal..he just wanted to feel pain..he wanted to see himself bleed. It was his only form of release and the only way he wanted to free himself. Daniel shifted his heavy bag onto his left shoulder, attempting to relieve his right of the aching from the weight that had been put on it previously. He just wanted to get home..he was dead tired and he felt awful, his vision blurred from the lack of sleep he so desperately needed. But repeated nightmares and the fear of waking up in that house kept him from a sound rest, and rightfully so. How could he not be absolutely ruined from that? It wasn't like he could pretend it didn't happen..it was always there..that voice..that deep, sadistic voice speaking their fate..the poison eating at his insides, the continuous taste of blood in his mouth, the way he'd killed Xavier, all the blood soaking his trembling hands, the feeling of Amanda's muffled cries against his back..his stomach dropped suddenly, as it did everytime he thought of her. He wanted to know that she was okay, that she had made it out alive..that was all. It would continue to eat at him until he found out. But, he knew nothing..only her first name and that she was the only, besides himself, that had survived one of Jigsaw's deadly games. Why the fuck couldn't he remember leaving that bathroom? What had happened?


Darkness had fallen over the city like a plague, the deep shadows clinging to every corner, the bright moon her only source of light as she silently crept through the night. Her breath froze in the evening air as she made her way back towards the warehouse she called her home, her body numb from the cold. Amanda attempted to rub her arms rapidly with her gloved hands, somehow hoping that this motion would warm her, though she soon found that it did absolutely nothing. With an annoyed grumble, she pulled the large, metal sliding door to the side to allow her entrance into the warehouse, her eyes scanning the place for her mentor. He couldn't have gone too far, he was in a wheelchair for heavens sake. Amanda pulled off her jacket and tossed it to the side, ignoring the dust that went flying as she threw it onto an old desk. This place was pretty disgusting but it wasn't like it really mattered. This was just how John liked it..no interruptions, no real chance of their work being found..nothing. Of course, that meant no heat either, much to her dismay.

"Back already I see?" Amanda jumped slightly at the deep voice that sounded from behind her, blinking rapidly in the darkness before turning around to find John smiling softly at her.

"Not before finding out where he lives now," she stated, tugging on her gloves. "3155 Northcrest Drive..he's staying with his mother but still attending the same high school..seems to have also picked up the nasty habit of smoking and..cutting." Amanda chewed on her bottom lip as she reluctently relayed the news to her mentor, eyeing his face as if looking for a perticular emotion, one that she didn't find.

"Those who are weak often turn to harmful acts, as did you before you learned," John said softly, his eyes twinkling absently as he studied Amanda, who was now picking at her jeans as if they were causing her greatdiscomfort.

"Are you sure bringing him into this is such a good idea? He's only seventeen, he's got a lot to learn.."

"I have made my deicision, Amanda."

"But, he was a pawn, he brought us to Eric, he was never meant to play.."

"But he did. He saved your life, he killed to save you and to save himself. He had a will to live..but his will to live has been buried under his own self pity. Am I mistaken?" John asked, looking up, attempting to catch the eyes of the young woman now wishing to look anywhere but into his. The silence was uncomfortable to Amanda as she pondered the spoken words, staring down at the floor, her eyes tracing the patterns on the wood.

"No..but he was never meant to die, John.."

"But the risk was always there. I tested him, as I did all the others who failed but now it is time for his own test. Second guessing this is not going to change my mind." John may have not sounded it but Amanda knew he was growing irritated in explaining the obvious reasons to her daily. It was becoming a common thing as the day grew closer but nothing ever changed..no matter her arguement, no matter anything. He had once before been nothing more than bait for his father's game, a game that his father had so obviously failed. But now..now Daniel Matthews was chosen to play his own game..and if he was to survive, the same option Amanda once had, would be presented to him..if he survived..and sadly,that would only be the beginning..