Author's Note
And just for Christmas…I'm posting the SEQUEL! I'm so happy to see what great results I had for the first one! Man…I started that one when I was in like 8th grade…that was 2 yrs ago and I stopped workin on it because of little reviews and no input…and now look…175 reviews. And about 40 on AnimeSpiral…wow…you guys are the best!
And I know that this is REAL short but the next chapter will be more of what you all are used to from me okay!
Prologue: Now That We're So Far Away
The hanyou lounged in one of the low branches of the sacred tree, his red haori fluttering in the late spring breeze, his silver hair hanging around him. Reaching into the sleeve of his haori, he pulled out a small, pink sphere, rolling it around in his palm, examining it closely he thought, 'Is there nothing I can do to open the well again, with out the use of you?'
"InuYasha!" came the call of a small kitsune as he stood at the base of the ancient tree, his tail flicking side to side.
"What do you want?" InuYasha questioned, casting his golden gaze towards the ground to lock on to the kitsune's emerald eyes, "I'm in no mood for games today."
"You never are." The kitsune said pointedly.
"Feh." he hanyou snorted, and retreated into his thoughts only to be disturbed once again.
"InuYasha." The young kitsune called once again, "Miroku, Sango and Lady Kaede want to talk to you."
"About what?" InuYasha barked.
"About getting Kagome back." he responded, attempting to climb up the tree to the hanyou's resting place.
"It's been months and we've tried everything we can think of Shippo." InuYasha said, defeat in his tone. It had only been a few months, but with out the young woman he'd come to love so dearly around, he'd almost completely severed all connections with the people around him. He hardly ate, and he'd stay up to ungodly hours due to the fact he couldn't get to sleep. The young hanyou was constantly picking fights with demons as if he had a death wish, yes; with out the young miko around, he was dieing inside.
"You miss her, don't you?" Shippo questioned, looking up towards the hanyou, his emerald eyes sparkling with unshed tears. The day the young miko had disappeared, it had been hard to bare, for almost everyone who knew the young woman.
"Of course I do you idjet." InuYasha said, a hint of softness in his voice as he jumped from the tree, having no desire to fight the small demon and followed him to the small hut in the village at the edge of his forest, the one he and his group had called home for so long.
Word had spread throughout the land that the young legendary reincarnation of the great priestess Kikyou had disappeared. Those who had met her like Nazuna, Nobunaga and Artemis were saddened by her disappearance, but no one was as devastated than the main group she traveled with.
For Shippo, it was like loosing his mother all over again, for he had come to see her as that, a second mother. Miroku and Sango had lost a sister, and a very good friend. Kaede had lost the only young woman she had truly come to see as a daughter or sorts.
But for InuYasha, it had crushed him. He was betrayed 53 years prier and had finally found the woman who could except him for who he was, a half demon. She had no intention of making him change as Kikyou had, she had loved him for who he was, she was his other half; his soul mate and he just couldn't live with out her.
Nearing the small hut, the kitsune ran through the door, not having to raise the dried bamboo mat very high in order to enter.
InuYasha followed, raising the mat and walking in, taking his seat at the corner he'd always sat at. As far as things went after Kagome left, not much changed. The sitting arrangements were still the same within the small hut, only now, the spot Kagome had once occupied was empty.
"So what have you all come up with?" the hanyou questioned, looking toward the small group in front of him.
"Nothing, absolutely nothing." Sighed the young monk, his violet gaze saddened as he looked toward his dear friend. "Nothing you're going to like anyway."
"What do you mean?" InuYasha asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"We've come up with only one logical way for you to see Kagome." Sango said sadly, "And you and Shippo are the only ones who can do it."
"The only thing is, " Miroku explained, "is that you'd have to live up to Kagome's time, and seeing as how Shippo's a youkai and you a hanyou, your life spans are naturally longer than a human's."
"That's 500 years!" The hanyou exclaimed, slamming his fists into the floor boards of the old hut. "There has to be another way."
"If you love her," Kaede said, "You'd be willing to wait."
"It's not that I'm not willing, it's just I don't know if I can." InuYasha said sadly.
"What do you mean?" the slayer questioned.
"Yes you're right, a youkai's life is longer than a human's but each hanyou's differs, there's no set span for us so I don't know if I'd even live long enough to see her again, or at least to the point where she'd know me anyway." InuYasha explained, "And you have to consider all the other factors involved here."
Everyone in the hut gave a defeated sigh, they had come to yet another dead end.
"That leaves is with only one option." InuYasha said, determination in his eyes.
"We can't and you know it, we've been over this before." Miroku said, knowing exactly where this was going.
"Why can't we?" InuYasha questioned, looking around the hut, "We're not gaining any power from it? If it makes you feel better one of you can make the wish." He said the last part pointing towards he monk and slayer.
"He does have a point you know." Sango agreed.
"We'd have to wait before we saw her again." Miroku said, "We'd need to get settled and learn how things work there. That could take a while."
'Does that mean we're going to try though?' InuYasha thought, hope filling his heart. He knew his friends missed the young miko almost as much as he did and not being with her was hurting them as well. Though the hanyou couldn't' help feel a slight stab of spite towards the monk. He still had the woman he loved, he didn't know what it was like to lose the one you were meant to be with, the one you had come to trust completely.
'I promise you Kagome." InuYasha silently vowed, 'When we met again, I will never leave your side, you will never be in danger or alone again, I promise you that.'
"It couldn't hurt to try." Shippo added.
"What do you think Kaede?" Miroku questioned, seeking the advice of the elderly miko next to him.
"I say that if ye child think it's a wise decision," Kaede said, "You should at least try."
As the last of Kaede's statement sunk in, the silver triangular ears atop the hanyou's head shot up, hope filling his eyes.
"So, we're going?" He questioned, his voice like one of a small energetic boy who wants to go out and play.
Nodding, the small group made their way to the well, following the now energetic hanyou.
InuYasha walked towards the well that day, happiness overcame him and he felt something he hadn't in so long; hope. Hope that with one action he could hold the woman of his dreams in his arms, feel her lips on his again, see her smile, feel her gentle touch.
The small group reached the clearing which housed the well and gathered around in a sort of circle.
"Does anyone know how this is suppose to work?" Sango asked.
"Nope." the boys replied.
Taking out the small jewel, InuYasha held it in his hands, concentrating, a small smile across his face as he whispered, "I'm coming Kagome."
With that he put all his thought in to his wish. In a flash of bright light, the Monk, Slayer, Kitsune, Hanyou and Fire cat that had once been standing in the small clearing had vanished, leaving no trace of there existence.
Yet the group forgot the most important detail regarding the Shikon no Tama; Nothing good can ever come from it's use.
They had unleashed a great evil on the unsuspecting citizens of the city of Tokyo, vulnerable to any demon or monster attacks, the people of 500 years in the future unaware of the disaster that would befall them.
Author's Note
I told you it was short….can u guessed what they wished for ? Do you think it worked? What disaster is going to go on? Who's gonna kick ass? Who's ass are you gonna kick if I don't tell you::hides behind tree: well anywho, I better get some major reviews ….. I posted chapter 23, 24 and the epilogue of the last story in just about one weeks time and then the first 2 to this one…man..I will defiantly be taking a break .